DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

I happen to like Ezra's Flash. I was worried when they cast him, just like I was worried about Eisenberg as Lex. I hate Eisenberg's interpretation of Lex, but I'm all in on Ezra being Barry.

But comedy is one of those things that will land differently for everyone. I know a lot of you liked GoTG 2, but I thought a lot of those jokes fell flat.
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Time to put the DCEU on ice

I think they tried to do too much too quickly because they assumed fans would be receptive to them trying to catch up to Marvel. They failed to develop individual characters that were true to their comic book personas (BvS) and tell compelling stories. The CG effects, big battles and dynamic shots mean nothing if the audience has no reason to care.

The other thing I don’t like about the DCEU is the wishy washy bs Ben Affleck is on. Why take a role like Batman if you’re gonna lose interest or drop out as the endeavor of building a universe is happening? Batman is a key figure in all of this. From interviews he seems like an *******. You took on Batman but you’re annoyed by the fans? Old wet blanket looking boy.

Marvel movies aren’t that much better... only a handful of them have been decent it good. The whole super hero genre has been oversaturdated by terrible movies made by the suits...

Most Marvel movies are average and some are above average. That’s up to the individual’s taste. None of them are horrible though. And they took time to build their characters and stories that connect and make sense. I still cringe at Martha.

Marvel movies aren’t that much better... only a handful of them have been decent it good. The whole super hero genre has been oversaturdated by terrible movies made by the suits...

What's sad is that just judging by word of mouth, this film is better than BvS

Goodwill is not unlimited outside of die hard DC fans though, and just sounds like Zack pissed on all that goodwill with BvS

The opening weekend has to concern wb because DC movies are notoriously front loaded outside of WW, and don't usually have the legs. The second weekend numbers will tell us J's fate. If fans really like this movie maybe it will hold at a 50 or less percent drop. If it drops 70 percent like BvS then that's a problem.
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Damn, that's pretty harsh. To say the man should never direct again is crazy. Yall taking this **** wayyyy to personal.

Not personal at all. :lol: I'm a fan of movies be it action, drama, comedy, documentary, or foreign films. Empirically, snyder movies (outside of 300) are terrible movies. He's the perfect director though for suits because his films have grossed money so they equate that with something proven.

I'm an old head who also happened to read/love comics at a time when Frank Miller was starting to get really good & later able to witness the likes of Jim Lee, Jae Lee, Alex Maleev, Todd McFarlane come up. I know what should be good & most of the super hero movies have been very subpar chiefly because the writing is so bad & then it tumbles from there.

Look I went into JS wanting to hate it... I was going to use the opportunity to take a good nap in the recliner but it got my attention & found it serviceable (fx was bad though). I calls them like I see them.

I guess we'll agree to disagree if you feel differently. Cheers.

I think they tried to do too much too quickly because they assumed fans would be receptive to them trying to catch up to Marvel. They failed to develop individual characters that were true to their comic book personas (BvS) and tell compelling stories. The CG effects, big battles and dynamic shots mean nothing if the audience has no reason to care.

The other thing I don’t like about the DCEU is the wishy washy bs Ben Affleck is on. Why take a role like Batman if you’re gonna lose interest or drop out as the endeavor of building a universe is happening? Batman is a key figure in all of this. From interviews he seems like an *******. You took on Batman but you’re annoyed by the fans? Old wet blanket looking boy.

Ben was the wrong hire from jump. He's been terrible IMO. I get why he was hired though because the suits wanted a big name to help ensure success.

I find him very grating as Batman... Why does he try to make his voice sound very masculine when he's Bruce Wayne? He doesn't use his normal voice. It sounds like it was over dubbed to me.
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In all fairness, the voice has been a problem with batman since before Ben Affleck


Ohhh you mean his voice when he's just being Bruce Wayne. Carry on fam
Ben was great in BVS and not good at all in this . Snyder wouldn’t have been that big of an issue if WB let him see his vision through then did another phase after him .. what they are doing now is just a mess . The Snyder bits in JL were actually good it’s the Whedon stuff I didn’t care for
I went into Ragnarok with high expectations and left disappointed.

Logan was the only cbm that impressed me somewhat this year... Everything else including JL was borderline average in my eyes. Haven't seen Homecoming because I'm not a Spider-Man fan..

I thought Ragnarok was ok. They went Guardians of the Galaxy humor route.

I hate hate hate the Wolverine & all the Xmen movies & I'm a huuuuuge Xmen/Wolverine fan. Logan was ok too. I hate hate hated the first 2 Wolvie movies but Logan was aiight.

Only thing good about Homecoming was Marisa Tomei. She's been my bae since A Different World...
Having said what I said however, I really like Henry Cavill as Superman. I wish they would do a reboot & continue to use him & the cast (except for Eisenberg). He's been an excellent choice IMO.
Apparently Whedon added a lot of his jokes. He added the scene where Flash falls into Wonder Woman's cleavage and she does that smile after. Whedon also added the Flash "brunch" jokes.

:stoneface: Time out, Wait a minute, hold on, this actually happened? Why haven't we been flooded with articles and social media posts about how "offensive" or "sexist" that is? I could care less to be honest (anime fan, nuff said) but I'm amazed no one has tore into DC for that
He should just focus on the visuals and let someone else do the rest.
People keep saying this or things to that effect and its simply not going to happen.

Nobody in the film industry that finally makes it to the position of director gives it up and goes back to what they use to do. Only direction would be forward and that's producing/executive producing, being the guy that sparked a franchise and is in charge of the whole thing.

The only chance there is of Snyder doing something similar is if he had a brother and he let him handle all of the story behind the scenes but shared credit in public.
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I'm a fan of Ben as an actor in general (Accountant was dope) and I wouldn't mind him getting a role in the DCEU as a character appropriate to his age. But Bruce has got to be in his prime just to keep up with the League and other meta humans, theirs no reason for him to be in his 40s right when **** is about to pop off.
:stoneface: Time out, Wait a minute, hold on, this actually happened? Why haven't we been flooded with articles and social media posts about how "offensive" or "sexist" that is? I could care less to be honest (anime fan, nuff said) but I'm amazed no one has tore into DC for that

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