Demi Lovato addicted to drugs?

This is treading awfully close to the hateful "I identify as an attack helicopter" meme that's popular among some conservatives

I don't think you meant it in that way...just letting you know about something that you may not be aware of
No, I’m not aware of that nor did I mean to reference anything of the sort. My question is, can I be called whatever I want? For some reason this is a very sensitive subject. I just want a yes or no

For the record, i have no idea what that meme is nor have I ever seen it
In a non-joking sense, are these really societal changes? Or are these the ideas of a select loud few? Genuine question.
In a non-joking sense, are these really societal changes? Or are these the ideas of a select loud few? Genuine question.

I mean the only words that have really really changed for me we always knew were wrong but society use to let that shh slide

I’m talking derogatory words that were/are used for gay individuals.. the F and S words

but yea I’ve never actually encountered anyone talking about their pronouns.. but I’ll call whoever whatever
No, I’m not aware of that nor did I mean to reference anything of the sort. My question is, can I be called whatever I want? For some reason this is a very sensitive subject. I just want a yes or no


Where it becomes questionable is when a person is just using an identifier to make a mockery of others who have legitimate reasons for using non-binary pronouns

Think of the attack helicopter meme in the same way that gay marriage opponents would say "What's next? People marrying their dogs?" in that it's using an absurd slippery slope argument in an attempt to invalidate a serious matter

Where it becomes questionable is when a person is just using an identifier to make a mockery of others who have legitimate reasons for using non-binary pronouns

Think of the attack helicopter meme in the same way that gay marriage opponents would say "What's next? People marrying their dogs?" in that it's using an absurd slippery slope argument in an attempt to invalidate a serious matter
I see that. The confusion is what’s a legitimate mockery? If it’s open then it’s open. I don’t think this has any likeness to the gay marriage analogy. He can choose a pronoun, we cant choose sexual identity. I do get what you’re saying though
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In my professional opinion...

I see that. The confusion is what’s a legitimate mockery? If it’s open then it’s open. I don’t think this has any likeness to the gay marriage analogy. He can choose a pronoun, we cant choose sexual identity. I do get what you’re saying though

I wasn't actually saying gay marriage and gender identity are analogous...just comparing the disingenuous reactions to those individual issues
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