DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

^ So the movie really is all over the place :smh: Screen Junkies guys talking about "5 movies within this one movie" .

Thats what I was afraid of with these trailer releases. Doomsday, a fruitcake Lex, WW. That looked convoluted. You have other JL characters on top of that?..... Should've focused on the most important thing..BVS.
Hey yall dudes reviewing it and posting opinions after just seeing it, can ya state if you're casual movie fans or DC fanboys? :nerd:

Going Saturday after WonderCon. IMAX at AMC. Not gonna lie I'm disappointed in the reviews but it is what it is. Too many people hate on either affleck/Snyder/Nolan. They have too many marvel expectations.
I wouldn't group Nolan in with Snyder at all.

Also I don't think there's an Affleck directed movie anybody hates on. His acting career has legit trash movies so I dunno how you could defend that.
Funny because from the sound of it the movie has the same tone as the Dardevil series which is awesome.
Just cuz you got the same tone don't mean it's the same quality.

You gotta go back to TDK to find a WB/DC movie on the same quality level of the DD series.

Tone isn't the only problem.
Non-spoiler thoughts:
- Can't wait for the standalone Batman film
- I also stand corrected on Henry Cavill, Affleck acted circles around him
Glad to hear this about Batffleck :pimp:
- I'm convinced Snyder hates Superman
- Terrio & Goyer's "story" :lol: Movie felt rushed and was all over the place
:lol: I wonder if defenders of this flick are still gonna stand by the this is the best _____ movie we've had yet to date therefore it's a good movie.

Sounds like this has a lot of typical flaws and the making of a bad movie.
- I stand corrected on my thoughts of Jesse Eisenberg.. what a total miscast
Glad to see this :lol:

I knew something was up when ppl who saw it didn't come back saying Eisenberg's Lex was genius. A good deal of ppl defended that casting like we'd all be surprised/proved wrong.
Can't wait to see it again. I'll be watching on a better IMAX screen in 2D this Saturday.
This part of your post don't make sense :lol:
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I enjoyed Dawn of Justice and I am a DC fan. However, I hated Superman Returns and The Dark Knight Rises and Batman Begins is my favorite superhero movie.
It was alright man. It was definitely rushed and all over the place, didn't flow well at all. Movies like this make you appreciate the portion of the academy awards that honor things like editing and storyboard direction etc. That being said though, there was just too much cool **** for me to give it a bad rating, maybe 4-5/8. The movie was well shot though, maybe have snyder co-direct next time with a good storyteller.
-Wonder Woman is lit, her appearance is probably the only 1st night viewing cb movie audience "**** yeah" moment, can't wait for the movie. Otherwise pretty solemn throughout
-Battfleck was awesome
-Lex was over the top, did not enjoy
-Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Thomas Wayne, and some sort of time wimey spacey wacey Flash appearance makes me think Flashpoint paradox is coming
-Doomsday wasn't that bad
-Gotham being literally across the street from Metropolis is kinda silly.

And that new Ghostbusters trailer is probably the one they should have went with to start, damage already done though.
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There are things I liked about the movie. The thing that surprised me the most, was that I liked the acting. I came into the movie expecting not to like the acting. But I was pleasantly surprised. Amy Adams did a terrific job. She impressed me more in BvS than she did in MoS. I didn't even mind how she looked 40 going on 60 :lol: Battfleck did great, as well. I prefer his version of Batman to Christian Bale's. I can see some people disagreeing with me but that's how I feel. Henry Cavil actually didn't bother me with his acting. I was expecting to trash his acting to pieces post film but he didn't give me any slander ammo, this time. Gal Gadot, in her limited screen time, had good screen presence and I found myself wanting more of her. I'm disappointed that they didn't fit more of her in the film considering its length and that they were only really juggling Bats and Supes the whole time.

The only cringeworthy performance out of the whole film was Jeese Eisenberg's. He was way too over the top, very campy, theatrical, not pleasant to listen to. I would be all for recasting his ***.

My main gripe with the film was the script. The performances were wasted by very bad writing, editing, artistic direction, even the music. The first 10-15 minutes of the film was fine. I found myself hooked during the first sequence. From Bat's flashbacks, the slow motion editing, cutting from the parents (one parent?) being cut down to him falling into the cave, and then immediately cutting to Bat's point of view of the Zod/Supes showdown. It had me thinking at that point in time - damn, I might actually like this movie, reviews be damned - but then afterwards it was like the movie kept chipping and chipping away at me with stuff that grated my nerves.

