Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

If I get the scout rifle, can I re-roll for a elemental damage type, or does it just re-roll abilities?

Legendaries with no damage type are basically a waste of space to me, at this point. 
If I get the scout rifle, can I re-roll for a elemental damage type, or does it just re-roll abilities?

Legendaries with no damage type are basically a waste of space to me, at this point. 

There is a rumor that someone got the IB Hand Cannon with void damage but I haven't seen anything but Kinetic damage on any of their weapons other than the HMG.

Edit. Also, IB Tempered buff is 150% today so if you plan to get to level 5 today is the day.
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Reforged the IB pistol and ended up with: quick reload, max field scout and luck in the chamber. Not sure I can do better than that without wasting anymore motes of light. I reforged it 4 times total.

I hit IB level 4 earlier. I only have 8000 glimmer tho.
Pop a poly and run hard confluxes.... 
35 kills 2.92 K/D 7590 points........and we lose
AND I couldn't clip it
Control is not about k/d......

It's about teamwork and point captures.....

Especially when you're the mvp....

That loss is on you....
There is a rumor that someone got the IB Hand Cannon with void damage but I haven't seen anything but Kinetic damage on any of their weapons other than the HMG.

Edit. Also, IB Tempered buff is 150% today so if you plan to get to level 5 today is the day.

Apparently it was just a glitch. That person at the Epilogue equipped, then switched to the Hand cannon and it glitched to show that it was void damage. (Since the previous gun was void damage)
I reforged the IB scout rifle about 10 times and NO full auto perk. So I settled with Mulligan , Maximum Field Scout and Firefly.

I would keep trying but I dont wanna gamble and lose this setup.

EDIT: I kept trying and spent 30 motes and got some garbage setups until I got this one:
Luck in the chamber, Maximum Field Scout and Firefly.

zero23 zero23 save your motes of light bro. I dont think it will let you get full auto.

Damn. No auto huh? I'll just stick with what I got. Happy with the roll given to me anyway. I was ready to drop 60 motes on it too.
In your opinion, what is the quickest way to get a bunch of glimmer?

I just got to level 4 in the banner and want to buy the gauntlets and a gun, but way short on the glim.

A lot of insecurities rose to the surface once shottadru posted his K/D.
Again I was talking about being a 30. The discussion prior was about hitting 30 and I recently hit 30 so I made a joke and then yall started investigating me lol. Yall dumb sensitive in here.
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In your opinion, what is the quickest way to get a bunch of glimmer?

I just got to level 4 in the banner and want to buy the gauntlets and a gun, but way short on the glim.

Use a black wax on the 3 hive supers on cosmodrome.. You'll get 124ish glimmer for killing all 3, but occasionally they drop silken codex which is 200 glimmer, and all the green engrams you get you can break down for glimmer too. You can get like 10K glimmer in 25-30mins.

I did this and got 2 scouts, 1 fusion, 2 gloves, 2 boots, shader, Mark and emblem :lol:
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Use a black wax on the 3 hive supers on cosmodrome.. You'll get 124ish glimmer for killing all 3, but occasionally they drop silken codex which is 200 glimmer, and all the green engrams you get you can break down for glimmer too. You can get like 10K glimmer in 25-30mins.

I did this and got 2 scouts, 1 fusion, 2 gloves, 2 boots, shader, Mark and emblem :lol:

Thank you!
A lot of insecurities rose to the surface once shottadru posted his K/D.

Again I was talking about being a 30. The discussion prior was about hitting 30 and I recently hit 30 so I made a joke and then yall started investigating me lol. Yall dumb sensitive in here.
nah you tried to stunt and fail, nobody cares about us lvl 30 or us 9.0 kd from yo booboo suros. We was on ps4 flexing lvl 30's months ago b. You just an undercard *****
In your opinion, what is the quickest way to get a bunch of glimmer?

I just got to level 4 in the banner and want to buy the gauntlets and a gun, but way short on the glim.

Use a black wax on the 3 hive supers on cosmodrome.. You'll get 124ish glimmer for killing all 3, but occasionally they drop silken codex which is 200 glimmer, and all the green engrams you get you can break down for glimmer too. You can get like 10K glimmer in 25-30mins.

I did this and got 2 scouts, 1 fusion, 2 gloves, 2 boots, shader, Mark and emblem
Shhhh. This my honey hole. All it takes is one idiot to make a Youtube video and Dey guna patch this soon.... 

Edit: there's quite a few Youtube videos on it bro. I hope they don't patch it. Been doing this for a long time...
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Had fun running with a full NT fireteam for Iron Banner last night. Biggie, Wright, Frost, All Chem, and Quad had too much fun. We should run again tonight before the IB is over. We blew through the competition. Only match we lost was the one with the completely lagged out/lag switching team. Dudes teleporting through our Rockets and stuff. 

I wanna try to get Jolder's Hammer from the IB or the magic party bus before it's over.
Had fun running with a full NT fireteam for Iron Banner last night. Biggie, Wright, Frost, All Chem, and Quad had too much fun. We should run again tonight before the IB is over. We blew through the competition. Only match we lost was the one with the completely lagged out/lag switching team. Dudes teleporting through our Rockets and stuff. 

I wanna try to get Jolder's Hammer from the IB or the magic party bus before it's over.

Can I get in on this? I'll be on around 8 PM EST.
Had fun running with a full NT fireteam for Iron Banner last night. Biggie, Wright, Frost, All Chem, and Quad had too much fun. We should run again tonight before the IB is over. We blew through the competition. Only match we lost was the one with the completely lagged out/lag switching team. Dudes teleporting through our Rockets and stuff. 

