Dating females with deformities

Nov 21, 2006
On my time away from NT I met a female she was cute we chilled and so on Well I smash on problem there but the only thing that was weird was that she wore tubesocks the whole time no biggie I thought she just needed some traction, then when where done one of the socks came off. Long story short this chick had 2 toeson her left foot. Have any of you guys dealt with this before
Sorry for the crappy. Post its hard as hell posting from your phone

And I'm not judging her she cool to be with I was just asking if any of you have dealt with this before
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773


cop her some rifts. to show how much you dont mind she only has two toes.
wait how did she lose em. im sure there is an intresting story behind that.
Originally Posted by FL0ETiCNOSTALGiA

Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Well seeing as you have a grammar deformity then you shouldn't be one to judge.

took me 5 minutes to read.

Word..I had to read the first sentence like five times.

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

i smashed two deaf chicks
it dont matter

I can just imagine the obscenities you were yelling.
which two were she rocking with? ive seen two stuck together but nothing that extreme
She was born like that we talked about it and I'm cool with it

And I don't have any pics since I'm posting from my phone
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