DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

I wonder what DCEU did differently in their process for this movie compared to the last three?

Snyder had his hands on this one too. According to wikipedia he helped write the story.
Less Snyder, no Goyer
Snyder gawd needed to mix his artistic vision with a good script and less direct narrative input on his part

Hoping for similar results with JL

Also remember that this and JL come after the post BvS fallout reshuffling of the DCeU

Unfortunately Suicide Squad was a nasty holdover
JL is based on a story from him and Terio so I don't expect much change
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JL is based on a story from him and Terio so I don't expect much change

And with additional input from Joss Whedon* (throughout the process)

Whereas BvS was a story by Goyer and Snyder subjected to major late game rewrites by Terrio

I expect a considerable degree of change
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I think Geoff Johns and Jon Berg became the new heads of DC movies during Wonder Woman's production. Before then, it was Zack basically one-manning it for the most part.

Don't sleep on Patty though. I had faith in her from jump. They need to let her make WW2 and maybe let her work on another property too.
I think Geoff Johns and Jon Berg became the new heads of DC movies during Wonder Woman's production. Before then, it was Zack basically one-manning it for the most part.

Don't sleep on Patty though. I had faith in her from jump. They need to let her make WW2 and maybe let her work on another property too.

All this. Geoff Johns and Jon Berg came in real late to BvS and SS was already deep in production.

I believe this was the first movie where they were involved in pre production.

But yeah, not trying to discredit the work Patty put in.
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I wonder what DCEU did differently in their process for this movie compared to the last three?

Snyder had his hands on this one too. According to wikipedia he helped write the story.

Wouldn't be surprised if Snyder contributed a line or two and that's it lol
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Marvel ain't let them have crap or there checks ain't bouncing.

D.C. Just been handing out trash :lol:

All of the DCEU movies have sucked.

Don't need to pay anybody off to tell the truth :lol:

If anything WB been too cheap to pay critics off.

JL is based on a story from him and Terio so I don't expect much change

And with additional input from Joss Whedon* (throughout the process)

Whereas BvS was a story by Goyer and Snyder subjected to major late game rewrites by Terrio

I expect a considerable degree of change
Throughout the process? You talking like Whedon was on the project from the beginning when from all reports he was called in for post production.
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Even so, Joss isn't having a LARGE impact seeing how he's only adding a few scenes
I mean if you think the circumstances that dictated the end result of BvS are the same as the ones that will dictate JL then aight man :lol:
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It's already been stated by the producer that he's completing reshoots, and oversee the rest of post production. He's simply completing Snyders tone and vision, not implementing anything original from himsel. He's not having a big impact.
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All you did was post old information :lol:

"Additional reshoots" and "finish his (Zack's) vision". How does that equal "throughout the process"?

Pleast tell me you know what post production is. Cuz the main impact Joss will have is in editing and that's done in post.
I mean if you think the circumstances that dictated the end result of BvS are the same as the ones that will dictate JL then aight man :lol:

Nobody ever said this :lol:

Who even brought up the end result of BvS? :nerd:

Jumping through too many hoops to make this sound like a Zack Snyder/Joss Whedon film when it's not.
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Weren't the reviews for SS positive too?

I know IM3 had positive reviews
It had some positive reviews, but mostly negative.

IM3 was different. From what I remember, reviews were released like a month early, and they were positive from a smaller amount of reviewers. But once everyone else saw it, it went down a lot. For WW, these aren't early reviews. These are reviews from pretty much all the critics. It may go down a little bit, but it will most likely remain in the 90s.
If Joss Whedon was only called in to "finish Zack's vision", then I fully expect JL to be abysmal.

However, anything's possible in post. Just ask Terence Malick

He's notorious for shooting a film one way, then creating a completely differ film in the editing process.

Hopefully Joss can turn w/e Zack shot into magic.
I'm drawing a blank but there was this one movie the critics loved that yall hated. Maybe it was IM3 but indeed like there was another. Hope its not one of those situations (even though I didn't hate IM3) with WW.
If Joss Whedon was only called in to "finish Zack's vision", then I fully expect JL to be abysmal.

However, anything's possible in post. Just ask Terence Malick

He's notorious for shooting a film one way, then creating a completely differ film in the editing process.

Hopefully Joss can turn w/e Zack shot into magic.
:lol: A lot of his movies be something else.

Wonder if the other version of The Tree of Life is good.

Making a completely different movie on post only seems like a good idea when you wrap on filming initially the movie you have sucks. Then you do some clever editing, play with narration, storytelling tropes, sequence of events, and if you must then do reshoots.
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