Db 3 legit check

Pretty sure these are authentic, reasonable price as well, since they do not have OG all. Anybody have an opinion? Thanks, seller also seems legit.
you've been a member since 2013 fam.. you know better than to hijack someone elses thread
its not really hijacking someones thread when it says in the description of the legit checks forum page to use old posts and not recycle them. Besides, I've been an NTer for a long time, just made a new account last year. "Fam", it's not like 2013 is a very long time
Problem with that is when ppl do that  and especially to older threads which this one isn't ofcourse  It causes unnecessary notifications to OPs and other members that commented on a thread. And then they ask for ppl not to add more or OPs lock the thread. I've been meaning to talk to mods about that
yeah i gotchu. This thread just didnt have a lot of comments though, and I knew @agsz  was the guy to talk to when l/c ing. Good looks though man, not looking to step on anyones toes here.
Yea its just much better is all. I'll check out your thread and have the other LCers check them out
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