Damn Cleveland... Vol. What are we doing?

What pisses me off about that "explanation" is him blaming others. Blames his ex for his gambling problem. Blames her and his mother for what he was going to do (did). Nah man ***** u did that, dont blame no one else for your actions you coward. You werent man enough to handle your problems head on instead you grab a gun and kill an innocent person. ******* coward
Right! He blamed his wife saying she is the reason he started gambling. Then turns around and says that she left him because he had a gambling problem.
Well then shouldn't you be happy she left? She was such a pain that you had to turn to gambling but now that she left it triggers you to kill people?
Then he blames his homies saying they try to minimize everything, then he blames everyone in his LIFE because he always"had to prove himself and bottle up anger.

I call ********. I'm not buying the mental health angle. He understands what he is doing. It is VERY clear when you look into his eyes on that explanation video. There is a sense of sadness in his eyes. He knows what he did was ****** up.

You can't say " I snapped and just went off" but then later, when in a clearer head and talking to a trusted confidant, be like " **** it, I'm going to keep killing until they catch me"
This dude is making conscious decisions.

Even the manner in which he killed. He chose an elderly man, who had little chance to fight back and as soon as he saw him he was like yep. Bout to get him
If it was about killing then why not drive to an area that is well populated and start poppin off? He isolated a defenseless old man because he knew he could get away with it.
That sounds like he used some kind of reasoning to me. ****** up reasoning, but still.
Him talking to someone at his work could have been a start. Maybe they dont have the resources he needs there but it could be a start, they could put him in touch with the right people.

Not a surprised at all. Ive dealt with mental issues and still somewhat deal with them. I never told or spoke to my family about it for a long while, for a number of reasons. When i felt like i was losing it i spoke with my doctor who put me in touch with people who could help. Is it gone completely? No, i still have my days when i wanna wild out but its under control. I have medication, speak to a therapist, done group sessions etc.

I just dont buy that he worked somewhere like that and no one wanted to listen to his problems. That he was in a frat and had all these guys that are his brothers and he tight with and they all brushed him off.

I agree, and in hindsight going to someone at his job would have hopefully had a much better outcome. I was just saying that as hard as it may be for people to admit to needing help or even realizing it in a rational manner, it would have probably been 10x harder to go to someone at your place of employment and admit you are unstable, especially if you are having financial difficulties. Thats probably the last people he would want to know.

All the rest regarding who he could have talked, what reactions would be or were, and even his mental condition itself is all speculation at this point. Of course there are ample resources available even for people who dont work in such an environment or have people who care but its not always that simple. My main point is all this talk of letting police go to work on him, police killing him on the spot, wanting to kill him or see him suffer is out of line and i understand its an emotional kneejerk reaction after seeing this story/vid but we have laws in place precisely to prohibit such savagery because that is not how civil societies should think or behave. And to use his place of employment or the people he knew as justification for those type of responses is illogical. I realize this doesnt necessarily relate to you or your points, more towards others.

Anyways, i wish you the best in what you're going through. Im glad you were able to have the foresight to seek help and try to get things under control. Many people dont seem to have that ability or strong mindedness to take that step so i think that says alot about you and the likelihood of you getting to a better place. Take care.
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You first

It's not important that I call this "terrorism" or an act of. It's more of a macro sentiment than anything else.

My issue is that acts similar to what this dude did is easily called an act of "terrorism", but only under the guise of careful particular inculcated media agendas. Which perpetuates a negative image or reputation of people following a certain religion.

My main point is, what make this so different than what I've mentioned before? I know someone here suggested what I wanted to say would be "outlandish". I think it's a fair argument and something that should be discussed openly. Not sure why he'd think the former.

We don't have to derail this thread and go off on that tangent, but it's just something that has always bugged me recently. And it bothers me see the double standard happen, especially here in NT where some of the most intelligent people contribute to this community.
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"Terrorism" has everything to do with motive, which in this case is unclear at best, more likely it has zero to do with terrorism by definition. Everything terrifying isnt terrorism and certainly not in the frame of "media inculcated agendas" you are talking about.

