Diet plan help....

$%*+ all those pre-planned diets that tell you exactly how many almonds to eat at 6:03 PM on thursday

eat lean meats, whole grains, nuts, fruits, vegetables

cut out refined carbs, processed foods, artificial colorings/flavorings, excessive red meat, added sugars, and excessive full-fat dairy products (cheese, cream, whole milk, ice cream, butter, you get the idea)

there you have it.
2 years ago I weighed 340 lbs (6'4) now im sitting at 220 trying to get down to 180. By just cutting out fast food and soda, no lie I lost 40 lbs with no exercise. After that, I started eating better exercising everyday, absolutely no sugary drinks. I drink about 100oz of water a day. Dieting is tough as hell, so as a former fatty I recommend starting slow. Drink only water, cut portions down to half. I eat 3 meals a day, I never liked that 5-6 meals thing. Chicken and brown rice should be your best friends. Also, weights is a must. I was stubborn and used to do only cardio and would hit plateaus. You'll be surprised how quick you'll lose weight when you add some resistance training.
Originally Posted by iAllan

I <3 this thread too.

How much is a "small portion"?

Small portions vary from person to person...what's a small portion to me could be considered starvation to you.

If you eat fast food, cut it out completely. Even stuff that's labeled as being "healthy" (i.e Fruit & Yogurt parfait at McD's) are loaded with sugar and tons of other stuff that's bad for's not healthy....just healthier than anything else they have!

Just like smoking, you don't wanna dive in head-first...IMO, you'll fail really quick cause you can't handle it. Start off small (no soda/fruit juice, no fast food, etc) and don't fry any food. If at all possible, get fresh fruits and vegatables instead of pre-canned ones, esp.since it's in season now (the fruit, that is)

Also, dressings/mayo is extremely bad...hell, 2 TSP of Ranch dressing is 16g of fat....and you're only allowed 30g in a day.

Also, make sure you've got a lot of money....eating right ain't cheap!
honestly counting calories is nice when you get down to like <18% bf

but right now just cutting out all the bad stuff you will drop weight FAST

don't sweat it til you get to the point where you aren't losing any more weight

and another's way harder to overeat when you eat healthy foods rich in fiber, protein, etc.
I've been on this particular "diet" for the past month and a half with some minimal improvements. I'm 5'11 and 215 lbs and want to get down to 200 lbs within 2-3 months.

10am - Oatmeal w/ skim milk, banana and granola
12pm - Protein or fruit bar
2pm - Romaine lettuce Salad w/ feta cheese, chicken breast and light italian dressing
4/5pm - Protein or fruit bar
8pm - Rice, chicken and broccoli

Can anyone critique my diet and let me know what I should move around or add/subtract?
dont stick to one fruit or vegetable, getting locked into these diets isnt smart.

broccoli and romaine lettuce are good but try switching those out for spinach or kale or any number of other nutririous vegetables.

also white rice isnt terrible but brown rice is better.

maybe more protein for your breakfast, and cut out the protein/fruit bars unless you really can't get any other food during this time. more nutrition in unprocessed food.
I was always around 210-215 (at 5'11) and tore my ACL/MCL/Meniscus and turned into a 250lb monster. When I finally started trying to lose weight this is what I did:

Eat normal meals - you didn't gain a massive amount of weight from eating normal, it's from overeating and eating junk. No need to starve yourself but watch your portions. When you aren't hungry anymore STEP AWAY FROM THE PLATE. If you still feel hungry after a meal, wait 30 minutes and see how you feel. Odds are, you just want to be hungry.

Eat slowly - Enjoy your food, keep your fork down when you're chewing. Don't ready your next bite until you've finished your other one. One bite of food at a time tastes exactly the same as three.

