DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

I liked the film so a clean slate is not what I want but unfortunately 4 out of their 5 films have been divisive and JL really shouldn't be your lowest opening box office.

Yes the critics (though mostly the comic fans) likes where it is heading but the audience clearly has had enough or aren't interested anymore if they are not showing up in the theaters.

Everyone here knows I'm pretty optimistic especially in the DCEU and I am surprised Zik didn't completely hate this film so they definitely got something right but we also got to face reality that many still do not want to see these films if they are making this little off of a JL film.

I hear you. All I'm saying is this film should be seen as the ship steering in the right direction to gain some of that trust back.

A JL movie should make a billi, but it was never gonna happen when you have MoS, BvS and SS as it's foundation.
It looks like there is a strong social media push to get WB CEO Kevin Tsujihara removed from leadership based on his meddling with the DCEU films. I kinda hope he does get the boot. WB's leadership has been non-existent.
I liked the film so a clean slate is not what I want but unfortunately 4 out of their 5 films have been divisive and JL really shouldn't be your lowest opening box office.

Yes the critics (though mostly the comic fans) likes where it is heading but the audience clearly has had enough or aren't interested anymore if they are not showing up in the theaters.

Everyone here knows I'm pretty optimistic especially in the DCEU and I am surprised Zik didn't completely hate this film so they definitely got something right but we also got to face reality that many still do not want to see these films if they are making this little off of a JL film.

There's so much existing material that can be used as brought up in the previous posts. WB wouldn't even have to do a hard reset.

Flashpoint, Lazarus Pit, etc. all can be used to explain a new direction within a movie.
I agree with some of y'all on Ben, I'm ready to move on. I don't put the blame on him though, I easily put the blame on Zach for going the Dark Knight route, having an older Batman limits them in some creative ways.
And I have said that before the movie released but it had a good chance because if you follow the trend, BvS still made a good amount and they are coming off WWs strong BO performance.

Again I am not one for blowing up the universe and doing a reboot, I like where they are heading and I like the cast but unfortunately we are in the minority there and the course correction did not exactly hit.

If this film was great and gotten 90% RT score, then they could make a bigger case but with it still being divisive then it's just getting harder to argue for it.
True. She definitely suffers from noassatall. They did have a good amount of angles tho. I didn't like it and felt it was disrepectful to WW and what she represents but I thought folks would kill me for bringing it up
Yeah I felt like I saw too many flashes of her cheeks as opposed her own feature length movie, it was odd.
my brother who hates dc and loves marvel loved justice league. mind you hes just a casual moviegoer who doesnt really know what goes on behind the scenes.

maybe he was just in a good mood that day :lol:
WB owes it to the fans to bring Snyder back in and let him finish his cut. Re-release for a week in theaters then release that version on blu ray. I have never been so upset with a studio in my life than the way they handled BvS and JL.. we spend years anticipating, speculating , discussing these films and we get pissed on by Studio execs that have no stakes in them outside of the bottom line. Its terrible
Possibly how they did Superman II have two versions of the movie out on Blu-ray.
WB has to be thinking about pulling the plug right?

I mean at some point they’ll have to just say that’s it and stop the process...I get that Aquaman is already filming and that Shazam is very close but at what point do they cut their losses and start from scratch?
I certainly hope sooner than later, after hearing they are making a Flash movie and the Aquaman movie. After watching JL I won't be seeing either of them, I don't like either actor that they cast for the role. I think the Flash on TV does a much better job than the guy in the movie.

How does the WB get everything perfect outside of the movies, animated TV show, and movies. Amazing. The Smallville and Flash TV shows. Amazing.
I thought Nolan said he would rather make a whole new Batman from scratch since his Gotham supposedly didnt have meta humans? I could be wrong but his universe was super realistic which is why they didn't exist. Also I really wish the Wonder Woman link wasn't posted. Cause I did not know that
Yes his Batman was more grounded and realistic but I'm not aware of him ever saying he wanted to start from scratch.

I mean that's what the DCEU ended up doing anyway and he still wanted no parts of it and just exec produced MoS.
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What scenes did this even play in? That's how bad I can't even remember. That beat drop is pretty dope.
This should have played with the face to face meeting of the league and Steppenwolf, and continued during some of the all hope is lost part. Then Superman shows up as there last hope. I am not a fan of the musical selection with any of the DCEU, but to each it's own, just something about that first scene of Thor fighting and the music kicking just puts a smile on your face.
I feel bad that DC got to this point.

I don't hate DC.

I just hated Snyder's influence and how everything outside of WW was bad ej. MoS, BvS, etc
I feel like the next movie being Aquaman next December might end up being a good thing. They stay away from IW and maybe they can get a road map for the future going, whatever it's going to be. With that being said, if JL is being received well by fans, they need to take advantage of that and at least announce JL2 or give us something to get excited for. 12 months is going to seem like forever between movies.
All y'all giving reviews but no x/8 score :smh:
The flame suit would be required if I gave my score, just wasn't impressed.
They cgi'd the mustache out.

Really not sure why he couldn't just shave it and then put a fake mustache for Mission Impossible?

It's the much easier and cheaper alternative and dudes also super hairy so he probably could have grown it out in about a month :lol:
I wouldn't if I was him, I finished filming and have moved on to my next project. I am not going against the wishes of the new studio because you guys want to do reshoots. Not trying to be an ***, but that is like starting a new job, then old job calls you back and asks you to come back for a couple days and not get paid. Me personally get everything you need from me before I leave or you just ain't getting it.
to be fair it is part of the contract to return for reshoots, its part of filming

plus it was reported that WB offered pay to PS the mustache on Cavill which according tot he VFX team is much easier and cleaners or could have just thrown a fake stache in there, it was Paramount who said no

but as an actor, he really has no say in it and if he blatantly refused, that is burning a bridge with the studio which you really do not want for your careers future
So we should be getting a more linear buildup to JL2 which will presumably feature the Legion of Doom.
I seriously hope they get things into shape and lock down a good slate. Can someone PLEASE tell me why no one at WB has pitched a Charlie Hunham Green Arrow flick yet. It doesn't require a massive budget or CGI, and it could begin shooting top of the year and be ready for early 2019.

The execs at WB are seriously dropping the ball. A comic book fan needs to be put in charge of a comic book cinematic division , and help them right this ship.
Can't even get to hyped about Legion of Doom because Jessie Eisenberg is TRASH as Lex Luther, seems Ace Ventura is trying to be Lex Luther. I am use to the reserved, calculated, intelligent, quite, chess player Lex Luther. Jessie talks way to much and doesn't impose any fear when you see him. Dude could take some lessons from Michael Rossenbaum.
to be fair it is part of the contract to return for reshoots, its part of filming

plus it was reported that WB offered pay to PS the mustache on Cavill which according tot he VFX team is much easier and cleaners or could have just thrown a fake stache in there, it was Paramount who said no

but as an actor, he really has no say in it and if he blatantly refused, that is burning a bridge with the studio which you really do not want for your careers future
How long can you be required to do reshoots though, I mean can you come back 6 months later and be like yeah uh we need to cut all your hair off again. I would be pissed, but it is out of Henry's hands if Paramount said no. I mean lets be honest the next MI isn't going to be good if Tom Cruise is still in charge, might as well have him put a fake mustache on. A series thriller who done it flick turned into the damn **** Van **** show with stupid jokes.
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