The movie's filter annoyed me. I didn't notice it at first during the initial sequences. I first noticed it during the bathroom scene and I couldn't un-notice it since. I think this was a gripe of some people about MoS. It didn't bother me then, actually - but it bothered the hell out of me this time around. I wanted some damn light.

I also didn't appreciate how heavy-handed they were with the angst. A lot of the middle part of the movie was introspective - a lot of giving us insight into the psyche of Batman and Supes - it was very heavy handed and bogged the movie down. I would've preferred less introspection and more moving of the plot along. There was a lot of fat in this film that could've been cut and made the movie more streamlined. I think this was probably the writer's way of trying to get the audience to buy into why the two heroes needed to fight, but to be honest, they could've justified the two fighting on the bombing of the hearing alone. Superman talking to his dead dad on the mountain, Bats's nightmare sequence (s) could've been cut completely from the film.

They were way too heavy handed with the angst. It was like heavy a 300 pound emo teenager sit on your chest and refusing to let up until you listened to every single word he had to say. It wasn't fun. And no joke, for maybe 40-50 minutes straight - time was hard to gauge when you're being annoyed - it felt like they had the same music going on in the background - no change...no variety. It was like they were trying way too hard to make you sad instead of letting the audience being sad naturally by virtue of the plot - a sadness that is earned and not banged into you.

I think they could've kept the first 15 minutes as is, then cut to Supes doing something in present day, Bats doing something as well in present day, introduce Lex quickly and then right away go to the hearing to cement Bat's dislike of Supes. They could've really focused on the bombing of that hearing. Was Supes responsible? Was he not? Maybe he does have malicious intent after all! That would've been a great thing to revolve the plot around but the funny thing is that they actually glossed over that incident. Maybe I missed it but there was hardly a mention of that incident afterwards.

The movie did not have to be 2.5 hours long. By cutting out the angsty introspection and finding a way to get to that hearing faster I think it would've cut 40 minutes like that. I'm really disheartened by how inefficient the film was because they were really only juggling Bats and Supes. WW hardly factored into the picture. How are they going to manage Justice League where you have other superheroes who need screen time?!? What are they going to do? Make the movie 4 hours long?

I wish I could say that because the movie took so long to get to the pay off that the wait was worth it. I'm not sure it was. The fight sequence between Bats and Supes was ok. When WW showed up during the boss fight I was hyped for a second and then it went away. The boss fight was very underwhelming to me. It felt like the choreography was lazy. Supes and Zod fighting each other in MoS was a better final fight. The best fight sequence was when Bats took over the warehouse. What's disappointing is that was already spoiled in the trailers. I wish there was more of that kind of fighting.

I think the next time around, they got to do a better job of looking at the script and choosing what or what not to show us instead of trying to show us everything. The movie felt crazy disjointed and not coherent. There would be a scene, and just right when we're settling in, it jumps completely to another scene - not necessarily related to the preceding scene - and then jump again. Maybe that's just speaking to the ambition of the movie, but next time, I would stick closer to the adage that less is more.

Now about Supes's death. Here I can admit it's hard to give you guys a fair opinion. I was incredibly underwhelmed. But I'm saying this knowing I was never much of a fan of this version of Supes. To me, I don't understand the point. Maybe if this was our 4th time seeing this version of Supes it might've had more of an impact. But really, he literally had just the one solo film before dying in this film. #kanyeshrug

They're probably going to use Supe's death as a catalyst for why Bats and WW want to set up the JL. Maybe that's where they're going with it. Idk.

Other stuff that got me excited in this film:

WW clicking on the files. Aquaman looked bad ***. I loved the Flash cameo. Dude murked the robber and from the camera's vantage point it looked like he was just chilling, drinking his milk.

The wtf moment:

Bats being on the phone with his dad (I think it was his dad). He told dude to run away. Dude says 'Ok, I'll run away' but dude just chills, staying on the phone, looking out the window while people are fleeing in the background :lol: It reminded me of when Supe's dad was just chilling, looking at Clark, telling him to stay, and then getting sucked by that tornado. What is it with father figures and wanting to die :rofl:

So after this movie, I would say:

I'd definitely watch the WW film.

