Dear NT, I need your help (yes another girl thread, but 1 pic included inside) UPDATE: PAGE 3

i was with my high school girl for over 10 yrs...

i felt the same way OP did, so i started cheating like crazy...

some chick at her job was friends with one of my JO's and dropped dime...

My girl broke up with me and i dont think i'll ever be the same....there arent many good girls out there, keep that in mind.
thanks NT. I guess i'll go with the flow like you guys said.

Last night she looked really hot, wore this really slim gray dress that i've never seen before. She had her hair in curls so i couldn't pin point whywas she all dolled up. She said she was with her sister the whole time, which i didn't believe. So when she was asleep on my bed i looked through hertexts. (grimey i know).

But i saw nothing but what she said. Texts from her sis, her fam, me, my homies, her homies. Nothing out of the blue.

But then i see this picture of some dude and her...the dude had sent it to her facebook.

Maybe it's just a guy friend. maybe not. but i still have my eyes peeled for anything.

Make matter worse the picture is on HIS main facebook page.

Hopefully he's gay. Idk. lol.


She cuts hair too. And the replies back and forth were about her cutting his hair. But does she cut his pubes too?

Going through some trust issues. lol
its almost never greener on the other side.sadly
but i dont know yourexact situation.
Originally Posted by bobmakihara

youd be a damn fool if you let this girl go, i have a hot japanese girlriend who like my comic book readin @!! and i sometimes felt that im young and there are so many hot girls around me alot cause im teachin hip hop dance that i should go for it but then i think of all the stuff that she does for me and how it would be a mistake to let a good thing go, because when you really find something stable you should keep it cause all them other girls are temperary and it is hard to find a stable female, and be in a stable relationship cause i know what your goin through i just turned 25 but i just tr to remind myself that i have a good thing goin and i will suffer and regret it if i let her go, so man up patna.
son, you just won the award for "longest sentence"
Fam, let me say this, im in your EXACT SHOES. EXACT. Except ima few years deeper. Im not gonna tell you what to do cause well, i dont want folksto read and well...the other prob you have created by putting this out there.

But go or try whatever that makes you happy. good luck.
Aint no point in havin trust issues. If she gun cheat shes just going to do it, aint nothing you can do about it. You need to let what you have ride out tillthere aint nothin left. Trust me the messing wit every girl cuz your young thing gets played out quick and youll start to realize that you should of juststayed wit her...
I think the dude in that pic smashin.. Or trying to.. Keep your guard up and your eyes open, don't sleep on dude..

Bobmakihara what are you trying to say??????
Originally Posted by jthagreat

Fam, let me say this, im in your EXACT SHOES. EXACT. Except ima few years deeper. Im not gonna tell you what to do cause well, i dont want folks to read and well...the other prob you have created by putting this out there.

But go or try whatever that makes you happy. good luck.

How old are you, and how long?
Originally Posted by IloveShoes

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Fam, let me say this, im in your EXACT SHOES. EXACT. Except ima few years deeper. Im not gonna tell you what to do cause well, i dont want folks to read and well...the other prob you have created by putting this out there.

But go or try whatever that makes you happy. good luck.

How old are you, and how long?

im 23 been wit my lady like 6 years.
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