Dallas police woman breaks into home of young man and shoots him to death Update: GUILTY of murder

on the flipside i been peeping tweets and IG posts about this and it seems even the edgy troll SWS are not in the comment sections trying to justify or excuse this one. Surprisingly. This the first time I’ve seen that even they know they got nothing.

The closest thing I’ve seen is when people comment she needs to be shot or go to hell they get in their feelings :lol:
Y’all crazy if y’all shocked that they would bring up the weed. Y’all need to check out that mike brown doc on showtime, these folks gonna do whatever they can to paint a picture in Fox News viewers heads then boom they already won the jury over case closed.

I was selected to jury duty bout 5 yrs ago on a civil case that lasted over 3 weeks and saw 1st hand how folks can be bambooseled with the dumbest information if it’s presented right, and this was metro Nashville judicial system not no sticks or booines so I’m sure the same gonna happen here unfortunately.
Protest ain't gonna do **** but waste time and put more black folks in jail. I legit don't know what the answer is.

I think she gets 2nd degree manslaughter, 10 yrs, with 3 years probation, but ends up getting out in 2-3 years with good behavior.

Let me get pulled over with expired registration and they trying to give me 20 years.
She's not gonna do any time. I just need the trial to end some time next year because I have to be in Dallas later this year and I don't want to be in a warzone when she gets off.

They can't convict cops with clear video evidence. What would make you think they are going to convict a cop with no video of the crime.
She's not gonna do any time. I just need the trial to end some time next year because I have to be in Dallas later this year and I don't want to be in a warzone when she gets off.

They can't convict cops with clear video evidence. What would make you think they are going to convict a cop with no video of the crime.

Be ready to fight or take flight.......

back home.
They killed a cop there a year or so back in retaliation to the philando castille shooting, i think.

If she gets single digits there will be a riot, i think.

I sense similarities to the Latasha harlins murder... Cold blooded murder getting a slap in the wrist :smh: i wish Malcolm was around.

"The officer issued clear, verbal commands. It is not his fault the bear doesn't understand English."

She feared for her life. What about Yogi the bear? What about bear on bear crime? BLUE LIVES MATTER.
The NRA’s Catch-22 for Black Men Shot by Police
A National Rifle Association spokesperson says Botham Jean would still be alive if he’d had a firearm. But when African Americans legally bearing arms are shot by police, the organization’s media outlet doesn’t defend them.

The grieving family of Botham Jean, flanked on the right by its lawyer, Benjamin Crump, in Dallas on September 10, 2018 ASSOCIATED PRESS


That ***** is off her rocker. It's a setup to get more of us killed, another reminder that we can't do what they do. The man was in his home chilling minding his business, and he's still being made to look like the villain while that white devil is given the benefit of the doubt. Imagine if he did have a firearm in his home or anywhere near him. Not forgetting it is in Texas which is a carry state. This would be open and shut. That's just him having it, could you imagine if he actually used it as the lady suggested? Talking about Amber would be the one on the stretcher. That's white privilege because nobody would ever believe that white cop came to his door and tried to kill shoot him for no reason. He'd be buried under the jail.

This is really scary to think about. Some a-hole cop for whatever reason shows up at your door, and demanding entry into your place. As a person of color, what do you do? All it takes is for them to get upset, and you not follow their instructions and it's your life. If you don't answer out of fear then they'll use that as a reason to get hostile and break your door in. If you do answer you have to immediately get on the ground put hands on your head so they see you aren't a threat. This is America, :smh:

I was just thinking. When do cops get thrown under the bus? It all makes sense now. Cops of darker complexion seem to be the scape goats. Makes me wonder why they can even be cops.

This Mohamed Noor case is intriguing. Minority cop shoots white Australian women while on duty, gets charged with murder and has a $50 million dollar civil lawsuit against him. Look that case up.

White off duty cop getting every single benefit of doubt imaginable here. Seems like the person responding to a call should have a bit more leniency when things go wrong. But what do you know.

I remember that case and you are absolutely correct. Black cops in every instance who go overboard are immediately terminated. They don't have the same protection that other officers have.

hopefully that blood test they drew they find THC in her bloodstream.

