DC Comics Character to Come Out As Gay

Originally Posted by jbone2308

No need for DC to do this they just did the new 52.
It's apart of the New 52. Since they rebooted everything and retconned certain characters history (and we don't know what has and hasn't happened in their pasts) they can come out of the blue and say Lobo had a gay relationship with Kyle Rayner and Booster Gold.

FTR, just about everything Marvel or DC does that needs to be announced or is covered like this is them whoring themselves out for sales. The whole New 52 was just a revamp for more sales and to start a bunch of issues back to 1.
SO apparently none of us were even close. Captain Marvel is the character to be announced as gay. I didn't see that coming.
I'm calling it
Spoiler [+]

edit - 

captain marvel? The *!$!?

Ah well he was always gay to me. 
@ making Shazam gay

Is it the little boy or the grown man inside him that's homosexual?

Now that I think about it I wonder how long DC sticks with it. I'm recalling the crazy backlash they got recently for changing Wonder Woman's costume (which is pretty ******ed and just sexist eye candy that should've been changed back in the 80s or 90s). Good luck to Geoff cuz for dedicated fans they may not support out of outrage of changing the character and him being a victim of a gimmick more so than them being homophobes.
I'm not seeing any announcements on any of the major sites; this is all speculation until June.
I'm hearing it's Alan Scott now, OG Green Lantern.

@ how they'll try to pull off a gay hero coincidentally having a gay son in this medium.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

I'm hearing it's Alan Scott now, OG Green Lantern.

@ how they'll try to pull off a gay hero coincidentally having a gay son in this medium.

And remember his weakness? Wood.
Yes, America, It’s Alan Scott
Written on May 27, 2012 by Rich Johnston in Comics, Recent Updates, Trending
A few days ago, I ran semi-sourced stories indicating that the character who DC Comics announced as being reintroduced to the New 52 DC Universe as a gay man, was Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern, who appeared in Earth 2 #1 briefly,

Well, at Phoenix Comic Con, I had a much stronger source confirm to me that, yes, it is indeed Alan Scott. On that basis I feel confident in calling it. Keep your Earth 2 #1 in good nick, and start queuing up for Earth 2 #2… right about now.

Of course the original Alan Scott, created by Marty Nodell in 1940, got his Green Lantern powers mystically from a green flame. But the first person to make a “flaming
DC relaunches its first Green Lantern, Alan Scott, as brave, powerful and gay

PHILADELPHIA — Green Lantern, one of DC Comics’ oldest and enduring heroes no matter what parallel earth he’s on, is serving as a beacon for the publisher again, this time as a proud, mighty and openly gay hero.

The change is revealed in the pages of the second issue of “Earth 2
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

No reason for a Gay Alan Scott. He was against his son being gay and now He is Gay. 

Makes a lot of sense actually. Aren't most hardcore homophobes supposedly closet cases?

I was really hoping for Batman, though.
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

No reason for a Gay Alan Scott. He was against his son being gay and now He is Gay. 

Makes a lot of sense actually. Aren't most hardcore homophobes supposedly closet cases?

I was really hoping for Batman, though.

It actually doesn't make sense
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

No reason for a Gay Alan Scott. He was against his son being gay and now He is Gay. 

Makes a lot of sense actually. Aren't most hardcore homophobes supposedly closet cases?

I was really hoping for Batman, though.
Sure but why change a character whose been around since day 1?
Whats up with yall gay Batman fantasies?
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Makes a lot of sense actually. Aren't most hardcore homophobes supposedly closet cases?

I was really hoping for Batman, though.
Sure but why change a character whose been around since day 1?
Whats up with yall gay Batman fantasies?

Personally, I'm not a fan of changing any character. Why not just make a whole new one?

As far as wanting Batman to be gay, I just think it would've been more provocative. That would've went down in history, any other character will be forgotten in a few months.
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Makes a lot of sense actually. Aren't most hardcore homophobes supposedly closet cases?

I was really hoping for Batman, though.
Sure but why change a character whose been around since day 1?
Whats up with yall gay Batman fantasies?

Personally, I'm not a fan of changing any character. Why not just make a whole new one?

As far as wanting Batman to be gay, I just think it would've been more provocative. That would've went down in history, any other character will be forgotten in a few months.
They do make news on in DC, Batwoman is now a  Jewish lesbian and they introduced Bunker into the Teen Titans. I guess DC is just grabbing for attention 
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