DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Someone needs to post a PS of Simmons as Gordon because I just can't see it. I'm sure he'll be extraordinary in the role, but I just can't visually picture it.

Batman.. not my tempo!
Won't lie Gary Oldman looked the part to a T.

But so far all of the Batman castings have been A1. Now for Nightwing and Red Hood :nerd:
I've got a small theater near my house that has $7 Matinee's.

Not an elite theater, but it's fairly nice and def can't beat that price.
Mines 6.50 for standard movies. 9.50 for 3D. 
Love JK Simmons and he'll probably do great but I still see him as J. Jonah.

Wonder if they'll give him a toupee.
the actor/actress in batfleck's universe tho... waiting on the solo
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Shotgun whoadie from No Country for Old Men/Silva from Skyfall should play Darkseid. That dude is a boss. :pimp:

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In before "DC played dirty by getting him before Marvel"
You mean SONY.

If Marvel wanted him, they would've got him.
Won't lie Gary Oldman looked the part to a T.

But so far all of the Batman castings have been A1. Now for Nightwing and Red Hood :nerd:
Yep Goodman was a great Gordon and I'm sure Simmons will be great at the role

I'd want to see that!

PS a pic of John Goodman with a mustache
John Goodman as commish Gordon would be funny and cool to see.
So I'm guessing JK Simmons isn't going to reprise his role in Spider-Man :smh:
Son hasn't been Jonah since SM3. Sony botched it all by not bringing him back. If he was at least in ASM2 no way he ends up cast here.
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