I wanna try to get Jolder's Hammer from the IB or the magic party bus before it's over.
Can I get in on this? I'll be on around 8 PM EST.
We'll see. We usually get on later in the night.
Had fun running with a full NT fireteam for Iron Banner last night. Biggie, Wright, Frost, All Chem, and Quad had too much fun. We should run again tonight before the IB is over. We blew through the competition. Only match we lost was the one with the completely lagged out/lag switching team. Dudes teleporting through our Rockets and stuff. 

I wanna try to get Jolder's Hammer from the IB or the magic party bus before it's over.

Coming back from 4k down and then going on a 12-0 killstreak as a team to steal the Victory 20020-19985 was just icing on the cake!
I'm in the prestigious 30 club now too, if anyone wanna run HM raid and need another, let me know! DOOOM_PhD (PS4)
A lot of insecurities rose to the surface once shottadru posted his K/D.

Again I was talking about being a 30. The discussion prior was about hitting 30 and I recently hit 30 so I made a joke and then yall started investigating me lol. Yall dumb sensitive in here.
nah you tried to stunt and fail, nobody cares about us lvl 30 or us 9.0 kd from yo booboo suros. We was on ps4 flexing lvl 30's months ago b. You just an undercard *****
I would have hit 30 months also but thankfully on Xbox I have an array of games to play, I left Destiny alone and recently came back and got last piece of raid gear needed.

I see you are investigating me also, lol you PS people swear yall lawyers, I actually just got the Suros from IB this weekend so that has nothing to do with my play.

I'm still waiting to see how good you guys are PS boys just here buffing each other off.
Until then more clips
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A lot of insecurities rose to the surface once shottadru posted his K/D.

Again I was talking about being a 30. The discussion prior was about hitting 30 and I recently hit 30 so I made a joke and then yall started investigating me lol. Yall dumb sensitive in here.
nah you tried to stunt and fail, nobody cares about us lvl 30 or us 9.0 kd from yo booboo suros. We was on ps4 flexing lvl 30's months ago b. You just an undercard *****
I would have hit 30 months also but thankfully on Xbox I have an array of games to play, I left Destiny alone and recently came back and got last piece of raid gear needed.

I see you are investigating me also, lol you PS people swear yall lawyers, I actually just got the Suros from IB this weekend so that has nothing to do with my play.

I'm still waiting to see how good you guys are PS boys just here buffing each other off.
Until then more clips

Someone sounds like they need a snickers. Here you go.

I have an Xbox One. It has been turned on about 5 times in the past 4 months. I wasted $500 on it. Graphics on it suck. The interface sucks, and even the NFL fantasy/TV thing sucks too. Worst $500 I ever spent on anything in my life. The only Xbox exclusive title that stirred up any interest was Titanfall. And everyone stopped playing it after a month. Forzzzzzzza? Exactly Zzzzzz. The only significant Xbox One Exclusive hasn't even come out yet (Halo 5). Other than that, you can get all the same games on both consoles.

Please post a clip of you getting a kill with a Hawkmoon and we'll talk. Until then, sit down in your corner and go back under the Xfail bridge. Oh wait, it'll be a year before you can even do that. 

What you don't realize is we, unlike you, don't have to scream about what console is better and post garbage videos of going to a control point and getting sniped, then respawning and shotgunning someone. Most of your clips are you getting killed then using some kinda cheese to piece together a killstreak. 

Umad Bruh? Men lie, women lie, numbers don't. 

The Xbox One just passes 10 million console sales while PS4 is over 13 million on the way to 15 million by then end of the holidays. PS4 >>

Your K/D is .9 

Not even a whole point.

.9 - You die more than you kill.

Translation: You are useless to your fireteam.


Even worse, your combat rating is under 100. You can scream to the heavens about how you a God in Destiny. But at the end of the day, all we gotta do is look at you on and see.

There you go bruh. You ain't no God in Destiny. No one needs to see the clips of how garbage you are anymore. 

It's a video game. Let's get back to having fun now that you got this work...
I go away for 1 weekend and this what happens in here?

End of the day buy whatever you want, but you cannot ignore the fact that X1 specs are inferior to the PS4 and I would be tight I paid that intro to have M$ cut the prices the way they did. Which in my mind is a desperation move because they have been killed in sales every month since they dropped. I owned PS1, PS2, PS3, Xbox, & 360, and I won't lie and say that I will not own a X1 too eventually because I know that I will, but the better buy is PS4. Sure you can say you have better game, but Xbox has always been more about the interaction and groups and PS has been more about the game and single player types.

You figure

Halo, Gears of War, Forza, and a couple other exclusives vs.

Metal Gear Solid, God of War, Gran Tourismo, Infamous, Last of Us

You can clearly see the difference in the type of games as far as exclusives go, so you really cannot compare. You say that we finally got party chat, but PS users could say that MS guys finally got to use a Blu-ray player in 2013/2014 in their systems. Didn't look into it because I really don't care, but can X1 systems plug in a HDD and play movies/music off of them? I know the PS3 could and most if not all of that functionality is back in the PS4 or being addressed in updates as they come out.

The PS v MS debate can go on for eternity and still be no where further in the debate than as far as it is now...which is nowhere

Finally on the barrage of clips of the X1 player playing....anyone decent that plays enough will get these clips. Your clips are either you getting the kills 2v1 with your teammate assisting in helping killing them as well, or you "slide + shotgun/punch" people. We can record games and clips as well. Is it as easy as X1, probably not, but we can do it and it really proves nothing in this debate. But we can go to the numbers and see who is who among Crucible/PvP players in this thread.
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