Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

The Last Word. Fate bringer. Raid Armor. The only things in this damned game that elude me. I crossed a void legendary fusion rifle off my list last night :x
The Last Word. Fate bringer. Raid Armor. The only things in this damned game that elude me. I crossed a void legendary fusion rifle off my list last night :x

Next week the Nightfall/weekly should be the tank. Since I assume it's going to be void burn, you and Wright are going to be carrying me in that one 8)
The Last Word. Fate bringer. Raid Armor. The only things in this damned game that elude me. I crossed a void legendary fusion rifle off my list last night :x

Next week the Nightfall/weekly should be the tank. Since I assume it's going to be void burn, you and Wright are going to be carrying me in that one 8)

You mean Solar Burn? Yeah. I'll have solar up on deck. Just need arc primary and I'll have all three burns ready. It's ok. Then you'll end up with a loot drop like a true distraction. Everything you needed and more :lol:
You mean Solar Burn? Yeah. I'll have solar up on deck. Just need arc primary and I'll have all three burns ready. It's ok. Then you'll end up with a loot drop like a true distraction. Everything you needed and more :lol:

Yea I mean Solar.
That FateBringer is the best.I don't even use my atheons epilogue any more. I just drop praetorian shields with my void grenade or Praedyths revenge and then use the fate bringer to finish em off :smokin
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Yea we got solar on lock with VoCs maxed out. Icebreaker special and Hezen Vengeance or The Swarm Heavy ready to roll too

Too bad the Vex nerf rules it out from nightfall runs

I need me a solar fusion rifle
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Yea we got solar on lock with VoCs maxed out. Icebreaker special and Hezen Vengeance or The Swarm Heavy ready to roll too :nthat:

Too bad the Vex nerf rules it out from nightfall runs :smh:

I need me a solar fusion rifle :evil:  

I need one as well. I might buy the vanguard one this week.
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PM sent.

I have the solar fusion rifle Light/Beware almost maxed.

My homie got the Fatebringer and VoC from the raid last night.
I hope that this is not the same logic that you're using to prove that the epilogue sucks for PvE. PvE and PvP are completely different aspects of the game. Usually a gun with log mags but high impact has a slow shooting speed so getting through an entire mag will take a similar time frame, minus the Suros because of the perk. Impact is only important if you want to stagger people which is important in PvP. In PvE it could save you yes, but that's what a heavy and/or your secondary is for. With a maxed out void fusion, an epilogue, and a maxed out void rocket: a the Minotaurs even on hard will have difficulty standing alive in front of me.
youre spreading misinformation biggs. impact determines what percentage of damage gets communicated across per shot. its the reason why the atheon has 300 damage stats but shots do like 32 damage. while the hand cannons with high impact absolutely wreck or the shadowprice/vanquisher/grimcitizen/suros do what they do. a SIDE effect of the impact is staggering enemies.

and i was responding to everything he said, so i apologize if i didnt make my points clear enough. atheons is wack because it doesnt put in work on high level enemies except the ones i listed and the specific events like the ones this week. and on that note
Well if it makes you feel better I got a legendary engram that turned into Dr. Nope. Which is arguably the worst primary auto rifle in the game and one I personally hate. Dismantled for 3 ascendant energies. And Wright over here eating with the Mida Multi Tool smdh.
dr nope is arguably the worst primary auto rifle and u hate it.... but u love the atheons which is the exact same rifle but with void.
For PvE the Epilogue is one of the best to have because of the void burn. When maxed at 300 I have no issues with it at all in the raid or even in strikes. Yes higher impact is normally what I go to but Epilogue is great. Dr. Nope on the other hand, I don't like at all. But with the stability perks and 70 round clip with void bullets, Epilogue isnt trash. It's a beast. Now for PvP? I only run hand cannons lol
but elemental damage only effects shields. what makes it a monster against the fallen or cabal or hive? its only useful to drop minotaur shields in pve lol. other than that... its a dr nope. stability is straight on atheon, but again, its the same as dr nope or the other rifles stability upgrades. (actually the vanquisher has the highest of them all, minus the suros i believe)

forget it, im tired of typing these expository essays lol
*wishes to get good loot drops like distractions*
*patiently waiting for gjallarhorn and p&t*
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youre spreading misinformation biggs. impact determines what percentage of damage gets communicated across per shot. its the reason why the atheon has 300 damage stats but shots do like 32 damage. while the hand cannons with high impact absolutely wreck or the shadowprice/vanquisher/grimcitizen/suros do what they do. a SIDE effect of the impact is staggering enemies.

and i was responding to everything he said, so i apologize if i didnt make my points clear enough. atheons is wack because it doesnt put in work on high level enemies except the ones i listed and the specific events like the ones this week. and on that note

dr nope is arguably the worst primary auto rifle and u hate it.... but u love the atheons which is the exact same rifle but with void.

but elemental damage only effects shields. what makes it a monster against the fallen or cabal or hive? its only useful to drop minotaur shields in pve lol. other than that... its a dr nope. stability is straight on atheon, but again, its the same as dr nope or the other rifles stability upgrades. (actually the vanquisher has the highest of them all, minus the suros i believe)

forget it, im tired of typing these expository essays lol

*patiently waiting for gjallarhorn and p&t*

Interesting. See if this is true I'd kill for a quick swap button for weapons. Maybe this week trying it on hard someone should have a hand gun leveled fully and compare it to me using an epilogue.