Kinda seems like you're asking why arent they stereotyping the violent behavior of other types or groups of people. Trust me, they are. Its just different. Different terminology, different agenda.
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6:20am and dude still in hiding.

I wonder if hes getting help from someone else
Any news on the killer simp? Hope this isn't an axcuse for Cleveland cops to go killin random "look-a-likes"
You first

It's not important that I call this "terrorism" or an act of. It's more of a macro sentiment than anything else.

My issue is that acts similar to what this dude did is easily called an act of "terrorism", but only under the guise of careful particular inculcated media agendas. Which perpetuates a negative image or reputation of people following a certain religion.

My main point is, what make this so different than what I've mentioned before? I know someone here suggested what I wanted to say would be "outlandish". I think it's a fair argument and something that should be discussed openly. Not sure why he'd think the former.

We don't have to derail this thread and go off on that tangent, but it's just something that has always bugged me recently. And it bothers me see the double standard happen, especially here in NT where some of the most intelligent people contribute to this community.

"Terrorism" has everything to do with motive, which in this case is unclear at best, more likely it has zero to do with terrorism by definition. Everything terrifying isnt terrorism and certainly not in the frame of "media inculcated agendas" you are talking about.

Kinda seems like you're asking why arent they stereotyping the violent behavior of other types or groups of people. Trust me, they are. Its just different. Different terminology, different agenda.
It's everything to do with agenda. A lot of times they're seeking change in the most drastic way possible.

Christopher Dorner was hoping his shootings changed the LAPD and how they approach things. That can be classified as terrorism. Steve Stephens wanting his ex to hit his phone does really fall under that.
A response I read on Reddit about why he may not/wouldn't turn for help where he work


"I work in mental health. This does not surprise me at all. I have never worked in such a dysfunctional environment.

The expectations they have for paperwork and casework is very...challenging. They have to fight with insurance regularly to get payment approval...sometimes leading to inappropriate service termination or inadequate service provision. You will be expected to work VERY long hours, no overtime (salary positions do not get overtime), because whatever happens...you MUST make those insurance paperwork deadlines.

The families are incredibly needy (and have job schedules you need to work around), and you WILL sacrifice your own family life to work with them...which can lead to your partner and/or children being neglected. This can eventually ruin relationships...depending on how well you are able to balance the needs of the job with your own relationship needs.

And through it all...the people around you are ALL doing this...so if you speak up about the work being unreasonable or your boundaries...YOU are the unreasonable, whiney one who isn't fully committed to the job. Boundaries in general must be rock-solid...and are often tested by Management...MANAGEMENT. They want you to be successful (ie bring in money), but they don't take responsibility for the toll it takes on you or your personal life.

Also...always the risk of working with someone truly insane enough to kill you...and that totally does happen. We have a saying, "You have to be crazy to work in mental health."

That said...I loved being a therapist. Once you get used to the boundaries, and find your paperwork stride...it is okay. Just...getting to that point can be hell. Source: worked case management for foster care, worked family preservation with community services, child protective service worker for the State, and licenced professional counselor in a psych hospital.

TL;DR Long hours, high stress, unhealthy environment...high burnout rate for a reason."
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Replayed the video over and over and over again, and each time it just pisses me off. The old man coulda been my dad casually walking.

I really hope they murder him, don't want him aprehended, i want him down and shot.

I was even so mad at one point i was thinking to myself shoot the ex too :smh:

But i calmed down and just want this to end.
I personally would like to hear Joy Lanes take on this. I'm thinking that she saw some type of homicidal signs from him that made her leave. Something isn't adding up. This excuse of his just doesn't make sense. Dude definitely had a nice amount of people he could have reached out to. 
Replayed the video over and over and over again, and each time it just pisses me off. The old man coulda been my dad casually walking.

I really hope they murder him, don't want him aprehended, i want him down and shot.

I was even so mad at one point i was thinking to myself shoot the ex too :smh:

But i calmed down and just want this to end.

