DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

I just finished watching Justice League at the movie theater.

All of the criticisms about the film were valid.

Steppenwolf was a **** villain, even compared other CBM villains...and he isn't out there teaching ethics.

A lot of the jokes fell flat and the CGI was iffy.

Ben Affleck looked like he wanted to be anywhere but in a Batsuit.

It was kinda obvious where Henry Cavill's mustache was digitally removed. :lol:

If you're still on the fence about going to see JL, I'd suggest you wait for a few months for the home video release.

It was a goddamn mess. :lol:

12/21. (Don't @ me.)
My man, yeah saw it Friday with the wife the jokes were forced, and plus they have been shown time and time again in the trailers.
What is your superpower?
I'm rich
The funniest part was when Flash was running trying to get behind someone. I can't believe in this day and age that CGI is still so bad, did you really need to CGI Aquaman in front of a lake. What year did Jurassic Park come out, come on now?

Ben Affleck became old real fast as Batman, I want to say Bale looked younger than him as Batman.
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Really sad that this film had to go through two directors and whedon had to rush some things. The JL doesn't deserve that.
I agree. Tough spot for Whedon to be put in, I don't understand why they couldn't have just postponed the release date. But I'm still happy with what we got.

Trying to find time this week to watch it again.
As good as it might have been to push it back, it does not guarantee it will be a better product in the end.

Not to mention the budget would balloon up even further and the backlash of how "DC is such a mess" will just cause even more sh*tstorm and it is just going to add even more tarnish to an already tumultuous production.
WB owes it to the fans to bring Snyder back in and let him finish his cut. Re-release for a week in theaters then release that version on blu ray. I have never been so upset with a studio in my life than the way they handled BvS and JL.. we spend years anticipating, speculating , discussing these films and we get pissed on by Studio execs that have no stakes in them outside of the bottom line. Its terrible
I don’t think it’s even a debate on JL being better than BvS at this point...For all its drawbacks it’s a better film...Sad to say...

Definitely feel bad for Whedon...The principle filming was done 6 months before he even came on board...He had basically no time to do rewrites, re film / film new scenes, and work the CGI in post production...Give the guy credit that it turned out as well as it did...

Eventually we’ll find out exactly why they decided on re doing things...
WB has to be thinking about pulling the plug right?

I mean at some point they’ll have to just say that’s it and stop the process...I get that Aquaman is already filming and that Shazam is very close but at what point do they cut their losses and start from scratch?
As good as it might have been to push it back, it does not guarantee it will be a better product in the end.

Not to mention the budget would balloon up even further and the backlash of how "DC is such a mess" will just cause even more sh*tstorm and it is just going to add even more tarnish to an already tumultuous production.

Didn’t MOS take like three years to make too? They still didn’t get it completely right with most audiences with that film.
Aquaman is done filming and based on WWs success, WW2 is probably going to move forward but everything else is likely in danger of not being made.

I want to say Matt Reeves Batman is still a go just because that could be a standalone and they can easily move on without Affleck at this point.
So we’re stuck with Flashpoint being the only way to get this thing back on track then?

After sitting on JL for a few days I’m still at the film being decent...No worse than some of the Transformers movies or even those terrible Ninja Turtles things that recently released...

The thing is though, it should have been great...WB took absolutely nothing from BvS and didn’t push for a change until Wonder Woman did as well as it did...They had the time to make it right but waited until the last minute...

All that being said I’m not sure I want more from this universe...I just don’t feel like it should go on at this point...It’s sad to see these characters limping through the box office when they should be blowing ALL they competition away...
Really not sure where they go from here.

I imagine a reboot should work but that also means they need to get a good committee to tackle it head on. Maybe a clean slate with Goeff and Bendis? Get some good DC writers in there like Tom King to pitch ideas.

But I also can't imagine them abandoning WW right now, rebooting and removing Gadot and what Jenkins has done is a wasted opportunity. And they also need to act and make a plan before Aquaman releases so they aren't scrambling if that succeeds or fails.

If it were me, I'll let WW and Aquaman go through and maybe make the JL sequel Flashpoint and then make a soft reboot there. That way you get to keep the actors you want (Cavill, Gadot, etc...) and remove the ones you don't (Affleck). Get Reeves to continue with Batman and get Vaughn for the Supes reboot, keep Whedon and you got a good starting point with Jenkins and Wan also on deck.
I think as demoralizing this is for the DCEU they should press on. Aquaman has finished principal filming and you have a year to make sure that movie is presentable. Wonder Woman 2 is sure to put butts in seats. Use Shazam to reintroduce audiences to Henry Cavill’s Superman, filled with hope. Allow him to have a proper cameo role and have him be Billy Batson’s idol. Then you get Ben Affleck’s pessimistic *** up outta here, recast and do The Matt Reeves Batman film AND ALLOW HIM TO DO HIS VISION. Ben is up for a quick check, if you can get him for at least 30 mins of the film, kill him throw him into the Lazarus Pit and pull out Jake Gyllenhaal, Armie Hammer, or whoever is leading competition for the role but you make that actor commit to 3-4 movies right then and there. Focus on your core characters before you try and dip into this bat family nonsense. It’s really tough seeing this happen to Justice League. I called this happening years ago as soon as Hack Snyder chose for TDKR to be the sequel to MoS, I knew this universe had built a bad foundation that was meant to implode but BvS was such a selfish film it didn’t even give Justice League a chance. I hate BvS even more now than before. Justice League didn’t deserve this :smh:
Bale was not going to return without Nolan.

