Dime talks about NBA Live 10 features, and adds some new photos

Apr 7, 2002
I'm not a Live fan, but figured there's a small amount of people on here who play it.

I will admit I like the idea of the sneaker updates...

[h2]EA Sports NBA Live 10 Was Here[/h2]
By Dime Magazine


Very cool morning here at the Dime office - some of our good friends from EA Sports came through to show us where they are in the development of NBA Live 10.

We'll have a lot more on the game in the coming weeks, but we can tell you this: NBA Live 10 is very, very good, and is a definitely upgrade over last year's game.

Some details that we can talk about:

- The detail in the game is crazy, including kicks and tattoos. There are approximately 500 different sneakers in the game, so each player is in the actual kicks he'll be wearing in real life (including Dwyane Wade in some Jordans. And because the game will be updated online throughout the season, when, say LeBron switches kicks mid-season or for the playoffs, his kicks in the game will switch to reflect the change.
There are about 75 players who have their ink done down to the last detail (including the lips on Kenyon Martin's neck).


- All star players' pre-game rituals and ceremonies are in the game, from KG's chalk clap, to LeBron's chalk stuff, to D-Wade's pre-tipoff pullups on the rim.
- The level of intensity, crowd noise, etc. increases as your team moves through the playoffs and into the NBA Finals.

- Overall game play is much improved. General player movement is more smooth, the teams run the actual offenses that real squads employ, there's greater control of players in mid-air, and dives at the rim take into account collisions with defenders.
There's a ton more that we're either forgetting or can't talk about just yet, but we'll have a lot more for you starting next week.


Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

looks like a comic book

You sound like Bushido Brown. The better they make Live the better it makes 2K,so I'm all for improvement.
sneaker updates and player dna aren't enough to make me buy this game.
the gameplay has been doo-doo for like the past 5 years.
If the gameplay is as good as the presentation then Live will officially be back. I'm a 2K fan and even I admit that Electronic Arts is improving the Livefranchise. I keep telling my friends and some of you here on NT who are 2K fanboys that if 2K doesn't not continue to innovate in gameplay, presentationand overall fun factor that they are going to get left in the dust. 2K9 was terrible, I sold it after a month for Resistance 2. I never played Live 09 so Ican't judge that game.
Live got the accessories game on lock tho..but thats it!

Blue headband when cavs wore there alternate road jersey and dwights sleeve..little things like that..2k9 please!
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