DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

He did it to himself.
You believe he intentionally makes revolutionary movies that divide people?
No. I think he is just an average director that sucks at story telling but is pretty good with visuals so he intentionally makes half baked movies.

Just as plain eye candy he's a strong B+
This is not how I form my opinion on directors.

I will judge him by the ultimate cut of BvS in UHD with HDR
I judge all directors on the studio release. That's the version that is supposed to be the best.

The quality of this movie is consistent with past Snyder flicks so there's no reason for me to believe a 3 he version would be better.

This movie was bad enough for me that I have no desire to see a longer cut or the regular version itself barring Batfflexk scenes.
I didn't realize the guy who dropped ( or was dropped?) out of directing flash never directed a movie....ever lol
No. I think he is just an average director that sucks at story telling but is pretty good with visuals so he intentionally makes half baked movies.
This is not how I form my opinion on directors.
I judge all directors on the studio release. That's the version that is supposed to be the best.

The quality of this movie is consistent with past Snyder flicks so there's no reason for me to believe a 3 he version would be better.

This movie was bad enough for me that I have no desire to see a longer cut or the regular version itself barring Batfflexk scenes.

So studio interference doesn't play a part in this? Because arriving to your logic everything falls on Zach. But if you look in the past Watchmen was the same entity. The theater release was a good movie. But Zach's intended directors cut was a much better movie. Heck, it's in one of my top 10 CBM's. If you have no desire to was the the 3 hour cut, cool. But I don't think your looking at this objectively.
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studio interference doesn't play a part in this?
It does usually but there weren't any huge reports about BvS being bad cuz of studio interference.

The movie isn't good just like the rest of his movies. Are you telling me the majority of his movies suffer from studio interference?

Because arriving to your logic everything falls on Zach.
In general it does and I already explained why when I talked about what things the director is in charge of but that's not blaming it all on Snyder. This is no doubt another WB/DC bad movie. They should've never went with a Snyder/Goyer combo to start. Snyder really is clearly not the guy you pick to do a Superman movie let alone helm what's suppose to be your big team franchise.

The movie was obviously something Snyder could put his name on. If he felt the studio interfered too much he shouldve walked off the project.

But if you look in the past Watchmen was the same entity. The theater release was a good movie. But Zach's intended directors cut was a much better movie. Heck, it's in one of my top 10 CBM's.
This is an excuse. Same **** I hear when the Daredevil movie is trashed.

The theatrical release should be the best version of the movie.

Just to be clear, 300 is the only really good movie I think Snyder has made.

If you have no desire to was the the 3 hour cut, cool. But I don't think your looking at this objectively
I watched the movie. I didn't like it. I didn't like it for some of the same reasons I didn't like past Snyder movies.

Telling me I'm not being objective about my opinion on a movie and director because I won't pay to watch a longer version of a movie I didn't like is bull ****.
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We're not being objective now if we don't want to watch a 3+ hr cut? :lol:

Watching the movie once was bad enough, I'm not putting myself through a longer version of the movie on the off chance that it might be better

The theatrical version is always supposed to be the best cut anyway. If it's not then the studio is doing it wrong.
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It does usually but there weren't any huge reports about BvS being bad cuz of studio interference.

The movie isn't good just like the rest of his movies. Are you telling me the majority of his movies suffer from studio interference?

Again , your opinion. I don't know about the rest but I cited Watchmen as an example. Studio interference played a part in the quality of that film. As did Daredevil. Now, you may think it's an excuse but it's a fact. The directors cut for both movies are miles better than the theater release. Ask any CBM fan and I bet the majority would agree. The studio mandates the length of the film. So if it's not the director's intended vision then what else is at play?

In general it does and I already explained why when I talked about what things the director is in charge of but that's not blaming it all on Snyder. This is no doubt another WB/DC bad movie. They should've never went with a Snyder/Goyer combo to start. Snyder really is clearly not the guy you pick to do a Superman movie let alone helm what's suppose to be your big team franchise.

How is Snyder not the right guy to helm a superman movie? You speak as if MOS was a disaster. If the complaint against him is that he doesn't understand superman, then why was Superman Returns a failure as a movie? Because essentially it's a continuation of the Donner version of Superman. The classic boyscout. Snyder's version is a more world weary realistic take on supes. So I don't see that claim holding any weight.

