
daammnn I want em but im from kansas city
let me know if you dont get rid of them id be ore than happy to take them of your hands
thats some nice stuff...maybe you should have it all appraised before you give it away
I think you should keep them maybe some day you could pass these cards down to your son if you have one of ever have one, just a idea sweet cardsanyway.
i know where you're coming from on the wasting your money idea. I got a bunch of cards in the back of my closet from my middle school years.

Sometimes i think I've just upgraded to wasting my money on shoes. But screw it, its just money.
Originally Posted by bdub253

Where is Indiana Jones when you need him?? IN BEFORE THE LOCK.

Hater^^^ Did you not read the rules??? Newbies can post in before the lock, just messing with you but theres no need to put in before the lock anyways thats anawesome collection, i wish i could get some of them of you
I still have all of my basketball cards too! But I bought packs so I have all these common cards, they were a waste of money for sure, now I can't evenwipe my *%* with them because they're too hard. But like someone said, sometimes I wonder if Air Jordans are just another form of basketball cards.
Myton....How could you NOT think of me before posting this??

PM me, if you're still interested in getting rid of 'em.
thats freaking awesome man. I'd keep for awhile before just giving them away. nice collection.
You should really keep those my man, there is no use of giving all that away. I mean its something that you used to care about a lot and if i were you i wouldhang on to them just to remember what things used to be like back then. I used to buy cards and collect also but then i just didn't care anymore and lostinterest. I still have my cards too with no intentions of letting go of them. But at the end of the day they are yours so do what you want. If you dont wantthem just sell them, I mean you could get some good money for those. Just my opinion.
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