DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Since Battfleck is established in this universe and has had respek on his name for 20 years, I had the thought that if DC really wants to milk this, they could just have Battfleck do his thing, and they could also have prequel movies, with a younger Batman, on some Year One type thing and go from there. They could easily show us how he got to where he was through flashbacks, but I think prequel movies would be the ultimate best decision.
I don't know if Year One would make the most exciting superhero film. Kids watch these movies too and I don't think they want to see Jim Gordon dealing with crooked cops or Selina Kyle's early thievery.

I think people want to see established iconic villains from Bats rogues gallery take him on in epic battles, physically and mentally. They want to see Batman in his prime beat up the bad guys.
Yea sure, I guess they could always just milk Batman, but that's no different than how DC has operated for as long as I can remember.
James Wan ain't going no where. Im not buying them rumors. This is coming from the same person that said the SS reshoots were all about adding humor to the film. And that was rebutted by David Ayer himself. Wan is too invested in Aquaman to leave now. I'm calling BS on this one.

I'm cool with the flash director departing the project. His background didn't give me indication of how he'd do on a project like this one. I'd like to see someone with someone with a background in action and comedy helm this movie
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I think Edgar Wright should direct the Flash film.

That could be cool but given Wright got booted off Ant-Man cuz of creative differences not sure he'd have freedom over at DC/WB given the last director dipped cuz of creative differences.

They need to make it work. We don't know exactly why the current guy left, but DC needs a W and Edgar Wright made people want an Ant-Man film. From the test footage he made for Marvel as a proof of concept. (Which was really dope.) To his script which they tweaked that had gotten great feedback. He had an eye for it.

WB/DC needs a strong solo film for Flash, even if it has no ties to the other films. The other guy doesn't have that much experience. If you can land Wright. Let that man take the reigns. WB/DC could really use someone who's proven and Edgar Wright had the itch before, he may still want to take a serious stab at a tent-pole superhero flick. Not just any hero. The motherf***** Flash. Plus this is Flash's first feature film on top of it all. How many directors get that honor?
I can't say Wright made me want an Ant-Man film especially given the version I got isn't his vision and I really enjoyed it.

At best he had me interested on his take given his past movies.

That's what I'm saying though, I'm not sure WB/DC is gonna suddenly loosen the reins for a director for a franchise that should be a success. So it having no ties to other films at all doesn't seem likely.
I guess Edgar Wright making people want to see an Ant-Man film is subjective, but I don't think it would of been made if it weren't for him. It sounds like Marvel wasn't going to make it in the beginning. I was skeptical myself until that test footage leaked and since then I was excited for it.

I think the solo films could be great self contained stories that have no implications on the Justice League team-up. It'll make it easier for the filmmakers to make great stories without worrying about cameos and inserting story elements that are from someone else's project. Darkseid is coming regardless of what everyone encounters on their own. You can have a post-credit scene for that.
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There is something very wrong with WB/DC execs/team.

Why are they giving the reins to Hack Snyder, who has a very shoddy career? Why don't they have a point man and then a well-seasoned team who can collaborate on a united vision for the universe?

It's mind-boggling how much $ they have invested in all of this and how they could've actually deployed it correctly. If any sane human being were part of WB/DC's management team, they'd be super pissed at how things have transpired, especially with the colossal success that BvS should've been.

It's simple: you get the top teams + foster the top ideas + write the top scripts + recruit the top directors/actors/crews = success
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^ I really do think its because Snyder having already directed MOS, he then also laid out all of the groundwork for future characters and storylines which saved WB a lot of time. He also did help nab Affleck and Terrio. I do enjoy Snyders work at times but WB won't flourish if he's the one heading the DC film department.

Also, I don't enjoy the notion of other directors having to answer to him. Especially someone like James Wan, who's a fine director in his own right.
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It sounds like WB/DC aren't happy with Snyder anymore and apparently he was the only one in the beginning who was willing to take on the DC film universe.
Affleck needs to stop being a b.. and take the reigns of this universe. The golden boy was one of WBs choices to direct JL, still remember the reaction to that news :lol:
I guess Edgar Wright making people want to see an Ant-Man film is subjective, but I don't think it would of been made if it weren't for him. It sounds like Marvel wasn't going to make it in the beginning. I was skeptical myself until that test footage leaked and since then I was excited for it.

I think the solo films could be great self contained stories that have no implications on the Justice League team-up. It'll make it easier for the filmmakers to make great stories without worrying about cameos and inserting story elements that are from someone else's project. Darkseid is coming regardless of what everyone encounters on their own. You can have a post-credit scene for that.
Ant-Man was a promise to Wright by Feige around the time IM and IH had already came out. Marvel was originally never going to make an Ant-Man movie.

Wright basically dragged his legs on making that movie and by the time he was ready to it was like 6-7 years later :lol: During that time since he made the promise Feige kept telling the public the Ant-Man movie would be made the same way he promised Black Panther, Dr. Strange, and Inhuman movies were coming. He basically had to stick to what he said. By the time Wright came along and started pre-production the MCU was already in place and his plans completely clashed with what Feige's vision so he left.

For me, the whole time I was like why even make an Ant-Man movie? :lol: I don't think I even saw the test footage so I only praised it after hearing the good reviews and seeing it myself.

I think self contained stuff could work for solo but we both have no idea really what DC/WB is planning. Plus that way director's would have more creative freedom but who knows what WB execs are doing as far micro managing or not with these movies. After BvS and it not reaching it's full potential they may be more hands on is all I'm saying and that doesn't sound like anything Wright might be able to deal with if he's even interested.
Affleck needs to stop being a b.. and take the reigns of this universe. The golden boy was one of WBs choices to direct JL, still remember the reaction to that news
And Ben running the show would have hella more pull with Hollywood A-Listers for potential cast & crew than tarnished-*** Snyder has now.
Affleck needs to stop being a b.. and take the reigns of this universe. The golden boy was one of WBs choices to direct JL, still remember the reaction to that news :lol:

That's a lot of damn work though. Even Whedon was stressed like hell directing the Avengers movies.
Zach Synder has 5 (or 4 ) movies on multiple lists of movies that you don't want to be a part of : one list being biggest 1st to 2nd weekend drop, and you guys don't think he's the problem :lol:
Affleck needs to stop being a b.. and take the reigns of this universe. The golden boy was one of WBs choices to direct JL, still remember the reaction to that news
That's a lot of damn work though. Even Whedon was stressed like hell directing the Avengers movies.

Let's not forget that Whedon was beyond stressed when making both Avengers and AoU. So stressed that he's admitted he had to take extensive time off.

The ideal scenario is to share the responsibilities, where WB designates a team to delegate.
What are positive changes that people want to restore faith? We know we want Snyder out, but who do we put in his place?

I just want to see these characters on the big screen. I think the Booster Gold and Blue Beetle film could be a sleeper. We're getting Shazam, Green Lantern Corps, obviously the Batfleck solo, with Wonder Woman's solo closest followed by Momoaquaman and Flash. Who should handle the Supes sequel?

I just don't want this universe to get blown up and get nothing.
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