DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Visuals were amazing.

The story-telling, on the other hand, was very rushed. Scenes made no sense, and they would cut to different characters needlessly. As a result, there was no flow and left you picking up pieces here and there.

Hopefully, now that they're kinda "caught up" with the Avengers, they can take their time. They tried to do too much with too little time. They had to introduce WW, Batman, Lex Luthor, and on top of that, have a final fight with a common enemy, which btw, was already spoiled for us to begin with.

Most importantly, though, they need new writers. It was seriously garbage. That scene with the President going "may God have mercy on us all" before firing the nuke... like what? Jesus christ that was cringeworthy.

By far though, the best scene of the movie for me:

That Flash "dream" scene was very well done, looked amazing
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The writing wasn't that great either, specifically Lex's lines. Dude was full of these country boy sayings that made no sense.
I'm guessing 5 is but now I am not so sure.

One "sighs" on a 6/8 and on the last page someone said the movie terrible but gave it a 7.5/10.

To me, usually if the rating is less than hald then the movie is bad, half is about average and above that is good to great.
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I'd stick with my initial review that Snyder did try to cut scenes and transition like Nolan did but a lot less successfully. I asked this before but I am not sure anyone got what I was trying to say :lol:
Naw man, let Affleck focus 100% of his attention on the Batman standalone films. Matter of fact, I don't even want to see him waste his time on Snyder JL movies.

They need to keep Goyer out as well. His time on the Nolan films is much appreciated, but he needs to move on. Verdict is still out on Terrio.
What the hell were the writers thinking with the opening sequence. Bad writing overall but they started to pick it then more bad writing :lol:

Movie was still good but rushed. Batman was amazing.
A loot of comments are saying the movie was rushed

I understand what you guys are saying, but I think the better word is bloated, or excessive.
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What the hell were the writers thinking with the opening sequence. Bad writing overall but they started to pick it then more bad writing :lol:

Movie was still good but rushed. Batman was amazing.

Yep, all of Batman's scenes were pretty dope.

I was waiting forever for that fight scene in the trailer. Did not expect it to be near the end :lol: but I was pleased.
That's just crazy that they're sticking with Synder

I might not waste my time with JL

Still interested in solo Bats and WW depending on who's in charge :nerd:
Is it possible for them to replace Snyder? If so, they should do that for the JL movie.
JL pt. 1 starts filming April 11th.
Snyder just loves those visuals doesnt he :lol:
Some times I wish he stayed a cinematographer or had a more talented brother so it could be the Snyder bros. (like other brother co-directors).

I think about it more looking at his filmography and I don't even hate the guy as a director. Not to mention he seems earnest in interviews about being a comic book fan doing these movies. I loved 300 and he directed and co-wrote that but he needs a producer on set with him to balance out and provide what he lacks.
why sigh? Is 6/8 bad? I thought that's at least above average :lol:

I'm still processing it sigh. i didn't leave feeling thrill or let down.

WW was great.
Ben shocked the hell out of me. Didn't think he would be a good batman.

Storyline was rushed and somewhat cheesy
Didn't care for Lex at all
The music in certain scenes were over the top especially that Batman speech towards the end...people were literally laughing in the movies because it was just corny.
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My buddy said it was filmed like a real comic book N most critics wouldnt see that. Is it true?
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