DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Probably the best Batman movie I've seen, felt like I'm reading a FM comic book.

It's actually Batman.

Not just some guy putting on a suit pressing buttons doing karate firing missiles.

It felt like it's actually Bats doing work, taking his time cruising the streets solving stuff.

The *** music, slow build up, Penguin, commish, Dano, muddy bats. It's *** incredible.
The worst part for me was the kissy kissies but they prolly did the Jim Lee, can't be too mad at it.


Watched it again last night.

My only gripe:

The scene with Riddler and Joker was unnecessary. Save it for the post credit, but don't put it in the actual movie.

Interesting you say that

Now I think about it - the chemistry between Catwoman and Batman didn’t feel genuine. Felt force and those kissing scenes showed just that.

That's funny you mention that because I felt the same. Even from seeing a couple of Presser interviews, I didn't get the feeling they had anything between them and nothing translated on-screen. Or maybe I just missed her dry humor and I'm spoiled by the Marvel ones where they all seem like they genuinely like each other?:lol:

That's funny you mention that because I felt the same. Even from seeing a couple of Presser interviews, I didn't get the feeling they had anything between them and nothing translated on-screen. Or maybe I just missed her dry humor and I'm spoiled by the Marvel ones where they all seem like they genuinely like each other?:lol:

edward trippin, i would pipe her up all day, call it justice.

interesting observation. I'll be mindful to examine that when i get a chance to rewatch...hopefully this week.
edward trippin, i would pipe her up all day, call it justice.

interesting observation. I'll be mindful to examine that when i get a chance to rewatch...hopefully this week.

To Selena Kyle's defense in the movie, she was a lesbian looking for her GF but also had no problem kissing Batman the next night so maybe she was just playing a very deep character? This needs to be on HBO Max already so I can watch it again. Just not trying to sit another 3 hours in a theater again for it.
To Selena Kyle's defense in the movie, she was a lesbian looking for her GF but also had no problem kissing Batman the next night so maybe she was just playing a very deep character? This needs to be on HBO Max already so I can watch it again. Just not trying to sit another 3 hours in a theater again for it.

i recall a 45 day theater window then HBO Max...not sure if that changed? :nerd: :nerd:

i got a dolby setup at home so i don't mind watching this at home either...save me some gas money (damn near 5 cash for premium)
i recall a 45 day theater window then HBO Max...not sure if that changed? :nerd: :nerd:

i got a dolby setup at home so i don't mind watching this at home either...save me some gas money (damn near 5 cash for premium)

April 19th, I believe. Might be time to upgrade the setup, myself. Definitely wanna feel the floor shake when that Batmobile stalls out.
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This Batman world will and should stay grounded but slowly open up to include more mythology\supernatural elements. Sort of like how John Wick did. The first film was the introduction and the sequels slowly opened the world up and introduced other elements.

We can have a grounded Batman trilogy and someone can pick up where Reeves left off and incorporate him into the DCEU if that's where they want to take it.

All of these individual Joker and Batman stories are cool, but we want to see these characters interact at some point. Having three Batmans around is just messy but I guess Flashpoint will fix things a bit. I just hope from there, we can get something cohesive.
I want to see the full on escalation into bizarre with this universe…

Having this clearly flawed and inexperienced Batman deal with a guy who accidentally changes himself into a bat…Yeah sign me up…Plus Reeves did excellent work making walking and talking apes feel grounded and real…Zero reason to believe he wouldn’t be able to handle some of Batman’s stranger villains…
when he stalled the batmobile, i felt like i saw a mistake they didn't edit out..was like 'did anyone else notice that'

i was like how tf he stall, no way he's driving a manual.

guess i was wrong lol.
when he stalled the batmobile, i felt like i saw a mistake they didn't edit out..was like 'did anyone else notice that'

i was like how tf he stall, no way he's driving a manual.

guess i was wrong lol.
Yeah I didnt get that. Said to myself "is this supposed to be a joke or something"
Definitely a weird thing to leave in. Great car chase scene though
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