Dallas police woman breaks into home of young man and shoots him to death Update: GUILTY of murder

The more I see things like this, the more I understand people gunning down cops in the street.

They've made it very clear they're going to do everything in their power to lie, distort the facts, not follow procedure, etc. to protect "one of their own".

You don't get to say you're a good cop when you let this happen in your department - you are just as guilty, and people will be coming for you, too.

Last night my OG essentially said if she gets off it's a wrap, because then they know if they frame it right they can get away with any and everything.

This is a very important moment.
Last night my OG essentially said if she gets off it's a wrap, because then they know if they frame it right they can get away with any and everything.

This is a very important moment.

If the last couple of posts I made come off as extreme, people need to understand why.

These officers swore an oath to protect and serve. This woman committed a completely unjustifiable murder of an innocent person IN THEIR HOME.

Now, the police have already been caught trying to misinform the public about what happened.

Any other person, in any other profession on earth, would have been brought to justice.

They need to learn, one way or the other, that they will not escape retribution.

It's that simple.
What so crazy about all this is that the lack of accountability is why many ppl don't trust police. We know theres good and bad in everything, but when the bad cops get special protection at the expense of the civilians they are supposed to protect, then it makes the good cops indistinguishable and therefore we can't trust them at all. Abuse of power occured here when the officer murdered an innocent man in his home. And further abuse occurs in delaying and subverting justice from being fairly persued and executed.
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What so crazy about all this is that the lack of accountability is why many ppl don't trust police. We know here good and bad in everything, but when the bad cops get special protection at the expense of the civilians they are supposed to proctect, then it makes the good indistinguishable and therefore we can't trust them at all. Abuse of power occurs in this officer murdering an innocent man in his home. And further abuse occurs in delaying and subverting justice from being fairly persued and executed.

A certain segment of this country treats police officers like Gods for some reason. These aren't highly skilled, highly trained, or even highly educated people AT ALL. Truthfully, I have little emotion towards cop deaths because they live by this b.s. "thin blue line" and protect each other even when THEY KNOW a fellow officer has done wrong.

This trailer park piece of **** needs to be charged with murder and given the death penalty.
Last night my OG essentially said if she gets off it's a wrap, because then they know if they frame it right they can get away with any and everything.

This is a very important moment.
Law in America works in a funny way. If something goes a certain way in court it will be forever cited as the norm. The systematic part of it all is that cases are purposely swayed certain directions to aid the need of “them”. If they lose it’s no big deal but if they win they’ll cite the case over and over again to their benefit
A certain segment of this country treats police officers like Gods for some reason. These aren't highly skilled, highly trained, or even highly educated people AT ALL. Truthfully, I have little emotion towards cop deaths because they live by this b.s. "thin blue line" and protect each other even when THEY KNOW a fellow officer has done wrong.

This trailer park piece of **** needs to be charged with murder and given the death penalty.
Mall cops and cops are the same thing as far as I’m concerned
they live by this b.s. "thin blue line" and protect each other even when THEY KNOW a fellow officer has done wrong.

Sometimes they remind me of nothing more than a street gang, protected by the Constitution. They even have their stupid little flag identifier they put on their personal cars and facebook profile begging for preferential treatment.

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A certain segment of this country treats police officers like Gods for some reason.

That reason is that the police keep the Black folks in line and they can kill without fear of consequences majority of the time.

That's why they don't even care when the brutality happens to other white people. It's a fair trade off as long as the Black people are getting the brunt of it.

You would think after seeing the abuse of power happen to people who look like them they would want change but nope.

They know that change would also benefit every other non-white person.
In this country, the police (Slave Patrols) were originally created to protect the HAVES, and not the HAVE-NOTS.

We know who the HAVES "were" and were know who the have-nots "were."

Capturing, returning, slaves. That is what they did.

So based on the origins, they are still doing their rightful jobs
Reread what you said and tell me you're not shocked H2Hking is the person we are referring to. If there was anyone who wanted to stop racism on NT, you would think it would be him.

i was being sarcastic

bad attempt at comedy? in this thread? ouch

unless he sayin i just wanna be on "the other side" of racism?

which i dont, i dont have that hate in my heart

its funny to me how that gets hung on me tho, that i want to be on "the other side" because im anti racism
To clarify, I wasn’t referring to H2H, I was talking about all these folks talking about killing white folks ect
Most of the bad publicity police officers receive is self inflicted. You would think they'd want bad officers fired or in jail to protect the shield but capping for people that should be in jail hurts your own credibility. What is amazing is that many of these officers involved in this type of action ultimately get fired or severely disciplined for their actions which is disgusting. If an officer deserves to be fired or disciplined after the internal process concludes (see cops in Sean Bell) why protect them?
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