Did you guys hear about the huge mansion LeBronze is building near Cleveland ??

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Its funny to me given that he's actually building a big #** house...good joke.
thanks bro...seems like you were one of the few who actually understood my point behind making this "joke".
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

He is building it with all that money he is saving from stiffing his food servers when he goes out to eat.
@ that cheap MOFO.

You flunked on your execution grade, but I'll you give an E for Effort and a pat on the back.

This thread caught me way off guard tho
I hate the fact that everyone is giving the celtics props for this James is missing wide open jumpers!
i hope you remeber, he had 2 bad games vs detroit last year and we all know what happend after that, i still have faith we can comeback
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

I hate the fact that everyone is giving the celtics props for this James is missing wide open jumpers!

I'm not a LeBron fan, but the Celtics are clamping down on him in the lane and it's tough to hit jumpers when you haven't even made a lay-up.Besides, I think people overrate his jumpshot to begin with.

And I'm not going to front, I had to re-read a bunch of these posts to get the jokes.
If you arent a Cavs fan, dont lie, you at least chuckled at that.

I hate the fact that everyone is giving the celtics props for this James is missing wide open jumpers!

They're giving credit for not allowing him to get to the hoop, which is making him shoot and miss jumpers.
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