

This is Vangelia Gushterova. Also known as Baba Vanga. She may seem like a normal old lady, but she’s not. She’s a prophet from Bulgaria who accurately predicted 9/11.

But she wasn’t alive to see 9/11 happen. She was born in the year 1911 and died in the year 1996. When she was 12, she got stuck in a raging storm and the wind was so hard, she was lifted by it and was thrown to the ground from a great height. And, when people found her, her eyes were all sandy and she became blind.

Anyway, then she got all freaky and started predicting things. Like once, her older brother wanted to join the army but she begged him not to go because she had this vision that he’ll die at the age of 23.

And she was right. Her brother joined the army, was captured by Germans, and executed at the age of 23.

Okay, here’s a list of her predictions:
  • In 1980, she predicted in either 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be covered by water. At first, the Russians thought she was referring to the city of Kursk, so they were all confused and stuff. But then in 2000, the Russian submarine, Kursk, sank.
  • In 1989, she predicted that the World Trade Centre would be attacked by “steel birds
In 2130, the aliens will teach us how to breathe and live underwater.

I want to be alive to see this
In 2130, the aliens will teach us how to breathe and live underwater.

I want to be alive to see this
Originally Posted by saviormoneyy

my thoughts will come in november 2010

Bingo. Til then, I'll keep living my life.

No need to panic... it's no guarantee I'll live til November
Originally Posted by saviormoneyy

my thoughts will come in november 2010

Bingo. Til then, I'll keep living my life.

No need to panic... it's no guarantee I'll live til November
Don't see anything big enough to trigger the start of World War III by November of this year.
Don't see anything big enough to trigger the start of World War III by November of this year.
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