I watched the movie. I didn't like it. I didn't like it for some of the same reasons I didn't like past Snyder movies.

Telling me I'm not being objective about my opinion on a movie and director because I won't pay to watch a longer version of a movie I didn't like is bull ****.

Where did I call into question your opinion of this movie? At this point the whole world knows you didn't like BVS . I was giving a rebuttal your statement that Snyder isn't a good director. I called into question your criteria for arriving at that decision. You stated that the cut of BVS shown in theaters should have been the best cut. You replied to someone who stated that they will reserve judgements of Snyder's vision until the directors cut of this movie comes out. All I did was respond to that.
It does usually but there weren't any huge reports about BvS being bad cuz of studio interference.

The movie isn't good just like the rest of his movies. Are you telling me the majority of his movies suffer from studio interference?

Again , your opinion.
Exactly what part of this post is opinion?

At what point did I ever say this wasn't my opinion in the first place? If you're talking about me saying the movie isn't good, OBVIOUSLY that's my opinion.

I don't know about the rest but I cited Watchmen as an example.
Another Zack Snyder movie I didn't like. It really doesn't matter what movie of his you used as an example.

Studio interference played a part in the quality of that film.
How exactly? Where was this stated? As a fact?

I can easily say Zack Snyder's vision played a part in the low quality of BvS.

As did Daredevil.
The movie is terrible.

Now, you may think it's an excuse but it's a fact.
It is an excuse. That's a fact.

The directors cut for both movies are miles better than the theater release.
Isn't this literally you just stating your opinion? :lol:
Ask any CBM fan and I bet the majority would agree.
Why would you think I'd care about this? This is just you trying to support your opinion with a claim you can not prove anyway.

The studio mandates the length of the film. So if it's not the director's intended vision then what else is at play?

How is Snyder not the right guy to helm a superman movie?
Looking at his past movies he wasn't the right choice. That's how.

You speak as if MOS was a disaster.
:lol: You must be late to the party when it comes to my opinion of MOS.

If the complaint against him is that he doesn't understand superman, then why was Superman Returns a failure as a movie?
Cuz Bryan Singer is a pretty bad director. Best movie he ever did was The Usual Suspects.

Because essentially it's a continuation of the Donner version of Superman. The classic boyscout. Snyder's version is a more world weary realistic take on supes. So I don't see that claim holding any weight.
See now all you're doing here is talking about a completely other movie and director based off an argument YOU provided.

I never said anything about not understanding Superman. Your post makes it seem like you've never read any of my posts about this movie or Snyder or MOS. I can't help you with that.

BTW, a director can understand everything about Superman, attempt to make a continuation of the Donner movies, and STILL make a horrible movie. I don't know why you think those things are not possible.

Where did I call into question your opinion of this movie?
When you told me I wasn't being objective because I'm not going to bother watching a longer version of a movie I don't like.

That's when. You're basically trying to say anybody who doesn't watch the longer version of this isn't objective. That's TOTAL AND UTTER BULL ****.

At this point the whole world knows you didn't like BVS .
So exactly what don't you understand? Why ask me questions you know the answers too? Why bring up Superman Returns?
I was giving a rebuttal
Your rebuttal is tantamount to bull **** though.

You told me I'm not being objective based off what exactly? Cuz I have no interest in an even longer version of a bad movie?

your statement that Snyder isn't a good director.
That's based off of me watching the majority of Snyder's movies.
I called into question your criteria for arriving at that decision.
Exactly what criteria is needed to determine if a director makes bad movies? When did you become an expert on this?

You stated that the cut of BVS shown in theaters should have been the best cut.
I've stated repeatedly the theatrical version should always be the best version. Just because the director makes his own version doesn't mean it needs to be watched.

Director's cut should be for actual good movies. I really enjoyed There Will Be Blood. If PTA managed to make a 5hr version that's simply rewarding fans that liked the theatrical cut.

Now you may disagree with how I see this. That's okay. It doesn't matter to me and it really has no bearing on my opinion.

You replied to someone who stated that they will reserve judgements of Snyder's vision until the directors cut of this movie comes out. All I did was respond to that.
I replied to somebody saying he's judging Snyder on his longer cut. I told him the same thing I just told you. This is after I told you that Snyder did it to himself when you were shaking your head at all of the Snyder hate.

Usually, if a director doesn't make bad movies out of beloved franchises they don't get hated on.
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