DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Outside of Darkseid, completely revamp the look of all them. I know some of those Kirby designs won't work.
What about the Crime Syndicate?
So pay other actors to play the opposites or have the cast play two roles? :lol:

I'm waiting to see how they do this for a superhero movie. Either Spider-Man clone saga or Crime syndicate or a general alt universe type thing.
To form the JL, they could go the JLA cartoon origins route where Martian Manhunter helped the heroes unite against alien invaders that destroyed his own race civilization in Mars? They weren't exactly the white Martians in the cartoon but they could just use them in the movie.

They really could go plenty of ways, if they want to go all out they could also go against the Anti-Monitor? It'll be like fighting Galactus. I'd love to see them go against Amazo too.
Too soon for Anti-Monitor in the first JL. That's some Thanos Infinity Gauntlet level type threat. I don't know a whole lot about DC comics but I know that.

I remember the alien invasion with MM. There's also the JSA version with those mind controlling purple starfish but I think that'd be lame or at least be done lame and not like an invasion of the body snatchers sorta way. Amazo would be cool.
Oh yeah Anti-Monitor is too epic to be the first villain. Imperiex would make a good threat too.

But if I had my way, I'd just make Brainiac take over Lex at the end of BvS and then lead to that in JL. JL can fight off Brainiac bots though people will probably just say they jocking the Avengers and Ultron. :lol:

They can also plant Bizarro in there too where Lex and Brainiac were experimenting with a Superman clone and that leads to a villain for a Superman sequel or just dive right in and make the clone be Doomsday.
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I wish they would of let this build a bit and have Intergang be the threat for 1 film then go on to the New Gods. Wouldn't be hard to change costumes and make them more modern. Hell look how they explained the "S" symbol as a family crest.
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They already confirmed that Snyder will direct the first JL film so at least great action scenes are guaranteed. That's one area he seldom disappoints.
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A Thanagarian invasion sounds good. I just can't picture Superman villains in live action. The concept looks too corny IMO. Lobo, Toynan, Mr. Mxtzptlk Grundy, Bizzaro, Granny Goodness, etc. I hope I'm wrong, though.
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If they revamp his look they can make Mr. Mxtzptlk a badass.

They'll probably start slow with a Metallo, ramp it up with monster looking threats like Doomsday and Bizarro. The humans one look lame but that's I expect revamps for all their looks at the least.
I'm anxious to see how this all pans out and if they can successfully tie it into the Justice League film.
Peter Dinklage as Mr. Mxtzptlk?

or better yet...
Bryan Cranston

Too bad, I think he's about to sign with Marvel to play the Black Panther.
I'm getting kinda tired of dude but

“But look, they’re obviously beginning something, and there’s a stretch of these flick, and so this is the beginning of the Justice League, as we all suspected as they were announcing that cast. We were like, ‘This is the beginning of a Justice League movie.’ From what I understand now, it’s no longer like, ‘This is Superman 2.’ They’re not doing these things. They’re doing like, ‘Here’s Man of Steel. Here’s Batman/Superman: Dawn of Justice.’ The next one is not like a sequel to one of the characters. They’re just going to keep building their universe for about five or six movies. But all of them…it’s supposed to tell one massive story, which is all Justice League oriented".
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