Demi Lovato addicted to drugs?

In reference to healing from terminal cancer... how much is the correct information and correct protocol worth?

When I was diagnosed with cancer... if I would have had the opportunity to pay $250 instead of paying $XXX,XXX for the incorrect information and NOT having to endure the pain of following the incorrect western medicine protocol... I would have easily made that exchange.

That $250 price tag is reflective of the value of the correct information.

The video I posted is a small representation of the results.
In reference to healing from terminal cancer... how much is the correct information and correct protocol worth?

When I was diagnosed with cancer... if I would have had the opportunity to pay $250 instead of paying $XXX,XXX for the incorrect information and NOT having to endure the pain of following the incorrect western medicine protocol... I would have easily made that exchange.

That $250 price tag is reflective of the value of the correct information.

The video I posted is a small representation of the results.
I’m not paying 250.
  • Haha
Reactions: ASE
Comparison Ford Comparison Ford someone who can physically do what I can do... and mentally explain how I can do it... does not need help.

Also... as someone who can physically do what I can do... and can mentally explain how I became healthy enough to do what I can do... I understand that I don't need the appeasement of NT members like you... who cannot physically do what I show that I can do... and cannot or choose not to mentally understand what I can very specifically explain.

Bowing out now with your intentions is your best option.
Without one iota of sarcasm or snark, I hope combo gd combo gd gets help.

We know how this is gonna end, so I'll be bowing out and I encourage others to do so as well.
You right.

back to the topic.

Anyone here ever interact with someone non-binary?
I’ve had no such experience. I don’t even think it would ever even be an issue other than than me not knowing how to address them indirectly
These last 3 pages is why I love and cant' stand NT all at the same time lol

jape jape if you watched my video, read my response, and still cannot see and/or understand my results... I think it is clear who needs the help.

You admittedly have no experience with these individuals. As someone who does... I gave you very specific information on why this happens. At this point if you want to intentionally remain uneducated... that is your choice.

Back on topic...

Being non binary is a mental health disease... stemming from the unconscious unfulfillment and cognitive dissonance of the mind of an individual who was taught to and failed to appease the ideals of both the male and female genders... rather than being taught to consciously fulfill and appease the core intentions of their own male or female heart.
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In my professional opinion... all people who are non binary... are empathetic people who have herpes (her-appease).... do not know how to psychologically appease the world... and have been demoralized by the world to the point where they are willing to give up their own gender identity... in a conscious effort to appease everyone in the world... and have peace.

In my professional opinion... all non binary people of all genders need to be taught to cultivate both the divine masculine and divine feminine aspects of themselves... while maintaining their natural gender.

In my professional opinion... if all members of each gender cultivated and loved both the divine masculine and divine feminine aspects of themselves and the world... while simultaneously identifying with the gender that they were born as... people wouldn't need to be empathetic of the needs of others... because being the both of the divine aspects of the self will naturally resolve everyone's needs... and bring appeasement and peace for all.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Three times :emoji_lollipop::lol:
I feel like this isnt nearly as big an issue as some folks are making it to be...
in reality it isn't but mainly because its Demi, she's a nutcase. have you seen the stuff she's said or done recently including a weird attack on a yogurt shop selling fat free yogurt?

case closed
From Oxford:

cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance

(Learn to pronounce)


the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.

The unconscious cognitive dissonance that non binary individuals have... is the ability to appease the inconsistent thoughts of BOTH the masculine and feminine aspects of themselves.

This comes from the cognitive dissonance derived by being told what to believe and what attitude to have... and those messages conflicting with the unconscious desires of the heart.

Rather than fighting the unconscious desires of their respective male or female hearts... non-binary people attempt to appease the masculine and feminine aspects of society... rather than the divine masculine and feminine unconscious desires of their true genders.

These people never access the true desires of the masculine and feminine aspects of their unconscious hearts... which would reveal the intention of their genders... and cure their non binary intentions. This never happens because... from while in the womb and while alive... the minds of non binary people are controlled by the constantly unappeased and constantly changing masculine and female collective conscious mind of the people of society... and not the collective unconscious hearts of the people of society.
How would you use her pronoun in a sentence?
Demi is going to the store. Or. They are going to the store.

which is both the male version and the female version of demi are going to the store. Unless one forgets thier keys and has to return. Now then do we have a conundrum. Because it could be the man or women Getting the keys.
You can’t call people by their name anymore either.

some they went ballistic on our bartender for calling them the name on their license because he assumed their name. :rofl:

“did you just assume my name on my license is what I go by!”

“yeah, it’s the name on your license”



*awaits one star Yelp review*
From Oxford:

cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance

(Learn to pronounce)


the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.

The unconscious cognitive dissonance that non binary individuals have... is the ability to appease the inconsistent thoughts of BOTH the masculine and feminine aspects of themselves.

This comes from the cognitive dissonance derived by being told what to believe and what attitude to have... and those messages conflicting with the unconscious desires of the heart.

Rather than fighting the unconscious desires of their respective male or female hearts... non-binary people attempt to appease the masculine and feminine aspects of society... rather than the divine masculine and feminine unconscious desires of their true genders.

These people never access the true desires of the masculine and feminine aspects of their unconscious hearts... which would reveal the intention of their genders... and cure their non binary intentions. This never happens because... from while in the womb and while alive... the minds of non binary people are controlled by the constantly unappeased and constantly changing masculine and female collective conscious mind of the people of society... and not the collective unconscious hearts of the people of society.

Have you ever come across a non-binary person who was genuinely happy? I don't know any IRL but all the ones I see on social media are always very vocal about having poor mental health and always seem to have a chip on their shoulder. But at long as they get their "likes"....
See I get super confused when someone who's been a clearly binary identity so far (atleast outwardly to the public) claim non-binary but i'm just learning I guess. Shout out to kids, they explain it better here

One thing though people still use it plural even toward a singular non-binary person. Is it just the word that's singular or the entire phrasing, like "Demi announces they are non-binary", shouldn't it be "Demi announces they is non-binary" ie
she is
he is
they (singular) is

I'm convince that this is some "we haven't much struggle, so we're desperate for it" white people ****. Right along w/ that "cancel culture" ****. They love trying to make millennials vs gen z a thing as well.
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