DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Yeah blame Snyder for Amy Adams' appearance :rofl: :smh:
Who else is to blame? All the crew on set are there to execute the director's vision of the movie.

If he doesn't like something, they change it. From costumes to set design, to how his cast looks in every scene. It's like yall dudes don't understand the simplest ****.

This was laid out right after the movie came out, where were you?

Amy Adams is good looking and can be made to look beautiful with makeup word to American Hustle. Unless you're telling me Lois Lane is suppose to look old and drab as Superman's love interest.

I won't wait.
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They should not have even casted Amy Adams in the first place. Made no sense to cast someone ten years OLDER than the dude who plays Superman.
They should not have even casted Amy Adams in the first place. Made no sense to cast someone ten years OLDER than the dude who plays Superman.
Yeah, that was the argument way before. Makes sense but they chose who they chose and it was hardly thought of as a bad choice given how great Amy Adams is as an actor.

Wouldn't be surprised if they killed her in this film.
It'd show their priorities for sure.

Supes' cast isn't all that close to him so why not blow it up since they might not want to develop much.
They should not have even casted Amy Adams in the first place. Made no sense to cast someone ten years OLDER than the dude who plays Superman.

Maybe they want her to get with old batman. Make Clark mad.
:lol: That'd be funny. Hinted at a lot but rarely flat out done.
amy adams is bae. she was looking so good in american hustle 

To Snyder's defense, Adams looked old in American Hustle too. I thought it was the filter in MOS, but her face looked like it had been through it in some shots.
Bruh, stay off those LSD drops directly on your eyeballs. You must've watched American Hustle on a grainy tv.

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I will say, just like with Isla Fisher I was shocked Amy was in her 40s now.
Amy Adams is fine, they really just need to up her look.

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I feel like they're trying to make her look a bit frumpy because "Lois Lane shouldn't be sexy and Clark Kent wouldn't go for that kinda girl."

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I feel like they're trying to make her look a bit frumpy because "Lois Lane shouldn't be sexy and Clark Kent wouldn't go for that kinda girl."


Been thinking the exact same thing. It's as if they forget that Clark's a small-town boy and Lois Lane was the woman that blew his mind the first time they met. In some continuities she's dated ******* Bruce Wayne and let's just be honest, you don't really see Bruce Wayne going out with a woman that's not a knockout.
Nice try posting images that were retouched. There were shots where she looked older.
:lol: I just went to google images b. You fooling or confusing yourself. Don't mistake a scene where she's suppose to be distraught and/or crying for she looked old in it.

Should I post the entire movie? :lol: :smh: Like I said stop with narcotic droplets.
Was Lana in mos? Cast Christina Hendricks and have her flaunt those midwest milk jugs.
Hendricks too old, why not pick NTs favorite white chick right now, Hilary Duff?
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