Dear NT, I need your help (yes another girl thread, but 1 pic included inside) UPDATE: PAGE 3


Jul 3, 2004
So I've been thinking a lot lately where I stand with this chick. We've been dating for a good 2 years now, and she's everything I've everasked for.

She treats me like a king, does anything for me, and I mean anything (sexually included).

The thing is, I'm 22, and I'm digging her. But i'm not in love. I don't want wake up one day and be 29, then just say eff it let's justget married, we've been together this long anyway.

I feel like I'm young and I want to experience different women before I'm ready to settle down.

However on the flip side, what if I do let this go, and I'll seriously regret it.

So please NT, could you give me some advise, maybe some experience you've had with long term relationships, what you did, the aftermaths, ETC.

Thanks in advance.

The only non blacked out person. lol

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Originally Posted by IloveShoes

she's everything I've ever asked for.
You answered your own question

Yeah the thing is we're not going to be young forever. I kind of want to experience all types of women while we still look sexy ya dig?
if you that fat one in the pic i suggest you keep her and thank yor lucky stars!
If she's wifey, don't let her go. My ex and I had been together for 3+ years and I wasn't sure if I was in love. She broke up with me because shefelt I didn't give her much attention. It's been almost 2 year since we broke up and I regret it till this day.
Originally Posted by Smedroc

if you that fat one in the pic i suggest you keep her and thank yor lucky stars!

haha not even bro. I'm not in the picture. I was out trying to holler at another chick at the party (only asian chick not blocked). But she kinda caught meup.
Felt bad. Then my homie swooped in(white dude)

If you feel you need to put your meat in other women for a while, do that.

If she's the one you'll end up being together.

Don't EVER settle. I'd say that's worse than being in love and losing it/###%#$% it up.
Originally Posted by LiLcHiCo4LiFe

If she's wifey, don't let her go. My ex and I had been together for 3+ years and I wasn't sure if I was in love. She broke up with me because she felt I didn't give her much attention. It's been almost 2 year since we broke up and I regret it till this day.
Damn. Real talk. Sorry to hear that man. Maybe you're right. Did you feel the same way I did, like wanting to go out and experience otherwomen n whatnot.
man....that's a tough one. Im 22 also and was in a relationship like yours, but after it ended, i realized that i was too damn young to be tied down andthinking about marriage.
continue to date her, but release the damn cuffs a little bit and you'll be
Its tricky but I feel like if you dont WANT to spend the rest of your life with this girl then its not ment to be. If she was the one, none of this would begoing through you mind.

And she's obviously not good in bed or you wouldnt want to "try out" other women. You'd be satisfied with the one you got.

Only you can prevent your own broken heart in this situation. (dont mean to sound like smokey the bear)
22 is pretty young and seriously...most young marriages I've seen have failed.

I'm looking at one crash and burn right now on Facebook.

But...I feel like you will either A) Explore and come back to your senses. B) Explore and find someone better. or C) Get in too deep, regret not exploring, andhave doubt...which can *%*# everything up and then you'll be that 30 year old single man hitting on 20 year olds.

Just check your priorities and do what you feel is ultimately worth it.

you acting like a female thats been wifed up by a dude and wants to smash other dudes. once they done getting dug out by the whole football team, they want toget back with dude. because they feel used and miss being wifed. just like ol girl from real world.

its on you fam. will she be there when you done? i mean you could find somebody better than the chick you got now on your missions to smash other females.

flip a coin
See if she'd be down for an open relationship.

I know your pride would take a hit, but you'd be able to explore other women and still keep her.

It's worth a shot.
Originally Posted by Her Sole

Its tricky but I feel like if you dont WANT to spend the rest of your life with this girl then its not ment to be. If she was the one, none of this would be going through you mind.

And she's obviously not good in bed or you wouldnt want to "try out" other women. You'd be satisfied with the one you got.

Only you can prevent your own broken heart in this situation. (dont mean to sound like smokey the bear)
Yeah you're right. I gotta try to be a man and just think things through.

22 is pretty young and seriously...most young marriages I've seen have failed.

I'm looking at one crash and burn right now on Facebook.

But...I feel like you will either A) Explore and come back to your senses. B) Explore and find someone better. or C) Get in too deep, regret not exploring, and have doubt...which can *%*# everything up and then you'll be that 30 year old single man hitting on 20 year olds.

Just check your priorities and do what you feel is ultimately worth it.

Very great advice. I might try options A and B out when I feel ready. And I definately do not wanna become C. Which is why I made this post in the firstplace. lol.

See if she'd be down for an open relationship.

I know your pride would take a hit, but you'd be able to explore other women and still keep her.

It's worth a shot.

A man can dream right? haha.

man....that's a tough one. Im 22 also and was in a relationship like yours, but after it ended, i realized that i was too damn young to be tied down and thinking about marriage.
continue to date her, but release the damn cuffs a little bit and you'll be

I'll keep this in mind.
They say if somethings yours, and you let it go, if it comes back to you, then it was yours all along.
Originally Posted by IloveShoes

Originally Posted by LiLcHiCo4LiFe

If she's wifey, don't let her go. My ex and I had been together for 3+ years and I wasn't sure if I was in love. She broke up with me because she felt I didn't give her much attention. It's been almost 2 year since we broke up and I regret it till this day.
Damn. Real talk. Sorry to hear that man. Maybe you're right. Did you feel the same way I did, like wanting to go out and experience other women n whatnot.

I'd check out chicks daily, but never thought about cheating. When we'd hang out, she'd catch me eyeing other females and say things like "whydon't you go over and talk to her." But I'd hit her with the "I thought you said I can look but can't touch?"

Man I'd pretty much do anything to get back with her. Shes now got a new bf and is in med school.

I'm 22 btw.
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