Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

Yeah I dont have enough motes to pull about 10 engrams. I'll wait for the leg engrams and try for those bones since there will be a higher chance for them
Man, puffishurr and I rolled together all day today.
Got my Titan to a 34 after playing trials of Osiris.
I believe we could have gone 9-0 with a bit of luck but we went 8-3.
Lost the first. Our first time as a team. Getting on the same page.
Won 8/9 where the 1 we lost, we were up 4-0 but lost since we got got by a warlock res that ended it. 1 v 2 and we lost.
The last one... We got whooped. Dudes were bum rushing with bad ping.

Took the 2 lights I had won from the trials and applied them to my warlock after we beat the level 32 prison of elders so she's a 34 now too.

Hunter last. Will make some moves for sure to make that happen ASAP hopefully. Then I can focus on bringing my weapons up to snuff.

I don't like the auto rifle from the trials too much but my goodness I want to go to the light room.
Warlock here, bought 4 Helm Engrams:

Obsidian Mind (Already have), 2 titan helms, and a hunter helm

And none of these were new exotics...

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Finished up 34 poe with my hunter... Using the etheric light from that too make my titan a 34... It feels so good!
Bought like 15 engrams. 

The first 3: The titan helm with the light coming out of it, warlock nemisis (needed both so bool), the third was teh hunter eagle jawn.

I still wanted the stoneface titan jawn to just stone face yall in red so thats why I bought another 12. And man. Just trash all the way through.

Might buy 3 more on another character today or might just chill and let them drop on in a NF. 


@IHeartBoost  im down to do atheon

I heard you could get etheral light from raids as an exotic? Is this true?
Bought like 15 engrams. 

The first 3: The titan helm with the light coming out of it, warlock nemisis (needed both so bool), the third was teh hunter eagle jawn.

I still wanted the stoneface titan jawn to just stone face yall in red so thats why I bought another 12. And man. Just trash all the way through.

Might buy 3 more on another character today or might just chill and let them drop on in a NF. 


@IHeartBoost  im down to do atheon

I heard you could get etheral light from raids as an exotic? Is this true?
whos your source on this 
I'm not saying that it's not or is happening, but this would go against Bungie's policy in a sense where new items won't drop in old content.
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