Dallas police woman breaks into home of young man and shoots him to death Update: GUILTY of murder

This woman must have snorted a couple of lines in the parking lot and was zooted out her mind.

Ain't no way you think you at your house and this dude got a bright red doormat and you don't.

This woman was high and delusional and killed a dude sitting in his own house eating cereal and reading a book.
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Anyone that’s lived in an apartment knows just how odd it is being one floor up or one floor down from your own.Everything is different but at the same time it’s the same. It’s like being in the twilight zone. You’d have to be incredibly drunk or on drugs to not notice the massive difference....

This is so true.

Even if you've stayed in a hotel on vacation for a week you can feel the difference if you're on the wrong floor. This bozo actually lived there and is still claiming she didn't realize.
They need to go back and reopen the case of her on duty shooting last year too.

According to an affidavit in the case filed against Perez, police were looking for a suspect when Guyger and another officer were called to assist a third. Perez got out of a car and became combative with Guyger and another officer. A struggle began and Guyger fired her Taser at Perez, who then wrested it away from her. She then drew her gun and fired, wounding Perez in the abdomen.

Guyger was not charged in the 2017 shooting.
My apartment has the auto close doors and a key fob, there is no way possible the door could be slightly opened and still locked. The doors are either open or closed. So many holes in her story but all cops are foul so i wouldn’t be surprised if she slides. Had a long talk with my pops and he’s anti gun but as a black man in the US, i already got a target on my back and all WS are strapped. It’s getting to the point where it’s either them or us, I refuse not being able to defend my self from such evil. As a black man I think owning a legal gun is necessary these days.
Y’all have probably guessed by now, but I am white, middle class, and not anti-cop at all. I don’t like to just group all of any certain group as the same, regardless of what group it is

I understand the outrage from the black community. I haven’t had a negative run-in with the cops since I was in my early 20’s doing dirt

Just want to point out something and Maximus Meridius Maximus Meridius touched on it.

duke40 duke40 what you forgot to mention is that you don’t have any reason to be anti-police.

The police keep your kids safe and more often than not, act in your best interest.

The police will respond to your calls and not question your motives.

The police won’t show up at the house you own and treat you like a criminal in your own home.

There’s actually incentive for you to be pro-police and #bleuelivesmatter.

How old are you? You said the cops haven’t bothered you since your 20’s. I’ve seen pictures of you and you’re at a minimum 40+.

The average minority (not just black person) likely hasn’t been afforded the luxury of saying “I haven’t had a negative run in with the police since I was in my early 20’s”.

Like... let that sink in. The cops haven’t bothered you for at least 20 years. Maybe half of your life. And when they were bothering you, by your own admission, you deserved it. What a concept!

I’m not coming for your neck, Duke (I did that before in another thread lol) but I just wanted to highlight what you said again because it’s astounding when white people enter the discussion and remind everyone that they have the option to both group everyone into a category arbitrarily AND to not group everyone into a category as it suits them.

It’s white privilege and hopefully when people say “F the police as a whole” you don’t try to combat that statement with something as naive as “well all police aren’t bad”... because that’s completely missing the point.
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Just want to point out something and Maximus Meridius Maximus Meridius touched on it.

duke40 duke40 what you forgot to mention is that you don’t have any reason to be anti-police.

The police keep your kids safe and more often than not, act in your best interest.

And that's another thing, we learn as children that the cops are basically our enemy. Cops will pull up in black neighborhoods and be aggressive, verbally abusive and stereotype black kids. A lot of these situations over the last 5-6 years have involved kids.
Just want to point out something and Maximus Meridius Maximus Meridius touched on it.

duke40 duke40 what you forgot to mention is that you don’t have any reason to be anti-police.

The police keep your kids safe and more often than not, act in your best interest.

The police will respond to your calls and not question your motives.

The police won’t show up at the house you own and treat you like a criminal in your own home.

There’s actually incentive for you to be pro-police and #bleuelivesmatter.

How old are you? You said the cops haven’t bothered you since your 20’s. I’ve seen pictures of you and you’re at a minimum 40+.

The average minority (not just black person) likely hasn’t been afforded the luxury of saying “I haven’t had a negative run in with the police since I was in my early 20’s”.

Like... let that sink in. The cops haven’t bothered you for at least 20 years. Maybe half of your life. And when they were bothering you, by your own admission, you deserved it. What a concept!

I’m not coming for your neck, Duke (I did that before in another thread lol) but I just wanted to highlight what you said again because it’s astounding when white people enter the discussion and remind everyone that they have the option to both group everyone into a category arbitrarily AND to not group everyone into a category as it suits them.

It’s white privilege and hopefully when people say “F the police as a whole” you don’t try to combat that statement with something as naive as “well all police aren’t bad”... because that’s completely missing the point.

Whenever a white dude asks “why doesn’t my opinion matter????”........ THIS IS WHY
Kinfolk Kinfolk i agree with almost every word you wrote, and that was kind of my whole point - I will NEVER say someone’s experience with another shouldn’t create views different than mine. As you said, I am in my 40’s and it was by my shady dealings, so not even comparable to what happened here at all. I have been in a car with friends and been pulled over for DWB. The wxcuse used to be “we haven’t seen you around here”. Well, so?

alchemist iq alchemist iq - nah, not white guilt on my part at all. Just reason and logic and common sense - someone does something bad, they get punished. Wouldn’t matter if she was white, black, Asian, Hispanic to me - bad people are bad people and she should go down.
I'm concerned about the smear campaign going on against the victim. This case is pretty open and shut but we all know one of the jurors won't want to find her guilty.

Whenever a white dude asks “why doesn’t my opinion matter????”........ THIS IS WHY

By this reasoning, you can’t tell white people about “white privilege”
because you aren’t white. I don’t care what color I see or am, if it’s wrong, it’s wrong.
And that's another thing, we learn as children that the cops are basically our enemy. Cops will pull up in black neighborhoods and be aggressive, verbally abusive and stereotype black kids. A lot of these situations over the last 5-6 years have involved kids.
Yeah it's important to note that this isn't taught, it's experienced. I guarantee every black person in this thread has had a negative encounter with police not of their own doing.
By this reasoning, you can’t tell white people about “white privilege”
because you aren’t white. I don’t care what color I see or am, if it’s wrong, it’s wrong.
Completely not the same but ok. You got it.
Let's stick to the case and save the white saviorism for another time. Let the folks that are sick and tired be sick and tired without the condescension. Sure there can be some irrationality, but that happens when you're angry with no hope in sight. It's not your job to pick that apart, not in this moment. Keep it moving.
Y’all have probably guessed by now, but I am white, middle class, and not anti-cop at all. I don’t like to just group all of any certain group as the same, regardless of what group it is, and I know that may make some in here angry. That said:

This is murder while breaking and entering, and I believe that comes with a life sentence or death penalty, but I’m not sure. I understand the investigating has to be done, and I understand the outrage from the black community. I haven’t had a negative run-in with the cops since I was in my early 20’s doing dirt, but I can also see where this has to be a conviction or the dynamite is going to be lit. I’m sorry that this happened, not as a white person, but as a DECENT person.
I dont mess with any type of cops...But repped you for being able to recognize the cold blooded murder that this is
Crazy that they’re reporting he had weed at the crib. I’m not convinced she didn’t plant it. And he could’ve had a mountain of coke on his kitchen table like tony Montana had, and it shouldn’t matter. She should be charged with and convicted of murder. Minorities aren’t treated as equal citizens. Don’t see it changing either. I think she’ll be convicted of manslaughter, but wouldn’t be surprised if she skated and ended up with a go fund me for attorney fees with a couple hundred thousand in it.
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