DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Rest in Peace indeed.

New Frontier will forever be one of the classics. Watched the film adaptation a few hours ago and re-read the graphic novel and that really is an excellent example of taking a cohesive storyline, while also providing smaller ones for multiple different heroes. Probably one of the best lead-ins to the Justice League coming together that you'll ever find.

EDIT: From New Frontier

Could you ever imagine BvS Bats and Supes having a friendship like this? Really do think that the route they've decided to go with this universe is a shame.
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^ So what they said:

- SS sucks and is a mess

- SS = Fury with superheroes

- Reshoots are a way to salvage the film
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Hmm I liked Fury (if they're talking the Pitt flick, I dunno cuz I aint watch the vid yet).

None of that other stuff sounds all that good though. Hope we don't get another bad or so-so movie that a lot of yall try to take up for and defend while denying reality.
I love how they all mention how they hate seeing/hearing early impressions and that today's movie going experience is "less pure" because of it, but proceed to use a twitter comment doing exactly that as a news segment. :lol:

^ So what they said:

- SS sucks and is a mess
- SS = Fury with superheroes
- Reshoots are a way to salvage the film

If you watch after 21:00, it sounds like they're saying the opposite. It sounds like they're saying that they don't know how to interpret the comment and that a Fury styled ensemble for SS actually sounds good.
Hmm I liked Fury (if they're talking the Pitt flick, I dunno cuz I aint watch the vid yet).

None of that other stuff sounds all that good though. Hope we don't get another bad or so-so movie that a lot of yall try to take up for and defend while denying reality.
.........Why can't people just legit like a movie without having the need to defend it?? Like are we not allowed to have differing opinions?...........
*Judging a movie 3 months before it comes out, based off what someone interprets what another someone said about the film they "claim" to have seen, before it's even finished yet......*

The DC movie experience on NT. :lol:
*Judging a movie 3 months before it comes out, based off what someone interprets what another someone said about the film they "claim" to have seen, before it's even finished yet......*

The DC movie experience on NT. :lol:

It's DC's fault that people are already doubting their next movie. Don't really got anybody to blame but themselves.
*Judging a movie 3 months before it comes out, based off what someone interprets what another someone said about the film they "claim" to have seen, before it's even finished yet......*

The DC movie experience on NT.
It's DC's fault that people are already doubting their next movie. Don't really got anybody to blame but themselves.
and disney for paying off the critics 
I'm lost, someone explain to me how Fury has to do with the DC universe?

Still haven't seen it but meaning to watch it soon.
I'm lost, someone explain to me how Fury has to do with the DC universe?

Still haven't seen it but meaning to watch it soon.

Ayer directed Fury and is directing SS.

Video above rumored that SS = Fury with superheroes
I doubt it the more I think about the small cast and how intimate Fury was.

SS can't be that just with super powered ppl. The action sure but the emotional parts nah. Not unless half the cast dies early on and we only follow 5 of the criminals for the rest of the movie.
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I personally don't care for a Harley Quinn solo, but she's obviously really popular right now, because DC has been doubling down on her and Red Hood in the comics putting them in multiple of their own series.

The movie universe could be a way to help the currently less popular characters. Not give them solos, but have them appear. If they're feeling bold, it would be cool to see things like L.E.G.I.O.N. with characters like Phase, Lobo, Vril Dox, Telepath, Gigantus, etc. Then do a Lobo solo spin-off after with my man Danny Trejo. (Definitely don't use that lame redesigned Lobo that nobody asked for.)
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