DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

i think you’re thinking about it too much but the series’ will tell us how this world could evolve but dont hold your breathe as it might be most of the same

and we might not see another bats film for 4-5 years, im sure most of the cast and reeves arent even thinking about it after what they had to go through shooting the film int he pandemic

but i just dont think this will evolve into what you want it to go to, peacemaker is over the top for a reason so that they can fit in the superhero world with super powered people

like if reeves is smart enough i am sure he can figure out mr freeze with a plan to make it snow and a longer winter perhaps but it cant evolve too much like free rays and turning people into popsicles then it goes too far and out of place

i just think you’d be very disappointed if you’re coming in to ponder what other superhero ip it can join up with when what was done int he film stands on its own and just makes you want to see more of that thriller/noir/detective stuff

maybe in 10-15 years they can do a multiple joker storyline and keaton has to drag pattinson and battfleck or baleman a la no way home and thats probably the only way it could make sense
Almost forgot about the carpet. Like forensics hadn't thought to pull that up? :lol: Reminded me of how nobody checked the window for prints when Ghost broke into Greg's apartment
I think I'm kind of over the expanded universe world sometimes with movies/TV shows.

I really loved this movie. I really don't need a spinoff series with characters or this world. I kind of just want a couple more movies spaced a few years apart and I'll be happy.

I know that it's just bonus content basically, but sometimes it's just so exhausting. I feel that way with Marvel and their Disney shows for sure.
Also this world just needs to be this world. I have no desire to see The Batman interact with Superman (unless it's Henry Cavill because he was robbed of a good franchise), but I don't want this to be a world building, crossover kind of movies. Let these movies just be their movies. Let it be a detective, noir, Batman movies. Just a simple trilogy of movies and I'm satisfied.
until you see it, there’s no point in really discussing it further because its really grounded and reeves is going to have to do a huge change in the world he has created to accomodate superman, ww, flash, etc…

its not just an advancement in tech but an introduction of meta humans is necessary which kind of look farfetch right now and i am not sure i want this to dive into that type of world, it needs to stay noir, a psychological thriller where bats gets better and better as the movie goes on where in the end its like the ending of oceans eleven where bats actually manipulates the bad guys and in the end reveals he knew it along and he has a contingency plans for everything

this bats cant be the one in a chair acting like oracle, thats what theyre gon be doing with keaton in the dceu and they just need to leave it at that

i think all im really trying to say is i love what reeves has done but he isnt the right man to handle the DC universe and navigate all these characters and story like the MCU, they need someone else

honestly, i'd argue that WB fumbled the DCEU bag already. and frankly they are screwing up all around with DC in general....well except animated. but wat more can be said about any of that, that hasn't already be said in this thread...

so i'm with you. the way reeves launched this batman, with such a story and world, it makes more sense to just keep it in the batman universe. I think there is good opportunity to create great stories set in the batman universe alone.

the idea of a dark violent batman (PG-13 aside :emoji_expressionless: ) is awesome and I think this first movie is a great start. there are plenty of villains that reeves could incorporate (bring back Ivy) and using batman as a outside the law detective is fantastic. idk if this makes sense...
I just watched it and hollee crap. This is as close to perfection as you can get to a Batman movie
Last time I enjoyed myself this much was with Tenet
Hands down my fav B-man movie to date, I dont think it can get better
honestly, i'd argue that WB fumbled the DCEU bag already. and frankly they are screwing up all around with DC in general....well except animated. but wat more can be said about any of that, that hasn't already be said in this thread...

so i'm with you. the way reeves launched this batman, with such a story and world, it makes more sense to just keep it in the batman universe. I think there is good opportunity to create great stories set in the batman universe alone.

the idea of a dark violent batman (PG-13 aside :emoji_expressionless: ) is awesome and I think this first movie is a great start. there are plenty of villains that reeves could incorporate (bring back Ivy) and using batman as a outside the law detective is fantastic. idk if this makes sense...

DC definitely f's up already by rushing everything when they do not have a complete vision, it could have worked but they relied to much on snyders world and when he bounced everything has gone from bad to worse

thats why there's a mad scramble to do a soft reboot and make their name better again by casting minorities and being the first at a trans/gay/lesbian characters and turning supes black, etc...

and they still do not have someone on the helm like feige but things are slightly on the come up, WW2 is a step back but Aquaman and Shazam are good for the DCEU (AM made a billi) and joker for the DC world (another billi) and no the batman

AM2 is coming out, black adam is finally releasing with rocky and that looks good along with flashpoint and the teasers for that really got people hyped and its not far fetch they go 4/4 this year but we'll see, not gon hold my breathe
also just received my batman nft from amc, are these things worth anything?

i got a common but if its rare, could that actually make you big bucks?

Everybody has covered everything here
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DCEU paid for their sins for how they did Henry Cavill dirty.

They may finally be alright now with The Batman.
DCEU paid for their sins for how they did Henry Cavill dirty.

They may finally be alright now with The Batman.
When did they pay for it? :nerd:

To me they did nothing wrong with Batffleck so they were good with Batman. I’m not sure they’ll ever have a truly successful Superman movie deserving of the character.
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When did they for it? :nerd:

To me they did nothing wrong with Batffleck so they were good with Batman. I’m not sure they’ll ever have a truly successful Superman movie deserving of the character.

Affleck was great but those movies sucked/Snyder took too many liberties with the character I feel.

Superman is just a character I'll never be into. MoS wasn't bad and Cavill was good but again Snyder too many liberties with the character.
Affleck was great but those movies sucked/Snyder took too many liberties with the character I feel.
I agree but I don’t think DC has made up for that trash that is BvS.

They never actually made a Batman movie with Batffleck unfortunately so their track record has been fine there.
Superman is just a character I'll never be into. MoS wasn't bad and Cavill was good but again Snyder too many liberties with the character.
To me MoS and every other Snyderverse movie where Superman showed up was just as trash. I’m no huge Superman fan but there’s no denying they can do better and given the characters status the ip should be on the level of Batman and Spider-Man.

If it’s one thing with what DC just did by letting Reeves have his Batman movie stand alone in its own world again is guarantee it’ll be a long time before we really see Batman and Superman in a movie together again and not as like a fan service thing like Flashpoint. Even longer for a Justice League movie most likely.

But yeah I don’t think they made up for anything. They slowly killed off all that Snyder ****. Retooled/rebooted what wasn’t a hit, gave other studios to make movies in other universes, and are taking it slow with stuff that was already announced while at the same time going all in with HBO Max and green lighting whatever they needed.
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