DIANA LINDA....what a bunch of garbage.

Dec 24, 2007

"Each member will receive an autographed poster, 2 autographed 8x10's and an email from Diana for $59.95."

What is this %!%#@ crazy? $60 for an email from her? She better at least use spellcheck. Would any of you chumps pay for a picture of her? Is she attractive?Anything about this broad. Please post your opinions!

I think she looks like a bloated Vida Guerra, then lost a few pounds.

Worst*@*@ Ever!
the audacity of this bird
i understand she tryna jump-start her career
but $60??? thats 240 bags of chips i coulda
There are girls I could see pulling this scam off (not that I'd pay my $, but someone would I bet)... But why would anyone pay $60 for a picture and fakeemail from a chick you could see walking around the hood dressed close to the same way any day of the week?
Originally Posted by 18th letter

the audacity of this bird
i understand she tryna jump-start her career
but $60??? thats 240 bags of chips i coulda

thats also 120 jack n the box tacos

2 tacos> a throwaway picture autographed by a nobody
i'm going to write her an email telling her more than
likely the people who are actually buying the pictures
are close relatives and that her booty game is sub par

i dunno but for some reason just her lil %***#@* grin just pisses me the %#$$ off
you know what maybe this outrageous move is really a marketing stunt to get her name out there...
[color= rgb(204, 51, 0)]this is off topic homie[/color]
[color= rgb(204, 51, 0)]but who are you???[/color]
watch that email say "thanks for the 60 and have fun beating it to the pictures"
Originally Posted by IrvKing

[color= rgb(204, 51, 0)]this is off topic homie[/color]
[color= rgb(204, 51, 0)]but who are you???[/color]

the hell does it matter who he is? hes just a new member
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