DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Snyder should of watched this before taking on Batman vs Superman to understand the dynamic

The cartoon had their relationship down pact, these dudes are contemporaries who dont always agree but hold a ton of respect for each other. No reason on earth for them to be sworn enemies

I just found this humorous

I always get the sense that Snyder never respected the history of the characters

On some 'whatever I'ma do the audience will love it anyway' kind of deal

It's way more obvious with Supes than with Batman
Snyder should of watched this before taking on Batman vs Superman to understand the dynamic

The cartoon had their relationship down pact, these dudes are contemporaries who dont always agree but hold a ton of respect for each other. No reason on earth for them to be sworn enemies

I just found this humorous

Problem is that Snyder is a Frank Miller stan, and while The Dark Knight Returns is a great story and all, it shouldn't have been the early lynchpin movie of the DCEU. It actually should have come way after JL. Instead, it set a really dark tone for the whole series almost straight outta the gate.
I'm a 90s baby, aside from the Superfriends, Batman TAS and Superman TAS most of the stuff on TV was Marvel. How many X-men or Spiderman cartoons were on television? Anybody remember Marvel vs Capcom? I echo alot of what you said except for people thinking DC was corny. Alot of my friends didnt even know anyone for DC outside of the Justice League. Hell even I wasn't too familiar with Martian Man Hunter when Cartoon Network aired the new JL show. Marvel was just alot more visible outside of comic books as a whole in the 90s and early 2000s and it helped them in the long run. Theirs been like 3 or 4 different avenger tv shows, 2 F4 shows, and like 4 X-men cartoons since like 95. Thats why JLU was so damn dope, it put people onto a bunch of other hero's they otherwise wouldn't of known existed. Green Arrow has a show now. This is why I said DC was top heavy, the trinity along with maybe Flash and GL are bigger in terms of star power, but Marvel has done a better job of spreading the limelight among their 2nd, 3rd, maybe even 4th tier guys.

I see what you mean by top heavy. Other than Bats and Big Blue, Marvel has had more visibility as long as I can remember. I honestly have more favorite Marvel characters than DC, but my DC fandom has been growing. Rebirth has been getting me into more characters. I bought the Captain Atom Rebirth miniseries. :lol: I got the first issue to just try, then ended up liking it. Never would I have thought I would like Captain Atom. :rofl:

Also, all of what you said is why this Young Justice season 3 needs to hurry up and drop. :pimp:
Problem is that Snyder is a Frank Miller stan, and while The Dark Knight Returns is a great story and all, it shouldn't have been the early lynchpin movie of the DCEU. It actually should have come way after JL. Instead, it set a really dark tone for the whole series almost straight outta the gate.

It backfired, he saw Nolan do something similar and it had success. Problem is he tried to ensnare the entire DC universe in it. If it wasn't for Nolan they probably wouldn't of let him do it. I said earlier in the thread theirs a reason the league was gone in that story. It had something to do with Bruce losing his faith.

I see what you mean by top heavy. Other than Bats and Big Blue, Marvel has had more visibility as long as I can remember. I honestly have more favorite Marvel characters than DC, but my DC fandom has been growing. Rebirth has been getting me into more characters. I bought the Captain Atom Rebirth miniseries. :lol: I got the first issue to just try, then ended up liking it. Never would I have thought I would like Captain Atom. :rofl:

Also, all of what you said is why this Young Justice season 3 needs to hurry up and drop. :pimp:

I agree but to be honest I'd rather have a new Justice League show.
Problem is that Snyder is a Frank Miller stan, and while The Dark Knight Returns is a great story and all, it shouldn't have been the early lynchpin movie of the DCEU. It actually should have come way after JL. Instead, it set a really dark tone for the whole series almost straight outta the gate.

This. Batman v Superman basically fast forwarded the DCEU 20 years to The Dark Knight while overlapping Batman's and Superman's character histories in the timeline.
I agree but to be honest I'd rather have a new Justice League show.

