DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

The Aurora shooting is why it's getting negative publicity. But The Joker is too big of a character to be cancelled.
Tickets bought for tomorrow night. Should be interesting, I'm not the biggest comic book guy but I typically like the stuff Phoenix is in.
I'm interested in the type of conversation this draws up. I can't stand people getting bullied or mistreated especially if they have a mental disability. Think this movie may have me in my feels
I'm interested in the type of conversation this draws up. I can't stand people getting bullied or mistreated especially if they have a mental disability. Think this movie may have me in my feels

You know, I think a ton of people are watching this movie out of some misguided feeling that the Arthur - Joker character represents them and that’s a very sad thing to think about...There’s one scene in particular that got applause in my viewing last night...Very disturbing scene and I was kind of caught off guard by that reaction...Not a public screening but I can imagine it’ll probably play the same once it opens in full tonight...
You know, I think a ton of people are watching this movie out of some misguided feeling that the Arthur - Joker character represents them and that’s a very sad thing to think about...There’s one scene in particular that got applause in my viewing last night...Very disturbing scene and I was kind of caught off guard by that reaction...Not a public screening but I can imagine it’ll probably play the same once it opens in full tonight...

With the way society today deals with bullying there are going to be a lot of people that see themselves in Arthur and unfortunately champion him turning to violence even if it's quietly to themselves
Just my 2 cents but whenever I think about characters like the Joker I feel like that's more of an indictment on society itself. Not to excuse their behaviors at all but the world their in made them the way they are, and that fictional world often borrows elements and can even reflect the world we live in today which can probably horrify people.

End of the day I rather people root for the fictional character than follow in his fictional footsteps. Not trying to shoot down anyone's point in here by the way just adding to the conversation
Just my 2 cents but whenever I think about characters like the Joker I feel like that's more of an indictment on society itself. Not to excuse their behaviors at all but the world their in made them the way they are, and that fictional world often borrows elements and can even reflect the world we live in today which can probably horrify people.

End of the day I rather people root for the fictional character than follow in his fictional footsteps. Not trying to shoot down anyone's point in here by the way just adding to the conversation

My thing is this...There’s nothing here a well balanced person could conceivably root for...I mean maybe you could feel sorry for him since he really got a bad break at life...But when I had people applauding at this particular scene it was kind of nauseating...I can’t get behind that type of thinking for this movie...It’s a very sick man who we watch get taken over by his illness until he goes completely insane...Absolutely nothing to clap and cheer for here...
My thing is this...There’s nothing here a well balanced person could conceivably root for...I mean maybe you could feel sorry for him since he really got a bad break at life...But when I had people applauding at this particular scene it was kind of nauseating...I can’t get behind that type of thinking for this movie...It’s a very sick man who we watch get taken over by his illness until he goes completely insane...Absolutely nothing to clap and cheer for here...
I haven't seen this film so I cant refer back to the scene your talking about exactly. I guess all I'm saying is in the world we live in today with all the trials and tribulations we have to face on a day to day basis, I'm just not surprised their are people who root or even enjoy seeing disturbing **** like this is because I think its very possible theirs a whole lot of people who might feel the same way he does in certain instances. I'm not sure it emboldens people anymore than they already are because we've seen similar films like this with similar characters and their was no violence (I'm not sure how you could even correlate incidents of mass violence with these films unless its in the theater to be honest). We live in a very ****** up the world, and the press running with this theme just seems gratuitous to be honest and click-bait like
I caught the 4 pm showing. There were about 20 people at the theater.

I thought it was good, not great, but it will definitely have people talking about it afterwards.

There's some "HOLY ****!" moments, which you'll know when you see them and some obligatory Batman references, which you'll know when you see them.

Go see it.
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