"Days of Future Past" - New X-Men Movie Release Date (First Class Sequel)

His orientation doesn't matter. What does matter is that he was the co-producer of the worst films of the franchise while having a relationship with his business partner. His apologists told me he acted only and had no control over film direction. I feel manipulated...

Look, your complaint was Jackman not being a good Wolverine while we disagreed. Most of us thought he did well with the material he was given. The producer doesn't write or direct, Nolan as the producer of Man of Steel was on set less than a day, he was also talked to Superman killing Zod in the end by Goyer, which is the most controversial part of the film. This proves that producers doesn't control every aspect of the film.

So what is your problem if the movie sucked or not and we still thought he did well as Wolverine despite a terrible story?

No one is apologizing for Jackman so who is this "apologist"? We thought he did well so why apologize for that? :lol:

There is no one arguing how terrible X3 and Origins was but Jackman was still good in it as Wolverine. You disagree? Fine. Move on.
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If we wanna talk about ppl being poorly cast lets talk Rouge & Gambit. Jackman is a good Wolverine. Even if he is gay it doesn't matter he's not playing himself in the film.
True. I much preferred the Rogue from the cartoon character. A bit older and much more assertive but I guess that was the Carol Danvers personality.

Gambit wasn't cast good and they didn't do him any favors with that script to give the actor a chance to prove ppl wrong.
What does matter is that he was the co-producer of the worst films of the franchise while having a relationship with his business partner.
How is this relevant?

You've already admitted a bias. Nothing else you bring doesn't matter after the fact. You've already stated your views on Jackman and Wolverine. Time to move on man. You looking like a scorned woman at this point, mad jaded.
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The dude is married to a woman, how is it that he had a "boyfriend"? ....

On the real, he's married to a woman who is 13 years his senior and they have 2 ADOPTED children. She might just be someone who "gets" him and loves him while agreeing to keep his lifestyle between them.

And Ted Haggard was married as well...

per wiki, she had 2 miscarriages which is why they adopted.
The dude is married to a woman, how is it that he had a "boyfriend"? ....

On the real, he's married to a woman who is 13 years his senior and they have 2 ADOPTED children. She might just be someone who "gets" him and loves him while agreeing to keep his lifestyle between them.

And Ted Haggard was married as well...

per wiki, she had 2 miscarriages which is why they adopted.
I'm sure they'll be some spin on that as well to say he's gay :smh:
That trailer :pimp:

This movie is going to be incredible, I can just feel it. I was a huge fan of First Class so I have the utmost confident in the director to put together another solid piece of work.
Look, your complaint was Jackman not being a good Wolverine while we disagreed. Most of us thought he did well with the material he was given. The producer doesn't write or direct, Nolan as the producer of Man of Steel was on set less than a day, he was also talked to Superman killing Zod in the end by Goyer, which is the most controversial part of the film. This proves that producers doesn't control every aspect of the film.

So what is your problem if the movie sucked or not and we still thought he did well as Wolverine despite a terrible story?

No one is apologizing for Jackman so who is this "apologist"? We thought he did well so why apologize for that? :lol:

There is no one arguing how terrible X3 and Origins was but Jackman was still good in it as Wolverine. You disagree? Fine. Move on.

First of all: I'll be damed if I let someone who joined the same month and year that I did, yet has 5 times the amount of posts I have, tell me what the hell I can and can't rant about. You may think Hugh Jackman didn't do a bad job as Logan; well I do, so **** him and **** you too.

Seconably, I never said that he controls every aspect of the film, but producers ultimately fund the project. Basically, if the producer says a project is on hold, everything stops. Someone who is "so dedicated" to a character would make sure things go smoothly from top to bottom.

Third, you clearly don't know what the term "apologist" means and that saddens me to tears.
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Still wish it wasn't so Wolverine focused, but from what I saw I'm excited.
the score is what i like the most, really sets the tone of the trailer...
The score is directly jacked from Inception

I highly doubt they'll be going forward with it. Figured they used it just for that teaser trailer. Unless Hans Zimmer is just straight recycling his joints for cash :lol:

That music also adds to the epic feel ppl think the movie is going to have. Smart move by them.
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That trailer :pimp:

This movie is going to be incredible, I can just feel it. I was a huge fan of First Class so I have the utmost confident in the director to put together another solid piece of work.

Different director.. Mathew vaugh directed first class, also did layer cake and kick-***** (also produced snatch and lock stock and two smoke barrels)

The guy who is directing this most recently directed jack the giant slayer
Stan's just telling jokes. He has scheduling conflicts. He also wasn't in The Wolverine, Amazing Spider-Man First Class, and sadly I'm expecting him to be in less movies here on out.
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my dude is a no less of a legend than Mozart, Eisntein, etc, Stan has given us all so much.....a genious in his own right, love it that hes so down for his fans and holding on so well at 90...geez.

btw he WAS in the Amazing SpiderMan, the school fight scene.
my dude is a no less of a legend than Mozart, Eisntein, etc, Stan has given us all so much.....a genious in his own right, love it that hes so down for his fans and holding on so well at 90...geez.

btw he WAS in the Amazing SpiderMan, the school fight scene.
Oh then I meant First Class then. (I know there was a few he just wasn't in the past few Marvel movies).

Maybe he hates what FOX is doing with the franchise as well :lol:
my dude is a no less of a legend than Mozart, Eisntein, etc, Stan has given us all so much.....a genious in his own right, love it that hes so down for his fans and holding on so well at 90...geez.

btw he WAS in the Amazing SpiderMan, the school fight scene.
QFT. Creative genius who actually changed the world
Stan Lee is the man. :smokin

I wonder what he thinks of all these ****** movies based on his works of art. He is so humble he would probably say they are all great.
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I say we get the world to boycott these films. Force fox to take a loss so horrifically that theyre scared to make another film and let the rights revert back to marvel.
As a fan and collecting since 1990....Stan Lee is overrated.

What people have done with his creations after his run have made an impact. Thank him for making the characters but he shouldn't get all the credit. I feel guys like Kirby, Starlin, Turner, Mcfarlane, whedon, Meltzer, Gaiman, etc. really changed the game....among others.

I give credit where credit is due and Stan did a lot but people often make him out to be more than the people I listed above.

Flame on.
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