Drink lots of water - The more hydrated you are the better you feel, and the better you function. Try drinking a full glass of water before meals so you don't overeat

Make working out something you enjoy - Go to the gym and do things you enjoy. If you hate running why get on a treadmill? This makes your workout go more smoothly and you won't mind going in the future. Don't kill yourself at first because then you won't want to go back. When you start seeing results you start eating better and having the desire to go back and work harder.

While muscle is a great fat burner, if you want results quickly I suggest focusing strictly on cardio type activities. When I started going to the gym I lost 30lbs in a couple months doing strictly cardio and eating better. I'm at 220 now and have been weight training for about 3 weeks now. I've maintained weight but my clothes fit better, and I feel better.

Lastly, I'm not a nutritionist or a trainer or anything. I'm sure a lot of these guys know a lot more about getting you started than I do, but this is what I did and I saw great results. I was in the gym 5-6 days a week for around and hour, and now I'm there roughly 2-2.5 and eating much better. It's a lifestyle change, but one for the better. Good Luck
Damn props to this thread. Here's my diet plan morning:1/2 of oatmeal with a banana and 2 cups of water after about 4 hours I eat a banana or an apple plus 2 cups of water then do a p90x workout then eat a bowl of rice with corn plus another 2 cups of water. Is this a good diet plan? School me.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

dont stick to one fruit or vegetable, getting locked into these diets isnt smart.

broccoli and romaine lettuce are good but try switching those out for spinach or kale or any number of other nutririous vegetables.

also white rice isnt terrible but brown rice is better.

maybe more protein for your breakfast, and cut out the protein/fruit bars unless you really can't get any other food during this time. more nutrition in unprocessed food.
What do you recommend for "in-between" snacks so I can start doing that instead of protein/fruit bars.

And what is the concern if you're sticking with a couple fruits or vegetables?
Originally Posted by Much Respected

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

dont stick to one fruit or vegetable, getting locked into these diets isnt smart.

broccoli and romaine lettuce are good but try switching those out for spinach or kale or any number of other nutririous vegetables.

also white rice isnt terrible but brown rice is better.

maybe more protein for your breakfast, and cut out the protein/fruit bars unless you really can't get any other food during this time. more nutrition in unprocessed food.
What do you recommend for "in-between" snacks so I can start doing that instead of protein/fruit bars.

And what is the concern if you're sticking with a couple fruits or vegetables?
almost all fruits and veggies are nutritious but they each are high in different vitamins/minerals/phytonutrients. try to mix it up, an easy way to do that is to eat vegetables of different colors. fruits just mix it up, berries are probably the most nutrient-packed but there's good stuff in apples, mangos, tomatoes, whatever.

for snacks i'd go with fresh fruit instead of fruit bars or nuts (almonds & pistachios are good choices) instead of protein bars. although i mean a sandwhich or a salad or anything like that would be great too, depends on how hungry you are.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Much Respected

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

dont stick to one fruit or vegetable, getting locked into these diets isnt smart.

broccoli and romaine lettuce are good but try switching those out for spinach or kale or any number of other nutririous vegetables.

also white rice isnt terrible but brown rice is better.

maybe more protein for your breakfast, and cut out the protein/fruit bars unless you really can't get any other food during this time. more nutrition in unprocessed food.
What do you recommend for "in-between" snacks so I can start doing that instead of protein/fruit bars.

And what is the concern if you're sticking with a couple fruits or vegetables?
almost all fruits and veggies are nutritious but they each are high in different vitamins/minerals/phytonutrients. try to mix it up, an easy way to do that is to eat vegetables of different colors. fruits just mix it up, berries are probably the most nutrient-packed but there's good stuff in apples, mangos, tomatoes, whatever.

for snacks i'd go with fresh fruit instead of fruit bars or nuts (almonds & pistachios are good choices) instead of protein bars. although i mean a sandwhich or a salad or anything like that would be great too, depends on how hungry you are.
I wouldn't go with a sandwich. You'd lose even more weight if you ate meat only once a day instead of having a sandwich or chicken salad for lunch and then meat again for dinner. Definitely try and get as much color in your diet as you possibly can. Orange vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes) are great for your prostate as well as tomatoes because they're a great source of lycopene. Leafy greens like kale are great as mentioned as well as avocados (even guacamole has its benefits).

