
Jun 16, 2008
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Anyone else use this? Its a moisture absorbant. You're supposed to hang it up in your closet to keep moisture out.

I was wondering if long-term use of the product would have adverse affects on shoes, in other words would it actually create cracking?
Originally Posted by Mayhemgatz

i hope not because i already ordered a box lmao


Well then this topic is important for the both of us

BTW, next time just stop by your local Home Depot if you need some. They'll probably be lazy and tell you they don't have any (they do). Give them itemcode FG80FF or FG80 (the hanging type) and they can look it up on their computers...

They have it at wal-mart and wal-martish retailers aswell.
i could be wrong but i think the cracking/crumbling comes from the deteriorating of midsole not being used because some peoples 99 IV's have crumbled afterDS'ing so many years later. others have held up fine (mine) because they have been worn consistently enough to stay flexible. someone had recommendeddamprid for clear sole preservation among other things. hopefully they will see the post....can't remember which NT'er...
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