How you sound right now?
I personally would like to hear Joy Lanes take on this. I'm thinking that she saw some type of homicidal signs from him that made her leave. Something isn't adding up. This excuse of his just doesn't make sense. Dude definitely had a nice amount of people he could have reached out to. 

CBS said shes cooperating with the cops finding him.

Lane has described herself as Stephens’ longtime girlfriend. She said they had been dating for years, and that she wanted to expressed condolences to the family members of Godwin, according to CBS News.

However, she also had kind words for Stephens.

She told CBS News in a text message: “We had been in a relationship for several years. I am sorry that all of this has happened. My heart & prayers goes out to the family members of the victim(s). Steve really is a nice guy…he is generous with everyone he knows. He was kind and loving to me and my children. This is a very difficult time for me and my family Please respect our privacy at this time.”

Shortly after news broke of the shooting, Lane wrote on Facebook that she was safe and was praying for all involved – including Stephens.

Lane – who also went by the name Joy Carr on Facebook – wrote, “This is the fastest way to update everybody. I am safe and with the police. I am Not okay… this is a lot. I can’t believe this is happening. I am very sad for everyone involved. I am praying for them and I am praying for Steve. He needs help.” She has since deleted her account. A friend took a screenshot of the message:

Replayed the video over and over and over again, and each time it just pisses me off. The old man coulda been my dad casually walking.

I really hope they murder him, don't want him aprehended, i want him down and shot.

I was even so mad at one point i was thinking to myself shoot the ex too :smh:

But i calmed down and just want this to end.

How you sound right now?

Sound angry.

Stevie needs to be put down, dont care what you say.
A response I read on Reddit about why he may not/wouldn't turn for help where he work


"I work in mental health. This does not surprise me at all. I have never worked in such a dysfunctional environment.

The expectations they have for paperwork and casework is very...challenging. They have to fight with insurance regularly to get payment approval...sometimes leading to inappropriate service termination or inadequate service provision. You will be expected to work VERY long hours, no overtime (salary positions do not get overtime), because whatever happens...you MUST make those insurance paperwork deadlines.

The families are incredibly needy (and have job schedules you need to work around), and you WILL sacrifice your own family life to work with them...which can lead to your partner and/or children being neglected. This can eventually ruin relationships...depending on how well you are able to balance the needs of the job with your own relationship needs.

And through it all...the people around you are ALL doing this...so if you speak up about the work being unreasonable or your boundaries...YOU are the unreasonable, whiney one who isn't fully committed to the job. Boundaries in general must be rock-solid...and are often tested by Management...MANAGEMENT. They want you to be successful (ie bring in money), but they don't take responsibility for the toll it takes on you or your personal life.

Also...always the risk of working with someone truly insane enough to kill you...and that totally does happen. We have a saying, "You have to be crazy to work in mental health."

That said...I loved being a therapist. Once you get used to the boundaries, and find your paperwork stride...it is okay. Just...getting to that point can be hell. Source: worked case management for foster care, worked family preservation with community services, child protective service worker for the State, and licenced professional counselor in a psych hospital.

TL;DR Long hours, high stress, unhealthy environment...high burnout rate for a reason."

Quality post. In no way am I alleviating the man of what he's done, but when you've systematically put a system in place where you destroy the family and give them no type of reconciliation to cope with a holocaust at some point you're gonna see mental illness express themselves. In this case a very sad and extreme series of unfortunate events took place to expose what's going on with a lot of black males in America.
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Man our society is so unhealthy and I believe you can boil down every issue in the world down to money and greed.

Shameful ****.
I actually worked at the facility he worked at for about 3 years while i lived in Cleveland. Met a ton of good people there and although we had a ton of challenging clients I can honestly say it's one of the coolest jobs I ever had.

I hate to see the facility get such a negative light shinned on it because of this dude and his crazy *** actions.

RIP victims and my deepest condolences to their families.
The fact that he did this to anyone - savagery of the highest order.. but he did this to one of our own brothers ?! AND an elder at that?

You put this on a woman, what a lame. You heart broke? Go make a song and get your David Ruffin on

My thoughts go to the fam of the elder brother
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