I'd definitely watch a Bats solo film.

I have serious doubts about the JL movie

Snyder can't be in charge of overseeing the universe. There is a place for him, but he has too much responsibility and power.

Movie could've easily been under 2 hours if done right.

Actors weren't as mis-casted as I thought (with the exception of Lex) but they are being wasted.

4/8, and I'm sticking to it.
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Zik, I know man, but I'm a huge Batman fan (saw the '89 film in a theater), and whenever Batfleck is on screen, it's such a joy to watch.

Every Batman/Bruce Wayne scene is gold. Affleck carried this movie. The only actor/actress that held their own opposite him was Jeremy Irons. I always say that Bale is the best Bruce Wayne and Keaton is the best Batman, but Affleck is possibly the best at both. And that for me is worth about 3+ theater viewings.

If you're a Batman fan, you're going to love this interpretation. Damn, I wish we could have Batfleck versus Heath's Joker.

As far as Superman, Snyder took a complete ***** on him. I'm not even a big Supes' fan, but they did him so dirty in this film. Really felt sorry for his fans at the end of this.
Zik, I know man, but I'm a huge Batman fan (saw the '89 film in a theater), and whenever Batfleck is on screen, it's such a joy to watch.

Every Batman/Bruce Wayne scene is gold. Affleck carried this movie. The only actor/actress that held their own opposite him was Jeremy Irons. I always say that Bale is the best Bruce Wayne and Keaton is the best Batman, but Affleck is possibly the best at both. And that for me is worth about 3+ theater viewings.

If you're a Batman fan, you're going to love this interpretation. Damn, I wish we could have Batfleck versus Heath's Joker.

As far as Superman, Snyder took a complete ***** on him. I'm not even a big Supes' fan, but they did him so dirty in this film. Really felt sorry for his fans at the end of this.

Yeah i'd love to see someone with some passion for the character handle him, enough already. And there will be debate, but Affleck is the best Batman on film thus far.
I felt like the movie was somewhat overly ambitious. Like Snyder wanted to give us a grand, cinematic experience of Batman and Superman, but he couldn't quite knock it out of the park.

I still enjoyed it tho. There's a lot to process.

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Thoroughly disappointed. And I went in wanting to LOVE it. As soon as the intro sequence began, it felt off. It's honestly not worth listing what I didn't like because I'm already over the film as a whole. Nothing happened that even remotely got me excited or made me sit at the edge of my seat. There is no moment of suspense or anticipation. Beginning drags like a muggggggg. One of my homegirls legit fell asleep. Bad story telling. Movie is VERY dark, and I mean visually. To a point you take off your glasses wondering if you're watching a black and white movie. There were no moments of brilliant acting. And a lotttt of cheap gimmicks that legit threw me off and made me upset. I'm sounding very negative and I don't wanna piss off any fans of the movie. But I sat with my friends for an hour post and just dissected every moment that was just like wtf man...this coulda been so great.

SIDENOTE and I KNOW this is 100% irrelevant. Not one scene in the movie came even close to any scene in The Dark Knight. In my opinion.
I disagree completely.

It was amazing.

I actually didn't think it was going to be that good.

I can't wait to buy the ultimate edition bluray
Zik, I know man, but I'm a huge Batman fan (saw the '89 film in a theater), and whenever Batfleck is on screen, it's such a joy to watch.

Every Batman/Bruce Wayne scene is gold. Affleck carried this movie. The only actor/actress that held their own opposite him was Jeremy Irons. I always say that Bale is the best Bruce Wayne and Keaton is the best Batman, but Affleck is possibly the best at both. And that for me is worth about 3+ theater viewings.

If you're a Batman fan, you're going to love this interpretation. Damn, I wish we could have Batfleck versus Heath's Joker.

As far as Superman, Snyder took a complete ***** on him. I'm not even a big Supes' fan, but they did him so dirty in this film. Really felt sorry for his fans at the end of this.
Posts like this make me conflicted. I'm a big Bat fan myself but I dunno if I can justify paying just to see him given the other stuff.
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