Derrick Caracter going pro.

This kid is an exact replica of Robert Whaley, at least game wise. I remember reading Character was heralded as a standout his early years in high school, andhas been on a slow decline since. There's not much value to him in the L. (See: Smith, Leon; ) Character doesn't seem to have any work ethic, and fromwhat I've read is immature. If he gets his #$#@ together he has a possibility of getting a little burn. I just don't see it.
technically he wont be a bust, because the fact he wouldnt be drafted that high let alone be drafted at all.
Originally Posted by allen3xis


He's awful.

Once he stopped growing and his competition grew to his height, it was over for him.
He made the announcent like he got people in line waiting to pick him and his bum self is going to be playing summerleague at best.

in all the louisville games i've seen I never saw this dude make a stand outplay.
Ugh... You'd think two years of being a mediocre at best college player would show this kid where he stands... I think he's got talent, but he's ahead case that very few teams are going to be willing to take a chance on. He's got all these issues off the court with suspensions and such, and hehasn't even been impressive when he has gotten a chance to play.

Terrible decision if he does indeed leave. Unless he just kills it at camps and workouts, he ain't getting drafted. And even then, he's got no shot atRound 1...
I was at the Nike camp when ESPN made a big deal about him and Demond Carter as soon-to-be 8th (maybe it was 9th?) graders.

Seriously, in a camp with Luol Deng and others, they were frothing over THIS guy. Size at age 14 does not equal stardom. ESPN went way over the top, and theexpectations have always been out of wack for this kid.
undrafted or he gets drafted at the final moment and he gets sent overseas or to the D-league.
honestly, is he gets drafted (which is a stretch) there's no way he's gonna even make a team.

why wouldn't he just stay in college? what bad could come out of that?
That's a pretty bad decision but let him do what he wants to do. I never thought he was that good after I hit him with the left to right cross and he wentway left. He was a pretty big dude (no laney) in high school though.
Big Baby is a stud compared to him and was a proven college player and he got drafted 2nd round. Caracter is no way near his level. If it was the NFL draftsystem, he would probably get drafted.

............................wait for it.......................


..................................................doo dah.
He is garbage. His career highlight is out-playing Greg Oden at one of those Reebok/Adidas Five-Star Camps his senior year.

I'm glad he is leaving, he hurts Louisville.

Next year, Samuels can hopefully fill in and replace Padgett. I see Clark and Williams leaving. So Sosa and Samuels running the show next year!
Originally Posted by ShannonsCrooks

Originally Posted by dyyhard

Out of the league within the year.

again, which league?

Piscataway CYO.

I'm pulling for Caracter. Pitino is the closest thing to the scum of the earth on 2 legs so I doubt most of the things that he says.

Honestly, Pitino hasn't even said everything their is to say about Caracter. He's lied for him. Trust me I know. But Caracter is a bum.

But Pitino has been a bum and gone against his word on several occasions.
Originally Posted by I AM KNOWLEDGE

Originally Posted by ShannonsCrooks

Originally Posted by dyyhard

Out of the league within the year.

again, which league?

Piscataway CYO.

I'm pulling for Caracter. Pitino is the closest thing to the scum of the earth on 2 legs so I doubt most of the things that he says.

Honestly, Pitino hasn't even said everything their is to say about Caracter. He's lied for him. Trust me I know. But it's not for me to air out Louisville laundry. If someone wants to know somethings that hasn't been publicized, PM me. But Caracter is a bum.

But Pitino has been a bum and gone against his word on several occasions.

you mean like the L'Ville team voting to have Caracter suspended, only to have Pitino overrule the decision?

Like it was said...he didn't improve much since the age of 14. When you are as big as him playing with 14yo's there is NO REASON you shouldn'tdominate. He probably got big headed, and thought he didn't have to work anymore since things came to him so easily. He has terrible character, and thereis little-to-no upside with his game. He has peaked, and he will probably be folding towels at your local YMCA...what a waste....

things COULD have been different....only if he wanted it. No desire/heart.
Hopefully he realizes that he's nowhere near ready for the league and goes back to school. But it seems unlikely.
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