If I may add, if you're going to diet, you might as well eat as healthy and as nutritious as you possibly can, cut your meat and dairy in take (I really wouldn't eat meat more than once a day, and if you can try and limit it to three times a week with another day for a healthy fish like salmon), add flax seeds into your diet (they go great with oatmeal or even cereal, just make sure they're already grounded up into powder), almonds and walnuts are great, drink black tea and drink a lot of water. Keeping your body hydrated is very important.

BTW, I'd stay away from artificial sweeteners, they're not all that much better than regular sugar. It'd probably be healthier if you just put a dab of regular sugar into your coffee, instead of an entire packet of Splenda.
Really depends though....lean meats have virtually no fat or carbs and are great sources of protein something his diet looks to be lacking.

You don't want to drop a bunch of fat and lose a lot of muscle along with it.

Ultimately the weight loss will be determined by the # of calories, and vegetables have virtually none so you can always afford to eat as many as you need to.

I don't suggest he eat a pastrami sandwhich on wheat bread with extra mayo, but vegetables + chicken breast + whole grain bread + light mayo or some mustard or whatever you want is a healthy meal fo sho
Originally Posted by Cameron Nelson

Originally Posted by PLAYOFF12

Drinking soda is my problem.
I seriously need to cut that stuff out, because that's what got me weighing 210 in the first place.

I'm going to try to cut it out again, so let's see how this turns out.
I feel you...I love them myself (Mountain Dew "Typhoon" FTW), but they're the devil! If you're like me and drank 2 20oz (at least) a day, that's almost 600 empty calories and 140+grams of sugar

I'm addicted to Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, and Coke.
I used to drink about 4-5 cans a day, but lately I've been drinking about 2-3 now. I'm trying to cut it down to 1-2, if anything.

I drink water while jogging and doing my push ups, though. I drink water at night, as well.

I wish they never invented soda.
This is a great thread for me right now. I was in the ER for stomach pains and I think it's my colon, I started to make meals out of the follow only:

salad (and veggie toppings like red peppers and onion)
raisin bran
lots of water

what do you think?

I'm waiting until my stomach feels better to start running and playing b-ball again.

I'm 5'11" and 210, I want to get back around 180-190.
Originally Posted by badmoonRison

This is a great thread for me right now. I was in the ER for stomach pains and I think it's my colon, I started to make meals out of the follow only:

salad (and veggie toppings like red peppers and onion)
raisin bran
lots of water

what do you think?

I'm waiting until my stomach feels better to start running and playing b-ball again.

I'm 5'11" and 210, I want to get back around 180-190.
God speed man, I had some gastrointestinal problem about a year ago and it was a pain. Feel better. Having said that, I think your diet is sufficient enough, perhaps you could add some carrots or sweet potatoes to add some orange into your life, which is beneficial for prostate cancer prevention, amongst many other illnesses. Try and get some spinach in there, too, so you get a real solid sufficient source of iron. I have a real favorite little pasta dish that would be a real treat for you because of how simple and fortifying it is: get yourself a short pasta and some spinach that you chop up into moderately small pieces and drizzle in some red pepper on top, which is also quite beneficial.
Originally Posted by badmoonRison

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

if u have to eat out, eat subway

Is this true? I've been going off of this too since i figured there were so many veggies involved

not really, there is other options instead cause for ex. if you get a the healthiest foot long from subway, you still get all those bread carbs which could be more than 100g and when you can just go to chipotle and get a burrito bowl with no rice, beans, extra meat and no cheese, no sour cream and get guacamole if you like it cause its healthy fat and get the tomatoes and get the other options that you like.. thats what i do.
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