
Originally Posted by CheGTR

that it gets to the point where its just ok, yes everyone knows. But why does it still need to be proven over and over again?

Kobe is the best player in the nba right now. K? its said. Someone make that a sticky but throw an asterisk on it or something.

heres the thing

going back to the beginning of this decade, its always been kobe vs


keep putting names up there im sure im forgetting some. this always get brought up over and over again because people are always looking for kobes equal orsuperior. and when all else fails, say hes no jordan. people on here have always looked for ways to discredit kobe by giving credit to others.

at least now kobe is getting older, and lebron is alot younger, so of course lebron should be getting better than kobe. but kobe aint ready to step down justyet. over the course of the decade, perhaps its been debatable that kobe was the top guard, or top player, but hes consistently arguably the best. can'tsay that about the rest of the players over the decade (cept duncan).
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

The stuff that Kobe is able to do with the ball is amazing.

If you can't admit that he is the best right now, then you hating.

I can't stand his stans/majority of laker fans though

Yeah you can respect his skill, but gatdamn hop off
qft. I couldn't have said it any better.
Originally Posted by presequel

Originally Posted by CheGTR

that it gets to the point where its just ok, yes everyone knows. But why does it still need to be proven over and over again?

Kobe is the best player in the nba right now. K? its said. Someone make that a sticky but throw an asterisk on it or something.

heres the thing

going back to the beginning of this decade, its always been kobe vs


keep putting names up there im sure im forgetting some. this always get brought up over and over again because people are always looking for kobes equal or superior. and when all else fails, say hes no jordan. people on here have always looked for ways to discredit kobe by giving credit to others.

at least now kobe is getting older, and lebron is alot younger, so of course lebron should be getting better than kobe. but kobe aint ready to step down just yet. over the course of the decade, perhaps its been debatable that kobe was the top guard, or top player, but hes consistently arguably the best. can't say that about the rest of the players over the decade (cept duncan).
Couldn't have said it better.

Also the thing about Lebron especially makes people HATE on him is because of the slurp fest he gets from ESPN, NIKE, NT, Cavs fans when all the guy has doneso far in his career is put up some amazing stat #'s so far in his career. It's like everyone hypes him up to the point where the think they canpredict his greatness because of the stats he puts up and because Lebron is some athletic freak.
Originally Posted by presequel

Originally Posted by CheGTR

that it gets to the point where its just ok, yes everyone knows. But why does it still need to be proven over and over again?

Kobe is the best player in the nba right now. K? its said. Someone make that a sticky but throw an asterisk on it or something.

heres the thing

going back to the beginning of this decade, its always been kobe vs


keep putting names up there im sure im forgetting some. this always get brought up over and over again because people are always looking for kobes equal or superior. and when all else fails, say hes no jordan. people on here have always looked for ways to discredit kobe by giving credit to others.

at least now kobe is getting older, and lebron is alot younger, so of course lebron should be getting better than kobe. but kobe aint ready to step down just yet. over the course of the decade, perhaps its been debatable that kobe was the top guard, or top player, but hes consistently arguably the best. can't say that about the rest of the players over the decade (cept duncan).

That's a pretty good point. I'm a big fan of Kobe's, but I've been saying for the past three years or so "THIS is the year that Lebron isgoing to overtake Kobe as the best player in the game." And all three years it hasn't definitively happened. Part of that is that Lebron hasn'tbeen as good as I thought he could have been, but the other part of that is Kobe has kept his game at such a high level; especially this year with him playingmore in the post.
lol @ the celtics fans in here hatin. yet you ridin MJ who was a bigger rival to your franchise.... lol fans these days... no wonder that one bulls fan was inthe celtic thread beggin for the celtics to win it all hhahahaa
Originally Posted by Frank 7he T4nk

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

The stuff that Kobe is able to do with the ball is amazing.

If you can't admit that he is the best right now, then you hating.

I can't stand his stans/majority of laker fans though

Yeah you can respect his skill, but gatdamn hop off
qft. I couldn't have said it any better.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

The stuff that Kobe is able to do with the ball is amazing.

If you can't admit that he is the best right now, then you hating.

I can't stand his stans/majority of laker fans though

Yeah you can respect his skill, but gatdamn hop off
and while were at it why dont we hop off michael jordan? oh right....too late! we made a message board about his shoes! in a nutshell, if you cantstand other fans then that means you cannot stand yourself. we all have favorites...
Originally Posted by blueLAMBORGHINI

Kobe = Greatest of our generation next to Jordan.

I dont know if Jordan's even our generation. I think it pro sports you have to break it down by decade.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

lol @ the celtics fans in here hatin. yet you ridin MJ who was a bigger rival to your franchise.... lol fans these days... no wonder that one bulls fan was in the celtic thread beggin for the celtics to win it all hhahahaa

Right. Because fans of certain teams can NEVER have a valid point or opinion on anything.

I hear Bucks fans are particularly wise in their opinions. Kings fans, too. Celtics fans or Magic fans? Crazy. I mean, they're Celtics fans and Magicfans. Surely they have an ax to grind.

These Kobe praise videos are basically slurpfest.

I personally think Kobe's the best player in the world right now. I'm glad he was on the Olympic team and I'm glad he was an assassin. I'mglad he represented us on the basketball court. But he's not even remotely close to Jordan - never was and never will be. That's a fact that hasnothing to do with fanship.

People just keep trying and keep trying to put Kobe at or above Jordan's level and it's laughable. No one will ever play like Jordan did, post statslike he did, or win the way he did.

People love Jordan - he was a once-in-infinity player AND personality. No one's going to reach that level ever again, not Kobe, not LeBron.

If people want to think Kobe is the best, great. Just don't pretend his stats, his accomplishments, or his winning style are near Jordan's.

The numbers, and the years of playing footage, don't lie.

we know kobes great but definitely not the GOAT hell hes not even the GLOAT
westcoast, this was another good point. I mean, my goodness, how can Laker fans overlook MAGIC JOHNSON, easily one of the top 5 basketballlegends ever.

Sure, some of Magic's stats don't match Kobe's but it's HOW Magic won that makes him a legend. Same thing with Jordan. It's the way theyplayed and mastered the game, and how they played with greatness.
Big J 33:
Ska's going to love this
Ska doesn't "hate" Kobe.

yea right.
I don't.

This is me trying to figure out why I'm supposed to have a problem with the opinions of Kobe's peers.

And this is also me trying to figure out why I'm supposed to have a problem with anyone talking about Kobe's talent, since I've certainly neverdenied his talent.

I don't like what I know about as a person, and he has quarters/games that frustrate the hell outta me. That's an improvement from where he used tohave months/seasons that would frustrate the hell outta me.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

The stuff that Kobe is able to do with the ball is amazing.

If you can't admit that he is the best right now, then you hating.

I can't stand his stans/majority of laker fans though

Yeah you can respect his skill, but gatdamn hop off
and while were at it why dont we hop off michael jordan? oh right....too late! we made a message board about his shoes! in a nutshell, if you cant stand other fans then that means you cannot stand yourself. we all have favorites...
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