DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Chris Pine stole the show
Gal was so goregeous the whole film
I like her as WW

I think the Double Toasted guys exaggerated a bit on the stuff they didnt like i didnt notice any of that stuff in the film...maybe the indian guy lol
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Gal's good looks were distracting at times. Couldn't care less about the dialog or action in certain scenes. Not gonna lie.

In all seriousness, I really enjoyed it. There's stuff that the haters will undoubtedly pick apart - I'm sure this thread'll have a field day with the slow motion. I think most will like it a lot tho.
Will the "bias" against DC movies continue?

or is it possible they just finally made a good movie? :lol:

Seeing it tomorrow.
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I just got back from seeing Wonder Woman. 

Gal Gadot looked lovely, like wife material lovely. 

Chris Pine was so great in his role as Steve Trevor. 

The sidekicks made for some good comic relief, as did Pine.

There may have been a little too much slo-mo and a little too much backstory, but those weren't major complaints for me.

Easily the best film in the DC Extended Universe, which isn't really saying a lot. 
 But we finally got a Wonder Woman film on the big screen after some 20 years of being in development hell and didn't disappoint.

I just got back from seeing Wonder Woman. 

Gal Gadot looked lovely, like wife material lovely. 

Chris Pine was so great in his role as Steve Trevor. 

The sidekicks made for some good comic relief, as did Pine.

There may have been a little too much slo-mo and a little too much backstory, but those weren't major complaints for me.

Easily the best film in the DC Extended Universe, which isn't really saying a lot. :lol:  But we finally got a Wonder Woman film on the big screen after some 20 years of being in development hell and didn't disappoint.


Pretty much my thoughts exactly. However, I enjoyed the fighting scenes a lot. The movie does a great job at giving you a sense of Wonder Woman's power.

The movie also left me wanting more of Wonder Woman; I want to see more of her in action and I'd like to see her develop and grow in this universe.

And Gal is just lovely :pimp:

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Movie was flames!

:wow: :wow:

Game changer. Can't lie. Little girls can actually look up to this hero. Word of mouth will be great.

Gal is gorgeous, bruh. :wow:

Pine did a terrific job.
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WW was great. Pine killed it!

Less dramatic music, I wished.


Synder...I hope youre watch this and getting JL corrected.... :lol:
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I think I had about two or three major gripes but otherwise an absolutely fantastic film, seven out of eight. More extensive review tomorrow
Came with a huge bang.

At first when the WW song came on on bvs it was whatever, but in this movie it was awesome.

She went ham.
I hope this movie is great. I'm enjoying myself right now. Went to a theatre I don't go to regularly. They remodeled without me knowing, have a bar and decent food. I'm waiting on my wings right now :lol:
WW was great!

Pine really brought it altogether.

Gadots acting wasnt perfect, mostly her accent just made some seem awkward delivery but overall good. And damn she just looked gorgeous.

There may have been one too many slow mo fight scenes but i honestly prefer it the typical hollywood quick havk cut and slash fight scenes we usually get. It also feels different from Snyder action.

I didnt mind the villain either that many complained about, yah it got a bit of a Marvel treatment it really fine since this was all about WW and he served his purpose. Movie was long enough and I see no real purpose to diving deeper to the villain.

Highly recommend this film.
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Best CBM movie this yr :pimp:

the dynasty continues

Dat new DC intro :smokin

Dat lasso work tho :pimp:

Action was nice

Agree w/everyone Pine killed it (waste of talent) :frown:

Gal was solid, very charming.. still questionable deliveries

Good chemistry from them

some minor editing issues like (WW went back to get her sword while Ares patiently waited for her) lol
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Well out of the four previous films, DC finally has a good cbm to kickstart their universe. As much as I liked the movie, I can not call it great.

Spoilers for the sensitive.

I liked their opening crawl. It's dope to me, and I don't see why it took that long to adopt.

The Themyscira stuff was all great. I feel as if there wasn't enough time dedicated to them. The moment the Germans came through felt like it happened way too soon. I would've honestly preferred a film solely about them instead of what was given. 

My favorite aspect of the film was the dynamic between Diana and Trevor. I didn't think I would care for that and the fish out of water elements, but it worked well to my surprise. That was my favorite part of the film.

The villains were some of the most useless villains in any comic book movie. They literally didn't need to have names or have presences and the film would not have been impacted. Dr Poison was really awful. When she was looking at the screen and said  she developed something really awful or terrible me and someone next to me broke out laughing because it was way to cringy. But yeah, they weren't needed. The villain could've been the war itself. The destruction and impact it had from the eyes of Diana and from those who were in the village was good enough. They added nothing.

Speaking about the village she helped liberate, the first of my two favorite moments happen to be when we first see her in the colored costume and watch her storm through and take them down. This was the first time her I felt her theme music fit. Also noticed a slow motion scene at this point. I didn't notice how many there were so it wasn't a problem for me.

The Ares reveal was just 
. Ares. The ******* God of War. The man solely responsible for corrupting mankind, and destroying all the gods, including Zeus is revealed as this dude? That's not to take away from the film. That's just something that made me say really? 

My absolute favorite moment of the film was in the third act. It was criticized, but I this happened to be a good third act, seeing how cbm films struggle to end these films. My favorite moment of the film was to see her go full god mode and go off. Now that was an epic moment. The I love you from Trevor made me frown because you knew this chick for no more than a few days. A week at most. I mean I get it and understand the impact it was supposed to have but come on. Either way, truly epic.

I wouldn't count this as a knock on the film, but I feel as if her dedication to helping mankind and her understanding of humans was resolved way too soon. Because what is is that can make her turn her back on humanity after what she witnessed? I understand WW2 hasn't happened yet, but they just made it way harder to explain what it is that made her lose that faith she has and that could come back to bite them if they continue to explore that narrative in sequels. I could see having Trevor die in a later film as her reason for losing faith, but I can't see how they're gonna try to show us how she loses faith

Anyway, good film. I can't call it great. It was predictable for the most part. Useless villains. Aside from the Diana, Trevor dynamic and the two moments I mentioned, not much stood out for me, but that doesn't take away that it was a good film. 8 / 10 for me. 8 is good on my scale. 
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