Demi Lovato addicted to drugs?

Oh man, you just gave me so many flashbacks of about a decade ago. But I left that company, got a couple degrees and that OG company actually ended up being one of the operations I’m in charge of now, so it’s crazy how things go full circle.

But I’m here until the wheels fall off and I appreciate the insight. It’s definitely a topic that interests me as I have a few little ones growing up now and I want to be aware of any possible issues they’ll have growing up that I never went through.

We had some fun nights overnight on NT back in the day. I am glad you have progressed, and everything has come full circle.

In reference to the topic... a person being non binary... depends on what gender ideals that person's mind THINKS they need to appease.

Non binary individuals have conditioned minds... by either society or their parents... that think they need to appease both genders... by literally taking on both roles.

That process totally eliminates the true feelings CAPABLE of the gender of the individual who is using their mind to appease others and not their heart to appease themselves.

If parents let their children's hearts bloom as children without seeking too much masculine or feminine parental appeasement... the childs heart will bloom naturally... and seek the desires of their natural born gender.
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Count me as one of those "ignorant" people. As I stated earlier the cultural zeitgeist moves so rapidly that it's hard to keep up with what's acceptable or not. But I don't think it's fair to criticize someone for that.
Exactly. If you’re not 100% updated and don’t know what someone is even talking about I guess you’re an attack helicopter 🤷🏽‍♂️

this type of talk has been around. "Celebrities'' are making these "announcements" so it's starting to pop up in peoples circle. IATT IATT is correct that you might never run in to a situation where you would need to address someone as they identify. But 1 day you might and it would be flat out ignorant of you if you don't. Especially since y'all are in this thread.
Is there an issue when someone says they prefer to be addressed by a short form of their first name? Or by their middle name?

I.e "Hi, my names Timothy but call me Tim"

Whats the difference between that and someone saying they prefer to be addressed by "they" instead of "he" or "she"?

I dont really get what the issue is.

eh there's a difference between referring to someone by their name or a shorter version and traditional gender pronouns like he and she
Count me as one of those "ignorant" people. As I stated earlier the cultural zeitgeist moves so rapidly that it's hard to keep up with what's acceptable or not. But I don't think it's fair to criticize someone for that.

You're right in saying that it's unreasonable to expect everyone to instantly be aware of everything that's happening in society

But using ignorance as an excuse starts to ring hollow after a person has been given plenty of opportunies and ample time to educate themselves
Count me as one of those "ignorant" people. As I stated earlier the cultural zeitgeist moves so rapidly that it's hard to keep up with what's acceptable or not. But I don't think it's fair to criticize someone for that.
If you're ignorant and proud then it would be fair. I did specifically say ignorant and proud so are you still counting yourself among that group?
You're right in saying that it's unreasonable to expect everyone to instantly be aware of everything that's happening in society

But using ignorance as an excuse starts to ring hollow after a person has been given plenty of opportunies and ample time to educate themselves
I’m sorry but never in my life would I have searched for pronoun changing. I don’t think ignorance is the right word. We can all admit a new thing/expectation pops up on a weekly basis. Hell, I never heard of the attack helicopter thing that was started almost a decade ago. Wheres the “plenty of opportunities” for concepts getting pulled at seemingly random?

Again, if asked to be called WHATEVER I wouldn’t care.
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In my professional opinion... all people who are non binary... are empathetic people who have herpes (her-appease).... do not know how to psychologically appease the world... and have been demoralized by the world to the point where they are willing to give up their own gender identity... in a conscious effort to appease everyone in the world... and have peace.

In my professional opinion... all non binary people of all genders need to be taught to cultivate both the divine masculine and divine feminine aspects of themselves... while maintaining their natural gender.

In my professional opinion... if all members of each gender cultivated and loved both the divine masculine and divine feminine aspects of themselves and the world... while simultaneously identifying with the gender that they were born as... people wouldn't need to be empathetic of the needs of others... because being the both of the divine aspects of the self will naturally resolve everyone's needs... and bring appeasement and peace for all.
what profession is this?
What's your profession?
you can't hit us with 3 "in my professional opinions" and not mention your profession.

Man's works at whole foods fasho
Ok, who here said they would NOT use the pronoun someone asked them to use? Honest question
I'd most likely just call them by their name. If you're a woman and look and dress like a woman, gonna be hard to call you him and he. Not calling a guy, she. And they and then doesn't really make sense for a singular person, of any sex. But I'd try not to offend them. Probs just call them by their name lol
nobody said this for sure. i believe these threads are educational to the ignorant (non derogatory) people on the subject. If they continue to deny the existence of this situation then they become ignorant in the derogatory sense.
Yeah I get there's a lot of anti and derogatory folks but people have to stop grouping folks trying to learn in the same group. As seen in here most people aren't even encountering this in real life, should be admirable to learn in preparation.
Idk, playing uno. Mad regular. One of my old cabine counselours just nonchalantly admitted to liking transwoman one day during a community meeting, and he had girl. She was attractive too, nice calves, pretty redheaded woman. But yeah, it pretty regular like "yeah, i like that too."

Most of the time these "announcements" be to their audience and then dickheads come in and infiltrate talkin about some "why are you making announcement?" like they didn't go out of their way to change their fb status to "in a relationship" last week.

Now I can't say truly tell you the pukka of a Demi Lavato b/c it appears to me that she's latching herself to small marginalized group for approval (I could be wrong), but these have the right to take pride in who they are.

Wait, why is your counselor mentioning their sexual preferences randomly? How old were you?
You’re born a man or woman. Why is that so hard to accept? All this gender stuff is getting ridiculous.
According to them gender is a social construct. Man and woman are gender labels and according to them don't have to pertain to males and females respectively.

So they would say you're born male or female. Man or woman is something you choose to identify as.

Scientifically speaking they are correct as far as the terms go.

This is just how the trans community and non-binary ppl get down.
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