Did Crank Lucas ever send out that video game he promised??

Jun 20, 2005
he made some lame @!% trivia thread about himself claiming to send the winner a video game of their choice. last I remember, they hadn't received it, yethe still posting around here like a straight %@%$$. dude is a clown.
I think you already know that he didn't. You probably just want to make it more known because you hate him for some reason.
But yeah, he should've at least explained himself in his thread.
obviously you haven't been here long enough to know what's important to crank.

quest for incest > everything else
Originally Posted by acosta2

he made some lame @!% trivia thread about himself claiming to send the winner a video game of their choice. last I remember, they hadn't received it, yet he still posting around here like a straight %@%$$. dude is a clown.
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