Dear NT, I need your help (yes another girl thread, but 1 pic included inside) UPDATE: PAGE 3

You still young, what if things go wrong before you even know it? you wont have to be thinking about getting married so soon.
Originally Posted by Her Sole

Its tricky but I feel like if you dont WANT to spend the rest of your life with this girl then its not ment to be. If she was the one, none of this would be going through you mind.

And she's obviously not good in bed or you wouldnt want to "try out" other women. You'd be satisfied with the one you got.

Only you can prevent your own broken heart in this situation. (dont mean to sound like smokey the bear)

Thats not necessarily true, she could very well be the one. Pretty much every man will go through this at one point or another fear of the future brings aboutdoubt. Heck look at the college student that wants to quit a couple semesters in because they don't feel anything will come of it. OP you feeling like thiswill result one of two ways either you'll come to your senses soon or something will happen that will show you it's not meant to be. Take it day by dayand depending on her demeanor you may be able to talk to her about it, wouldn't suggest it though just saying. Good luck
Cheat, and if she finds out...she'll never leave you
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

She looks familiar... Her name Alex??? you smashing on the side?

No her name is not Alex. haha. That would suck if it were though.

Damn both of them is fine. Are they from California? If so, then Cali Chicks > NY

Yeah we're all from California. Southern California for the win.

Thats not necessarily true, she could very well be the one. Pretty much every man will go through this at one point or another fear of the future brings about doubt. Heck look at the college student that wants to quit a couple semesters in because they don't feel anything will come of it. OP you feeling like this will result one of two ways either you'll come to your senses soon or something will happen that will show you it's not meant to be. Take it day by day and depending on her demeanor you may be able to talk to her about it, wouldn't suggest it though just saying. Good luck
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Hmmm, this sounds very plausible. Yeah I guess I should take it day by day, and see what comes from it.

Thing is though I've been feeling like this for a while now. Like a year ago, and that went by fast. I'm just thinking what if 2 years go by andI'm still thinking like this.....
if you stay withher and only have experience with her, then she will be your best adn you shoudl just be happy with it
Whatever choice you make, it's yours and you'll have to live with it. Why even ask us if you're THIS torn on something? I honestly don'tbelieve you'll want to look back regretfully on this thinking you shouldn't have listened to NT.
Originally Posted by LiLcHiCo4LiFe

If she's wifey, don't let her go. My ex and I had been together for 3+ years and I wasn't sure if I was in love. She broke up with me because she felt I didn't give her much attention. It's been almost 2 year since we broke up and I regret it till this day.
that's relative. did she give examples?
this one friend of mine said she fell out love with her ex. she likes to go out and party but her man never was like that.
i'd say the girl just got bored and needed to be challenged again.
youd be a damn fool if you let this girl go, i have a hot japanese girlriend who like my comic book readin @!! and i sometimes felt that im young and there areso many hot girls around me alot cause im teachin hip hop dance that i should go for it but then i think of all the stuff that she does for me and how it wouldbe a mistake to let a good thing go, because when you really find something stable you should keep it cause all them other girls are temperary and it is hardto find a stable female, and be in a stable relationship cause i know what your goin through i just turned 25 but i just tr to remind myself that i have a goodthing goin and i will suffer and regret it if i let her go, so man up patna.
she's everything you've asked for, and you've been with her for 2 years, but you don't love her? there's your answer right there. SHE'S JUST A JUMPOFF FOR YOU.

if you don't love her by will never never never love her...ooooohhooohoooo - sorry had to get some Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes in there.

if you don't love her, you definitely shouldn't be worrying about marriage a couple years down the road. right now, you wasting her time as well asyours.
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