Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

You gotta get gauntlets that boost the reload speed of hand cannons. My hunter Gauntlets do that. Even that paired with Chain of Woe (Faster reload after precision kills) is too slow for me with Thorn. Hope they up the mag size or speed up the reload speed. 6 bullets for an exotic/legendary mag is just disrespectful. You guna love the Damage over Time with the Thorn once you upgrade it. It's fun for PVP. Watch them flee then die around the corner.

Hawkmoon is still my hand cannon of choice but Thorn is the dopest looking weapon in the game. 
Only 6?

My Lord High Fixxer that I got from an engram had 11 at least. Hand cannons are nice, and I wish I used them more. I am tempted to try to use the Lord High Fixxer a little more since it is just sitting in my vault now.
Yeah, I guess they were trying to balance the Damage over Time but it nerfed the gun terribly. It is outclassed by most legendary/exotic handcannons. If you get armor pieces that give a boost to Hand Cannons and use them in conjunction, you can beast out with them. Two shots to the head in the Iron Banner with my Hawkmoon and they're dead. 

I got pissed off yesterday at a team that were running around with fusion rifles and pulled out Pocket Infinity Fusion Rifle with 8 mag auto fire. Cleared the three guys who were camping on a control zone and fusion rifling people a few times in a row. After about 2 minutes their whole team left. I try not to use it in the crucible because it's very cheap, but when people abuse fusions, I just spam the Pocket Infinity and laugh at them. 
Anyone help me with Xyor, the unwed?
You will mos def need help, I had a level 28 and 29 helping me and they both were using exotic primary weapons, one was a Suros for sure, and im 1 point shy of being level 28 ...she was very hard but ending up getting stuck in that room so we eventually unloaded on then.
I don't think I will ever do that Xyor part of the bounty again. It was THE worst part of Destiny for me.
You will mos def need help, I had a level 28 and 29 helping me and they both were using exotic primary weapons, one was a Suros for sure, and im 1 point shy of being level 28.

yeah I'm looking for a group now. I need my thorn man lol. Hand Cannons are life...

Hand cannons are piff bro, if they could be equipped with a long range scope. :smokin :x
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Yeah, I guess they were trying to balance the Damage over Time but it nerfed the gun terribly. It is outclassed by most legendary/exotic handcannons. If you get armor pieces that give a boost to Hand Cannons and use them in conjunction, you can beast out with them. Two shots to the head in the Iron Banner with my Hawkmoon and they're dead. 

I got pissed off yesterday at a team that were running around with fusion rifles and pulled out Pocket Infinity Fusion Rifle with 8 mag auto fire. Cleared the three guys who were camping on a control zone and fusion rifling people a few times in a row. After about 2 minutes their whole team left. I try not to use it in the crucible because it's very cheap, but when people abuse fusions, I just spam the Pocket Infinity and laugh at them. 
Yea I feel you on that. I one but it is just blue. The next thing I buy with my Crucible marks or from Xur or drop a engram, I hope is at least a legendary fusion rifle. Some def so abuse them.

You gotta get gauntlets that boost the reload speed of hand cannons. My hunter Gauntlets do that. Even that paired with Chain of Woe (Faster reload after precision kills) is too slow for me with Thorn. Hope they up the mag size or speed up the reload speed. 6 bullets for an exotic/legendary mag is just disrespectful. You guna love the Damage over Time with the Thorn once you upgrade it. It's fun for PVP. Watch them flee then die around the corner.

Hawkmoon is still my hand cannon of choice but Thorn is the dopest looking weapon in the game. 

Only 6? :smh:

My Lord High Fixxer that I got from an engram had 11 at least. Hand cannons are nice, and I wish I used them more. I am tempted to try to use the Lord High Fixxer a little more since it is just sitting in my vault now.

Yeah, I guess they were trying to balance the Damage over Time but it nerfed the gun terribly. It is outclassed by most legendary/exotic handcannons. If you get armor pieces that give a boost to Hand Cannons and use them in conjunction, you can beast out with them. Two shots to the head in the Iron Banner with my Hawkmoon and they're dead. 

