Demi Lovato addicted to drugs?

According to them gender is a social constructs. Man and woman are gender labels and according to them don't have to pertain to males and females respectively.

So they would say you're born male or female. Man or woman is something you choose to identify as.

Scientifically speaking they are correct as far as the terms go.

This is just how the trans community and non-binary ppl get down.

One thing I never understood was if gender is a social construct, how is it that one can be born with a proclivity toward a certain gender role? Is it biological or sociological? Maybe I'm misinterpreting. All I know is all this is extremely confusing from the outside looking in.
One thing I never understood was if gender is a social construct, how is it that one can be born with a proclivity toward a certain gender role? Is it biological or sociological? Maybe I'm misinterpreting. All I know is all this is extremely confusing from the outside looking in.
It has to be sociological. Nurture not nature

And I won't even lie that **** can be confusing which is why I don't go deep in to discussing it put a ton of thought in to it.

I got a surface level to one layer of understanding just cuz I've been seeing these trends and titles show up in popular culture for years now so I'm use to it enough. Never met a non-binary person in person but i've seen a few on tv. Never met or seen a non-binary person that was heterosexual. The trans community is common enough now.

Back when I was a kid like 12-16 I'd say that sit is stupid and/or gay but now I don't really got the energy for it. Let ppl identify however they want, its not like I really care.
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I don't think gender ROLES have anything to do with biology. That is purely acquired through social conditioning/activity.
Maybe. Gender roles are found in all animals though. Determines size, muscular structure, coloration, etc. depends how deep we want to define “roles”. Won’t get into that BS.

Literally anyone can self-publish a book through Amazon so this really doesn't mean that much

Case in point

Has anyone here actually ran into the scenario of being corrected/informed in public by someone who took offense?

I’ve only seen it once when a manager tried to escort a thief out of the store. It was a man in a dress but was highly offended they weren’t addressed as woman. I thought for sure a fist fight was near.
Yeah I’ve got it a few times. That’s what pisses me off. You got a dress on and a beard. Like bruh/sah I truly don’t care and don’t mean offense but I gotta talk to you and don’t know what you want to be called. Chill tf out.

welcome to working in a bougie bar in Minneapolis.
I’ve worked in bars and clubs where I saw people that were “questionable” so to speak. Never got to even use a pronoun. Everything was “you”. How are you, what do you need... etc. come to think of it, in conversation you kinda gotta go out of your way to use a pronoun when you’re actually addressing that person
I’ve worked in bars and clubs where I saw people that were “questionable” so to speak. Never got to even use a pronoun. Everything was “you”. How are you, what do you need... etc. come to think of it, in conversation you kinda gotta go out of your way to use a pronoun when you’re actually addressing that person

Speaking directly to someone will always be you/I/We/Us, ect (or by their name/nickname) regardless so there's really no forcing it in that situation

This is more for speaking of someone in the 3rd person
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