Derrick Caracter going pro.

Jun 10, 2004
Louisville sophomore Caracter to go pro

Louisville sophomore Derrick Caracter's college career in nearing its disappointing conclusion.

The once-heralded prep star said he has made up his mind and will forgo his final two seasons at Louisville and turn pro after the season.

"I'm definitely not coming back," Caracter said.

The 6-foot-8 forward from New Jersey, who was considered on par with Greg Oden, has battled weight problems and off-court issues while at Louisville. He has been suspended numerous times in his two seasons - including earlier this season for breaking curfew.

"The last three years have been difficult," Caracter said on Wednesday. "Not playing my senior year in high school to the weight issues my freshman year. But I've got to stay positive, that things are going to get better."

Caracter started 12 games this season - with the majority coming after senior big man David Padgett suffered a knee injury. His minutes have dwindled since Padgett returned in January and he averaged 7.5 points and 1.5 rebounds in the two tournament games.

Caracter, who has a reputation of being lazy both on and off the court, is averaging 8.5 points and 4.5 rebounds this season.

what a bum.

it's weird though because there's nothing in my newspaper about this.
Reminds me of Danny Fortson because of his ability to pick up fouls and his body type. Too bad he's not nearly the rebounder Fortson was.
Wait who??? This makes no sense.. Undrafted..
Samuardo doesn't have to fight for anything come next year..
This guy cant be serious...He cant...I hope the article misinterpreted his not coming back and that hes multiple times, lazinessand weight issues, and dudes only averaging 8.5 and 4.5....USE YOUR ELIGIBILITY...Jesus...

Him and Samuels COULD be a problem next year...with Sosa too man...but smh if he leaves

*Edit* AND Clark...
I remember when he was in middle school and ESPN highlighted him then. I thought he was going to be something special. I guess this is what happens when youhave people chirping in your ear all day, every day about how great you are.
The ridiculous thing is, even if these ARE your intentions from the jump, why make the announcement BEFORE your team tips off later that evening? I mean,everyone knows pretty much that guys like OJ Mayo, Derrick Rose, and Michael Beasley are going pro, but they at least had the decency to not say theirintentions until after their seasons were over....

I remember when he was in middle school and ESPN highlighted him then. I thought he was going to be something special. I guess this is what happens when you have people chirping in your ear all day, every day about how great you are.


I just don't even see a team taking a flyer on him in the 2nd round....this is a horrible decision, and he could use another year or two in school torehabilitate his image. There isn't enough upside with Caracter to take a risk on him as a draft matter what the round.
%%@...we play in less than 12hrs and he says sm bs like this?, wowzers ricky is def gonna mess with his pt. He better have 22 and 18 tonight smh
he's going to ruin his future

although i have to disagree that a team shouldnt take a chance on him with a second rounder

i think a team like the spurs or suns with late second round picks and aging big men could take a chance on a young big

He's awful.

Once he stopped growing and his competition grew to his height, it was over for him.
a slow undersized pf in the League rarely works out in the NBA, i remember battling with him back in my HS days. Never thought he was that good. just likeallen said, he was dominating everyone when he was so much bigger and now that everyone caught up to him, hes like a shaq on a suns team at the point of hiscareer
wow, good luck after the first contract runs up

not just making it to the league, but you got to stay in the league (and im not talking the nbdl)

terrible decision, lets see if he proves everyone wrong
He might not even get a first contract...

Nobody is taking him in the first round.

His shortcomings on the court, plus his character way
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