My argument against what you say is this. Going through a full mag of my hard light vs my epilogue is about the same. Not sure, my hardlight hits about 30% stronger in pvp, however it's over the same time frame and with 30 less bullets per mag. IMO I think the damage would equal except if you compare it to a scout rifle. I would love for you to point me to a reddit post that has this explanation you have with my proof with hard numbers.
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Interesting. See if this is true I'd kill for a quick swap button for weapons. Maybe this week trying it on hard someone should have a hand gun leveled fully and compare it to me using an epilogue.
There's a video s couple pages back of 2 people, a warlock and hunter level 30 going through the raid.. Homie had some pistol maxed, just dropping everybody
tekthemaestro tekthemaestro

I have a confession:

After you showed me the sunsinger cheese, I dismantled a Patience and Time sniper, I even had Jr. mute the mic so I could instruct him to do so sorry homie. :lol:
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Interesting. See if this is true I'd kill for a quick swap button for weapons. Maybe this week trying it on hard someone should have a hand gun leveled fully and compare it to me using an epilogue.
There's a video s couple pages back of 2 people, a warlock and hunter level 30 going through the raid.. Homie had some pistol maxed, just dropping everybody
This was a Fatebringer, arguably the best hand cannon in the game.  It was literally one shot dropping 'em.

I have a confession:

After you showed the sunsinger cheese, I dismantled and Patience and Time sniper, I even had Jr. mute the mic so I could instruct him to do so sorry homie.
you what? but why?????
Interesting. See if this is true I'd kill for a quick swap button for weapons. Maybe this week trying it on hard someone should have a hand gun leveled fully and compare it to me using an epilogue.

My argument against what you say is this. Going through a full mag of my hard light vs my epilogue is about the same. Not sure, my hardlight hits about 30% stronger in pvp, however it's over the same time frame and with 30 less bullets per mag. IMO I think the damage would equal except if you compare it to a scout rifle. I would love for you to point me to a reddit post that has this explanation you have with my proof with hard numbers.
its true man i didnt look up statistics i just own all the rifles lmao. and have half of em maxed. i honestly HATE pvp so i dont base anything off that. and even in your example if you do the same amount of damage with 30 less bullets... 30/70 = 42% less clip size for the same amount of damage = the hardlight hits harder.

quick backup sources? destinydb will show u the HL is rated an 8 on impact. the A is rated a 2. and weve already seen thanks to your example which hits harder.
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Here is my take on the whole slow shooting-smaller magazine with more impact assault rifle vs. fast shooting-large magazine with lower impact assault rifles:

The large mag assault rifles take more bullets, but they are meant to do so.

It is more about preference. You can shoot lets just say 10 bullets with the Shadow Price/Vanquisher/Grim Citizen/etc, and in that same time the Doctor Nope/Hard Light/Epilogue can shoot 20 (just numbers for rounding and an example and not saying exact).

Since it can shoot double the amount of bullets in the same time frame, the "slower" assault rifles hit for 150 (again for the example), where the "faster" assaults only hit for 75.

So you may feel as though they hit harder, and they do, but they can't shoot as fast, so the others can get more bullets off before you can....hence they are both still 300 damage and do not out damage one another. It is all preference and in your head that one is "stronger" than the other. Epilogue has the stability perk on its side unlike the Doctor Nope, so they are the same type of gun but the Nope takes a little more to control it. I actually used to like using my Doctor Nope....ironically, I think it was one of my first legendary drops as well 
you what? but why?????

View media item 439691

its true man i didnt look up statistics i just own all the rifles lmao. and have half of em maxed. i honestly HATE pvp so i dont base anything off that. and even in your example if you do the same amount of damage with 30 less bullets... 30/70 = 42% less clip size for the same amount of damage = the hardlight hits harder.

quick backup sources? destinydb will show u the HL is rated an 8 on impact. the A is rated a 2. and weve already seen thanks to your example which hits harder.

My argument against it and supporting how I feel.

Even though gun x is doing less damage, it is doing an amount that is fairly equal. Adding gun z, like an auto rifle would be similar at 6 seconds. Let's say it first one bullet every .1 second = 10 damage. That would mean that after 6 seconds it would have similarly done 600 damage, on par with the other guns.

But that being said, I know that my Atheon's Epilogue, with a tiny DPB fires a massive amount of bullets making it comparable in usage to the Last Word. Enemies die roughly the same, except that AE and LW have very different uses, and while enemies ultimately die at about the same rate, LW also does a massive amount of critical hit damage. A good example is vs. the supplicants, in which LW will be a typical two hit kill with precision damage while AE takes more time to kill. This is untested and could just be the "feel" of the gun in comparison, but I believe this to be true. In fact, LW does slightly more DPB as my fusion rifle, Final Rest II, despite FR2 having more impact, though FR2 has the obvious advantage because of the fusion rifle style. That being said, I can fire about 3 LW bullets in the charge time it takes for FR2 to charge and fire 4 bullets making them very similar.

