DC Comics Character to Come Out As Gay

Originally Posted by dakid23

The Green Lantern???

I don't get where you get the idea that Alan was against Todd being gay; he loved and supported him.

Also this makes FIVE comics regular published by DC that have LGBTQ characters in main roles (Batwoman, Stormwatch, Suicide Squad and Teen Titans) and there are plenty of prominent supporting characters in other books like David Singh in The Flash.
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

No reason for a Gay Alan Scott. He was against his son being gay and now He is Gay.
Makes a lot of sense actually. Aren't most hardcore homophobes supposedly closet cases?

I was really hoping for Batman, though.
No this isn't like he had kids, then was against his son being gay, and now they're revealing he's gay. This is in another universe after they rebooted the whole history of the DC and now they're reintroducing him as a gay character and anything that happened in his past for the previous main universe version of him is questionable to happen. He actually may not even have kids in Earth 2.

As far as his main character, it doesn't make sense at all for him to be gay, he's been in real relationships and been in love with women but DC being sneaky slides in between this mattering much since in one way he is iconic cuz he's the original but only long time fans and fanboys specifically of Alan Scott care a whole lot about Alan Scott.

The jokes are there as far as weakness to wood and getting powers from a green flame

Don't get it twisted though, there's plenty LBGT heroes in DC, they're just going out of there way to ride the publicity train and get more attention since Marvel has made a long time gay character get married.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

I was about to say Cyclops but I forgot this said DC.
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They didn't go out of there way to get publicity for it. The said one thing at a minor con and stayed quiet as kept until today. Their marketing plan was letting everyone else talk about it for two weeks playing a *%%!%** guessing game like anyone outside of comics would give a %!#% who it was unless it either Batman or Superman. Seriously a +%@% ton of people in here getting pissed about a fictional gay guy having the temerity to exist and most of you don't even read comics to begin with.
Saying you're going to reintroduce an icon as gay at a minor con is looking for publicity. It's a common thing to drop hints and show a few spoilers at a con about characters they've planned on changing or doing something new with. To me they went out of there way with this whole New 52 and this is apart of it so yeah.

It doesn't change the fact that making OG GL gay is just riding the homosexual movement and that they did it for publicity so that they can make more money. For DC, it's about making more money.

As for the other part you're right, some ppl just don't like gay ppl or the idea of it so they'll complain about it in any situation even though they don't read it or they'll make some bs argument about it affecting children.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Man smh at this nonsense here
real talk, and its the Green Lantern Alan Scott, they should go ahead and make flash or aquaman black
That's a created character I think, they might've killed the old white Aqualad. Closest thing you'll get is the black president superman (superman + Obama from a different universe) they showed in one of the very recent Action comics issues
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

That's a created character I think, they might've killed the old white Aqualad. 

He was introduced as a new character in 2010 during the Blackest Night/Brightest Day. It also co-incided with his appearance/role in the Young Justice Animation Series. The OG Aqualad (Garth) died in Blackest Night iirc (not 100% on that one though).
Why they had to downgrade him to AquaLAD, though?

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