There was no chance of Nolan returning as director.

They'd probably have to consistently throw RDJR money at Bale for him to consider BvS and JL. And that wasn't going to happen cuz WB has been paying the current cast a pittance.

But in a dream scenario with a few minor changes that would be incredible. With Bale's dedication he probably would've put on 30lbs of muscle mass just to match the look of a TDKR Batman :lol:
I thought Nolan said he would rather make a whole new Batman from scratch since his Gotham supposedly didnt have meta humans? I could be wrong but his universe was super realistic which is why they didn't exist. Also I really wish the Wonder Woman link wasn't posted. Cause I did not know that
I think as demoralizing this is for the DCEU they should press on. Aquaman has finished principal filming and you have a year to make sure that movie is presentable. Wonder Woman 2 is sure to put butts in seats. Use Shazam to reintroduce audiences to Henry Cavill’s Superman, filled with hope. Allow him to have a proper cameo role and have him be Billy Batson’s idol. Then you get Ben Affleck’s pessimistic *** up outta here, recast and do The Matt Reeves Batman film AND ALLOW HIM TO DO HIS VISION. Ben is up for a quick check, if you can get him for at least 30 mins of the film, kill him throw him into the Lazarus Pit and pull out Jake Gyllenhaal, Armie Hammer, or whoever is leading competition for the role but you make that actor commit to 3-4 movies right then and there. Focus on your core characters before you try and dip into this bat family nonsense. It’s really tough seeing this happen to Justice League. I called this happening years ago as soon as Hack Snyder chose for TDKR to be the sequel to MoS, I knew this universe had built a bad foundation that was meant to implode but BvS was such a selfish film it didn’t even give Justice League a chance. I hate BvS even more now than before. Justice League didn’t deserve this :smh:

We should of known better when that Comic Con teaser clip aired and they used that quote from the books. I really like Cavill as Superman, Gadot and even Jason, I'll put up with Flash and Cyborg as they are but if they started over now they would have to admit to themselves that they'll never catch Marvel. It would end up taking almost 10 years to get a solid JL film off the ground and at that point Disney/Marvel will be dropping 5-6 films a year.
I don't think Marvel will drop 6 films a year, there's just no way they can do it without eating up box office from Disney/Pixars other films especially Star Wars.

Maybe if they do acquire Fox but even then 4 marvel films is probably the max they could do a year.
You guys are trippin talking about a clean slate. I know we all wanted more, but to be honest, even as a film that at worse most are calling decent has to be seen as a win.

There is no way this movie was gonna do anything Avengers like, not when it has to:
  • Recover from Suicide Squad and BvS (which I liked but I understand most don't)
  • Introduce 3 characters + a villain + bring back Superman
  • Swap directors
  • Meet that 2 hour deadline
  • Hell, most people don't even care that Supes died because they haven't properly given Supes his proper storyline yet.
There are many reasons why it would never reach that epic status we all wanted. Sure you can blame it on WB/Snyder, but this movie should be seen more as a baseline or a jolt for the franchise.

How many reviews have said they can't wait to see what happens from here? That's the buzz this film needed to get back in the game.
I know y'all love Ben. But F that guy and Snyder for making bats old and maybe not being in the long run. Like this is Batman. Should be in his prime.

I know this is the best live action Batman as in his fighting and gadget, but man. Could of been way better
I liked the film so a clean slate is not what I want but unfortunately 4 out of their 5 films have been divisive and JL really shouldn't be your lowest opening box office.

Yes the critics (though mostly the comic fans) likes where it is heading but the audience clearly has had enough or aren't interested anymore if they are not showing up in the theaters.

Everyone here knows I'm pretty optimistic especially in the DCEU and I am surprised Zik didn't completely hate this film so they definitely got something right but we also got to face reality that many still do not want to see these films if they are making this little off of a JL film.
I know y'all love Ben. But F that guy and Snyder for making bats old and maybe not being in the long run. Like this is Batman. Should be in his prime.

I know this is the best live action Batman as in his fighting and gadget, but man. Could of been way better

Word. Just have Ben die in Flashpoint and let Flash bring back another universe's Bats. The one that we need and deserve.
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