Diary of ex pot smoker

Originally Posted by Defyant 1

smokin 'til my lungs are broken
I love marijuana

My brother grows for the Sonoma county cannibis clubs. So I get olive oil, salda dressing , massage oil, eye drops, brownies, cookies, rice krispies treat, tinctures...you name it all for free. Giving your girl a massage w/ THC massage oil is a guarenteed way to have her shaking like
Don Knotts. - Know this-

Massage Oils? that gets someone

I've never heard about that.
I burn alottttt, especially when I'm in school. Burn a blunt every hour on the hour, go to class high, take tests high, and get high grades.
Sometimes, i'll have crazy sessions during the week where we just burn a half ounce in a matter of minutes.
I quit smoking after I got arrested for possession back in 2005. I do a lot better in school now.
The hells that brick wall for? lol, I push alot, nothin but purp or kush, can't even get anything other than that.
anyone ever experience something similar to this ? last summer, I burned 2 blunts of Jack Haze after not chiefing for a long time ( I worked out dailyinstead).
I was so blasted.
After, I went to the movies with 3 of my boys and then I had blacked out, collapsed, and started having 2 minute long seizures on the floor. I was sweatinglike crazy
and the people in the movies were bugging out staring at me, got swept away in an ambulance, lol.
Probation FTMFL.

Used to smoke at least 3-5 blunts daily for the past 3-4 months, and I honestly miss it.
I don't think i'm addicted to it, more like, fond of it...the hot boxes, all the homies packed up in
the whip, laughin and enjoying music. Plus the munches were incredible...but I guess can do without,
for now.

Around 2 months clean..of THC?

i smoke a L every night, meet up with some heads and burn one or two. honestly, I wish I could stop, it's just too expensive, I mean I can afford the habitbut every once in a while i get a little mad im spending money like that every week. it really affects my sleep though, if i don't burn I get all eminemstatus and pop tylenol pm's and #%+#.
Originally Posted by xcrskim

anyone ever experience something similar to this ? last summer, I burned 2 blunts of Jack Haze after not chiefing for a long time ( I worked out daily instead).
I was so blasted.
After, I went to the movies with 3 of my boys and then I had blacked out, collapsed, and started having 2 minute long seizures on the floor. I was sweating like crazy
and the people in the movies were bugging out staring at me, got swept away in an ambulance, lol.
yep...after a long break i took 2 hits and I blacked out and collapsed and as soon as i hit the ground i "woke up"...I was really hotand sweating too but i didnt have any seizures haha...
Originally Posted by fivefivenine

me and my boy used to smoke an ounce a day, i would only be high for about 15 minutes if that lol, then one day i had a panic attack and quit. haven't smoked in a year.

im sure you did
pot addiction? 6 days sober? You make it seem like we're talking about heroin or some shh. Weed is no more addicting than your favorite snack or beverage.It's like people that drink pop consistently. Sure if they stop they may have a craving for some, but its not like you have crazy withdrawals or something.
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Not smoking to pass a drug test for summer employment. But as soon as I get hired...
Unless they taking a hair test you aint gotta quit homie.

I've cut down quite a bit since I finished school. I'll smoke pretty much everyday after I get home from the office but its usually no more than 1 or2 bowls a night just to take the edge off and help me relax and get to sleep. When I was in college I was smoking all day every day, but I was never up tosmokin a zip a session like some of these dudes talkin bout. I cant even fathom how people burnin that much unless they straight wasting it or smokin thatmexican brick pack BS. I can understand an 8er a day, or up to a half but a full zip in a 16 hour day (assuming all smokers need their 8 full hours of sleep). Thats damn near 2 grams an hour on the hour every hour youre awake.

But back to gettin piss tested. My first job after I graduated college they caught me on a ninja drug test. I was still puffin regularly at that time whileinterviewing for jobs. I went into one interview (first interview) thinking i was safe and that they would bring me back for atleast a 2nd or 3rd before theymade an offer. Nope. They made an offer right then and there and wanted me to go take a piss test that day. On the way to the clinic I stopped by aheadshop, picked up a bottle of TestPur XL strength. Followed the instructions, and passed with flying colors. That stuff is MONEY. Less than 24 hours afterpuffin my last bowl and I still pissed clean.
I quit for a year because I had panic attack like symptoms and was paranoid a day after having brownies and missed all my classes that day. I usuallydon't like my body feeling hot and my heart racing; it's not a nice feeling after smoking. However, last week after drinking, i hit this gravity bongand it was the best high i've ever had: no heartracing or getting hot. Me and my boys were watching the movie road trip and I asked my sober friend, Walt,if I'm just high or are they talking really slow? Then, he said you're just high and started
at me. I said, "Man, Walt why you laughing at my misfortune likethat?"

like i gotta lie on teh internet. get real son. i get em dumb cheap and i still make way more than enough to smoke 2 ounces a day if i wanted to. log off.
I dont know how you can become addicted to weed. That's some BS if you ask me.

I quit whenever I want to. Last year I started smoking again after taking a 2 year break from it.
I've been smoking for a long minute, I took a 13 month break because of law trouble, but got right back into. I used to only smoke blunts but can't doit anymore (was coughing up some weird/dark stuff (probably lung)) I always told people that the single most important thing I learned when I was in collegewas how to roll a perfect blunt.

I only smoke j's now, L's to be precise, getting rather skilled at rollin' em, graduated from swishers to 1/4 cut zags. I'm eventually gonnapick up a vapo but can't afford the volcanoe right now, I've heard good things.
Originally Posted by xcrskim

anyone ever experience something similar to this ? last summer, I burned 2 blunts of Jack Haze after not chiefing for a long time ( I worked out daily instead).
I was so blasted.
After, I went to the movies with 3 of my boys and then I had blacked out, collapsed, and started having 2 minute long seizures on the floor. I was sweating like crazy
and the people in the movies were bugging out staring at me, got swept away in an ambulance, lol.

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