Dark Knight or Transformers 2?

Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

transformers 2.

TDK was too serious.

i want a movie that i can just pop in and watch and be entertained throughout. i barely watch TDK

this is also why i like Iron Man over TDK

TDK is only great when u see it for the first time.
So far out of 77 responses 1 person is on Transformers....I'll give it up to you standing by yourself here....but not too much props...itseems like you're not interested in story lines...Your movie intake is on the surface levels....all visuals and no intellect.

The Dark knight wins....Optimus would be like..."dude of course, f**k, I'd say Dark knight in my sleep...wait Batman and Robin over Transformers2"

Transformers 2 was all fillers, awesome CGI, alright action scenes and sub par character development.
TF2 couldn't even swing from TDK's nuts.

TDK by a mile.
not even close ... TF2 turned me into a ****** for almost a day, even the worst aspect of TDK is 1000x better than the best aspect of TF2, if there even isone.
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