Speaking of, where the **** is her toxicology results? Almost two weeks and still nothing, makes no sense. Then again it does make sense. If her test came back positive for any substances they are likely holding on to it until they can find dirt on Botham to vilify him even more. I'm sure they took one on him, and the fact that his hasn't come back yet tells me his was clean and they can't use anything against him. They can't show one and not the other. Best believe if she had a clean toxicology they would use it to aid in her defense.

My apartment has the auto close doors and a key fob, there is no way possible the door could be slightly opened and still locked. The doors are either open or closed. So many holes in her story but all cops are foul so i wouldn’t be surprised if she slides. Had a long talk with my pops and he’s anti gun but as a black man in the US, i already got a target on my back and all WS are strapped. It’s getting to the point where it’s either them or us, I refuse not being able to defend my self from such evil. As a black man I think owning a legal gun is necessary these days.

I hear you on that fire door ****. Nothing that she said makes any sense. Even you try to play devil's advocate, nothing makes sense. I saw the video of the neighbor showing how the key fob's work and the door slamming shut. There is no way this white devil thought she was at her apt. Not to mention she filed noise complaints on him. According to her neighbor, the walls are soundproof so at most she would really only hear him walking or running above her head. She intentionally went there to confront him, shes a lying ****.

Owning a firearm is necessary, but you already know the only outcome for us is death or in jail. The laws aren't made for us bro, even if we are in the right they'll still find a way to drag us down when it comes to guns. Either they kill us, or we go to jail for killing them. I'm not even talking about cops either.

Real talk I don't even do the church thing anymore, but watching this really touched me. I feel so bad for his family. Seems like an amazing young man who's life was cut short.

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This **** really hurts me man, looks like a genuinely good dude relaxing in his own home.

*him being who he was doesn't take away anything from other incidents.
The police chief is a liar about not being able to fire her. The lawyer on stage when she spewed that garbage looked at her with the crazy look.
" we tired of voting " ???

i could've sworn our community has been had one of the lowest voter turnout of all demographics.....

I'm not trying to come at you but this post is so misguided. What's your point? Why is your first step to discredit him?

Obviously you're attacking our collective voting record as a people, but have you done research on WHY historically our voter turnout is one of the lowest of all demographics? Do you know when we were first legally permitted to vote? When could we show up at voting polls in North Texas without the actual threat of being lynched?

Some of our communities are still fighting for legitimate effective voting rights TODAY in 2018, and we're actually losing traction in that battle.

That man is outside of his community courthouse, with his people, during working hours, and his points are discredited because it's presumed he didn't personally vote?

It's either that, or he carries the voting record of tens of millions of disenfranchised black Americans and their previous generations on his shoulders.

Support men like him, don't throw quips.
I'm not trying to come at you but this post is so misguided. What's your point? Why is your first step to discredit him?

Obviously you're attacking our collective voting record as a people, but have you done research on WHY historically our voter turnout is one of the lowest of all demographics? Do you know when we were first legally permitted to vote? When could we show up at voting polls in North Texas without the actual threat of being lynched?

Some of our communities are still fighting for legitimate effective voting rights TODAY in 2018, and we're actually losing traction in that battle.

That man is outside of his community courthouse, with his people, during working hours, and his points are discredited because it's presumed he didn't personally vote?

It's either that, or he carries the voting record of tens of millions of disenfranchised black Americans and their previous generations on his shoulders.

Support men like him, don't throw quips.

I somewhat agree with you.

However, gwap gwap does have a point. I watched the Ted-Beto debate yesterday, and I came across the info that TX is actually 50th in the nation in terms of actual voters vs potential voters. Dead last. The turnout in TX is between 10-25% in any given election year, and most non-voters lean left and have drank the "my vote doesn't matter" kool aid.

You can't complain about not progressing if you are not even willing to take the first step.

I command these young men for taking the first step (meeting their local politician and airing their grievances); now, they need to make sure that their (and their friends') voices are heard at the polling station. Every. Single. Time.
Always wondered how black politicans felts, inside, about taking positions that they KNOW limits their ability to help their own people.
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