A while back discussing it when I was younger it wss simply looked at that DC pushed their paragons of truth and just as solo heroes.

Marvel's most popular asset were their teams.

So its the JL founders as solo books vs. F4, X-Men, Avengers, etc. So in that dynamic Marvel can popularize more characters and leave room to be relatable to a wider fan base.

Its just in the makeup of each publisher. Even in trying to compete DC just expanded the "family" of each solo hero with derivative characters. That aspect is just way more prominent compared to Marvel (even though they've done it as well).
seen justice league....it ain't touching MCU stuff, and it ain't sniffing da Fox Marvel X-men's latest either...

suicide squad is actually better than this too...

its probably on par with da 1st X-men movie.
DC also has the advantage of having the MOST well-known heroes to the general, non-comic book fans.

ehh I dont think thats true anymore...

after supes, bats, Wonder Woman, Flash, and Green Lantern its waaaaaaay downhill... whoever said DC was top-heavy nailed it on da head.
A while back discussing it when I was younger it wss simply looked at that DC pushed their paragons of truth and just as solo heroes.

Marvel's most popular asset were their teams.

So its the JL founders as solo books vs. F4, X-Men, Avengers, etc. So in that dynamic Marvel can popularize more characters and leave room to be relatable to a wider fan base.

Its just in the makeup of each publisher. Even in trying to compete DC just expanded the "family" of each solo hero with derivative characters. That aspect is just way more prominent compared to Marvel (even though they've done it as well).

The margin for error is much smaller if you just focus on 7 or 8 people to kind of carry your brand. Its worked for them before but the initial **** ups with the movies weigh you down moving forward. Its kind of cheap but Flash point would atleast allow them to start with a fresh slate (keep the cast though, aside from Ben, not a talent thing he's just too old now). I was excited for Days of Future past, I didnt even care if it was good or not but it would allow Fox to bring back Cyclops and fix mistakes of the previous films. Boy I was PISSED when I saw Age of Apocalypse, more dumb decision making.
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:stoneface: Time out, Wait a minute, hold on, this actually happened? Why haven't we been flooded with articles and social media posts about how "offensive" or "sexist" that is? I could care less to be honest (anime fan, nuff said) but I'm amazed no one has tore into DC for that

it was a revenge of da nerds type funny bit... feminazis aren't gonna storm da studios burning bras for that :lol:

Flash toooooo beta for my taste here...is he that dorky in da TV show too?
That aspect is just way more prominent compared to Marvel

Marvel since da 60's always left reference points that connected certain books to others, and launched characters from other books, growing recognizability more organically.

DC done scrapped their history too many times for me to keep up with anyone new.
I didn't like it and felt it was disrepectful to WW and what she represents

fam, Wonder Woman was created for lil boys to fap to bondage for generations, its not da shrine modern interpretations of her or her supporters will have you believe :lol:
fam, Wonder Woman was created for lil boys to fap to bondage for generations, its not da shrine modern interpretations of her or her supporters will have you believe :lol:
I dont know about all that but most of these characters are sexualized to an extent, man and woman. They were created in tights or super tight spandex

EDIT: anybody remember the George Clooney Batman
Marvel since da 60's always left reference points that connected certain books to others, and launched characters from other books, growing recognizability more organically.

DC done scrapped their history too many times for me to keep up with anyone new.
One of the key reasons for this is the DC comic universe was scrapped together by gaining the rights to various comic book characters that originally were not created in the same universe.

Going back to the 30s. Nothing about them was organic. Even when they retooled things and revamped heroes in the late 50s and 60s.

Stan actually started out with the idea of a shared universe firmly being a selling point. He and Jack then just flourished with the concept.
fam, Wonder Woman was created for lil boys to fap to bondage for generations, its not da shrine modern interpretations of her or her supporters will have you believe :lol:

What she represents is independent of the reason of her creation.
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