It would then seem to follow that while Impact = DPB, Impact and ROF make DPB almost identical over time with preference based on range and stability mixed with playstyle. Auto-rifles lend themselves to more misses while hand cannons and sniper rifles lend to less with scout and pulse rifles being somewhere in between. To give a better example, against a higher hp enemy, LW does very high damage vs. AE, but LW has to reload more and takes longer to shoot resulting in AE doing about the same damage over time.

But as I mentioned above, Attack has visibly affected my damage to enemies at the same level when upgrading a gun. Why is this so if enemies are the same/less than my level if Impact/ROF do not change with upgrade damage? My hypothesis would be that Attack is actually DPS average over time (modified by) weapon class. In other words, Snipers have higher precision damage by nature and rocket launcher by nature do more burst damage but the 300 suggests that over a certain amount of unidentified time, these guns would average 300 DPS. In fact, it might be better suited to hypothesize that 300 is actually DPS/10 seconds. This is an estimate based off of what I've seen from my own fully upped launchers/primaries. Or to give another example, based on reload speed, aim speed, RoF, and Impact, 300 is the expected DPS over about 10 seconds on a single enemy that doesn't die.

Yes I'm a nerd at stuff like this. When I play games like these I like to know every bit of detail.

The gist of the post is that it's all damage per bullet and when you take into account time to shoot and then reload, the damage of all the guns should about equal out. Where the Scout, Sniper, and hand gun overcome the AR is that their crit multiplier is higher. If you are better at aiming to get crits then yes that's the goal. But Minotaurs/Praedetorians don't have crit spots. Impact means nothing except causing stagger in this case as the numbers will equal out as long as the guns have equal damage (lets say 300).

Scouts do the most overall because of their increase to damage.
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Well if it makes you feel better I got a legendary engram that turned into Dr. Nope. Which is arguably the worst primary auto rifle in the game and one I personally hate. Dismantled for 3 ascendant energies. And Wright over here eating with the Mida Multi Tool smdh.
dr nope is arguably the worst primary auto rifle and u hate it.... but u love the atheons which is the exact same rifle but with void.
For PvE the Epilogue is one of the best to have because of the void burn. When maxed at 300 I have no issues with it at all in the raid or even in strikes. Yes higher impact is normally what I go to but Epilogue is great. Dr. Nope on the other hand, I don't like at all. But with the stability perks and 70 round clip with void bullets, Epilogue isnt trash. It's a beast. Now for PvP? I only run hand cannons lol
but elemental damage only effects shields. what makes it a monster against the fallen or cabal or hive? its only useful to drop minotaur shields in pve lol. other than that... its a dr nope. stability is straight on atheon, but again, its the same as dr nope or the other rifles stability upgrades. (actually the vanquisher has the highest of them all, minus the suros i believe)

forget it, im tired of typing these expository essays lol
*wishes to get good loot drops like distractions*
*patiently waiting for gjallarhorn and p&t*
You just proved my point. Shoot at a level 30 minotaurs void shields without void burn and you tell me how good of a gun that Vanquisher or Suros is. Garbage compared to the Epilogue. And yes, I've owned both and yes I've tested both compared to the Epilogue and they are trash compared to it for the raid on hard. Like I've been saying, the void burn on the epilogue makes it invaluable. I'm not disagreeing with you on the low impact part. I like guns with high impact high rewards for accuracy (hand cannons) but to say the Epilogue is trash don't make any sense bro. It has it's purpose.

Biggie and I ran strikes on every planet with fully maxed Epilogues and had no problems whatsoever. I don't prefer the epilogue to my hand cannons but I don't see the gun as trash. It has a very specific role and it does it very well. Dr. Nope doesn't have the Void Burn so it's useless, which is what I've been saying from the beginning. 

And Dr. Nope doesn't have the same stability as the Epilogue. So it's not the same gun at all. THAT gun is the definition of trash in this game.
Yea I think I posted the 2 man vid. He is using the Fatebringer and it is a beast of a hand cannon!

Even here, against the minotaurs level 28, he was dropping them with hand cannons because he would shoot the shield down with GGhorn. Not because he could drop the minotaurs with 2 hand cannon shots. Trust me, I've tried to use Hawkmoon and it's great and does amazing but it doesnt melt minotaur shields down anywhere near as fast as Epilogue. 
I'm truly not going to get into the science behind the guns ratings. I just KNOW that if I fire at a high level enemy with my Atheon for 2 seconds, and then repeat that again with my vanquisher for 2 seconds.... The vanquisher would have killed him but the Atheon will not. It's as simple as that lol. Yall going too deep And Wright you're numbers are all off. Atheon doesn't shoot anywhere near twice as fast as the legendary rifles. Nor does it do half the damage per shot. It's more like shoots 15% faster and does 1/3rd the damage
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