I got pissed off yesterday at a team that were running around with fusion rifles and pulled out Pocket Infinity Fusion Rifle with 8 mag auto fire. Cleared the three guys who were camping on a control zone and fusion rifling people a few times in a row. After about 2 minutes their whole team left. I try not to use it in the crucible because it's very cheap, but when people abuse fusions, I just spam the Pocket Infinity and laugh at them. 

I wish I had the pocket Infinity. Love fusion rifles, but hated them in the beginning.
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Tip for those still waiting to get exotic bounty for Pocket Infinity Fusion Rifle. Save all the Rare (Blue) fusion rifles you get from engrams/drops and don't dismantle them. Put them in your vault. Part of the bounty is to get 10 of them and dismantle them. It took me 3 days to wait for the gunsmith to sell them because I broke down all my blue secondaries as I got them, and after all the farming we did, I know I had 50+ of them in my possession at some point.
You will mos def need help, I had a level 28 and 29 helping me and they both were using exotic primary weapons, one was a Suros for sure, and im 1 point shy of being level 28.

yeah I'm looking for a group now. I need my thorn man lol. Hand Cannons are life...

Hand cannons are piff bro, if they could be equipped with a long range scope. :smokin :x

thorn has pretty good range once upgraded i heard. 5 more strikes to complete this 25 strikes for the juju bounty. then xur on friday and crucible until i unlock it :smokin
You will mos def need help, I had a level 28 and 29 helping me and they both were using exotic primary weapons, one was a Suros for sure, and im 1 point shy of being level 28.

yeah I'm looking for a group now. I need my thorn man lol. Hand Cannons are life...

Hand cannons are piff bro, if they could be equipped with a long range scope. :smokin :x

Ahhh Memphis took me back to college and our 4 v 4 dorm LAN battles. We had about a 150ft CAT5 cable running across the wall connecting rooms to the same router so that we could local link and play. We played Halo 1 & 2 all damn day. We would setup custom matches and do pistols only. The amount of clicking that would ensue was crazy

I remember one night a roommate told us to turn the TV off because he had to get up early. We told him we would mute the TV and play instead....we did not tell him that we would switch to a dual pistol only game mode and play after that

@Quad, I was just like you. I hated fusion rifles and said they were cheap and OP. I decided one control game to just try it out and to destroyed the other team with it
. Ever since then I said I had to get one. Not to mention it seems to remove shields off higher level mobs quicker than legendary shotty does.
yeah now its just time to level it lmao
Leveling exotics is such a pain. I leveled my bad juju and now my hard light. Not fun. Hard light is the worst because i need helium fragments along with my new armor pieces so I have to farm on the moon today when I get home from school and work.
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yeah now its just time to level it lmao
Leveling exotics is such a pain. I leveled my bad juju and now my hard light. Not fun. Hard light is the worst because i need helium fragments along with my new armor pieces so I have to farm on the moon today when I get home from school and work.

Very much so, as I stated earlier, I've had the Patience and Time exotic sniper for over 2 weeks and have only had 3 upgrades for it so far, so me having to upgrade Thorn is not somethin im looking forward to doin.
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Just do bounties and equip the gun before you turn them in so the xp goes to them.

Helium filaments are probably the easiest to farm. The initial starting zone is packed with them.
Just do bounties and equip the gun before you turn them in so the xp goes to them.

Helium filaments are probably the easiest to farm. The initial starting zone is packed with them.

Yea that's what I read as well. I'm stacked with relic iron and spinmetal personally but lacking on the other ingredients.
I mostly have Relic Iron and Helium Filaments. Those are the main 2 I need. The least amount of one I have are Spirit Blooms. I hope I never have something where I need a bunch of those. I hate going to Venus for anything other than VoG, lol
I should be on this evening for those wanting to do the nightfall strike, VoG or something. I'm off tomorrow, so ready to run for a while.
I would be down for VoG tonight around 10:30 est if we can get a group that will listen and just do their roles as they learn the fight of they haven't done it.
Guess I'll hop on Destiny since 2K servers are down as usual ....nightfall, weekly, daily whatever ..let's get it.
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Weekly strikes anyone? :nerd: PSN: juicyju5

Also just started my thorn bounty. Should of picked the pocket infinity :smh:
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